Fox And Friends Poll says 73% of people think the benefits outweigh the costs.

The plan saves 320 BILLION per year, with a 10 year savings of $3.2 TRILLION.

Why do you hate saving money Jow Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Why do you hate saving money Jow Forums?

Because we need dem jobs.

> ER billing $2,000 for a 15 minute visit and bottle of ibuprofin
> cheaper than GP who is booked 2 months out

Sure thing buddy

Its my money and I dont want to give it to others.

Jow Forums, like most Americans, have been convinced that the way that gives Jews the most money is the best way, no matter how expensive or dangerous that way is.

It's the same reason why we're so fat and sick.

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Because then globalist corporations would have less money that they need to outsource and import Mexicans, and Jow Forums does not like that. After all what would happen to America without their BASED corporation?

You already do via health insurance and taxes moron. This saves you money.

If you have insurance you are already giving your money to ((them)) and the insurance jews.

This brings the money back to the people.

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Who do you think is paying when a homeless guy goes to the ER with a headache and gets an aspirin for $2,000?

He sure isn't, and the hospital doesn't just eat the cost.

Saving money is for losers you fucking idiot cock grabbing dick.

Saving is a meme in this debt based economy you Jewish rabbi .you should know this u God damn commie.

By saving you are losing 2% value a year through inflation, and that's losing value exponentially.

so you go out and you borrow money by keeping your cash flow positive. How?

You borrow money for yourself then turn around nd release bonds or stock option that way you still are in credit but not remain personally liable for debt, just your company.

Anyways don't like this way of getting by? Then stop fucking with the markets through "communism" like tactics and systems like single payer you fuck wad.

All it will do is further hurt people who just want to live and further make the rich richer as regulations like single payer will create barriers of entry so high no business will be able to compete and will lead to state controlled medicine seen in Venezuela you stupid 3rd world fuck face. Your mother is a stupid bitch loser.

>This brings the money back to the people.
And that is not a good thing for conservatives. Because then corporations would have less money, and that is not FUKIN BASED MAGA!

After all who is going to import third worlders?

If you don't pay off the Jews they will bring communism.

>tfw fox finally shows its true colors

Don't say you weren't warned!

Still can't cuck the Tuck, tho... He'd be much better on OAN, honestly.

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>tax cuts are free shit
you're not very good at this are you?

not stealing peoples money is nowhere close to "free" stuff.

If my family had to pay for disaster insurance based on our risk factors and lifestyle, it would be apprx $200 a month. Why can't we have that? I'm tired of paying for niggers, childless Boomer parasites and immigrants.

Govenrment spending did not go down after the tax cuts.

Who will pick up the bill? Surely not the BASED corporations, no. That would not be a very BASED thing, no no no. Mises institute told me that would make USA socialist and breadlines would appear instantly, and that is FUCKIN UNBASED

The tax cuts cost this country over $2.3 TRILLION. There are better uses for that money than letting the rich get richer.

Your only choices are between 75% commie and 100% commie, goy. Don't zoom out and look at the big picture.

What government run program has ever saved anybody any money? What government program would anybody consider to be well run?

I just read this kikery and it's so obvious why they are focusing on the 10 year period. The costs of the single payer plan are expected to rise exponentially after that time period. I swear to god socialists should all be publicly executed.

>This brings the money back to the people.
The people being, "the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free", not the people I care about, like my family.

Do you think you're convincing anyone with a fucking commie flag and screaming BASED at everything? You just look like a jackass.

>Fox and Frens poll says 73% of people think the benefits outweigh the costs.

> Jow Forums poll says that 82% of people are fundamentally retarded and don't know anything about anything, thus what they think about things should be disregarded.

we're just going to default, sucks for those poor jews who are going to lose their invested money.

Yesterday I tried to mail a book to the US through commi--- I mean Canada post. The quote the lady gave me was $28, then she had the gall to act surprised when I took it back. I'm selling it on ebay for $16

its nearly illegal to not have at least 1 form of insurance. kids have insurance that's either through parents or their public indoctrination office (school) or you have to have car insurance, or you have to have home owners insurance. so tell me another one about not having health insurance and how its some protest against the jews. you're an idiot.

this is the problem, if we have a bunch of drains on the system, people who didn't take care of themselves, well, thats a private matter for private individuals, its not the duty of civilization to protect the dumbest and weakest, any society that takes up that cause is doomed. hence why democrats think everyone is a retard who can't handle being an adult.

Why would anyone want free college?

This makes zero sense to me, if there is no fee then far more people will get the degrees and due to supply and demand they will become useless.

WTF? Don't fucking tell them.

If I can't get wagesleves to pay my bills I might have to purposely go to prison.

>You just look like a jackass.
And that is FUCKIN BASED! Are you triggered, you libkek?

lol no. It is going to be the poor people who will lose their retirement funds, their jobs...

Rich, BASED, people will kove their money out of the country once they sense things are going down the gutter.

And that is a good and FUCKIN BASED thing! MAGA LOCK HER UP MORE 6 YEARS

The hard reality is that at least 50% of the healthcare expenditures going on right now should not be. Some alcoholic piece of shit who's furiously pickling their liver should not be eligible for hospital care. In the case of Boomers, once they reach a certain point of ill health, their healthcare should be cut off as well. There's no reason to be doing back surgery on someone who's mildly demented. If they can pay with their own money, that's fine. If the kids want to liquidate the family house so they can pump $500,000 of medical care into someone who's 86 years old, that's fine with me. But it's absolutely evil to be forcing other people to waste money on their worthless lives. We're stealing bread out of the mouths of the next generation. It is simply evil.

You're a leaf. Get out.

Actual disaster insurance for anyone under 30 and healthy would be comparable to a cell phone bill. I would have no problem requiring that. The problem is they want young people to carry the burden for druggies, fatties, immigrants and Boomers.


who are these "Friends" that Fox has been hanging out with? This just proves that they are no good.

Yeah, i agree with you. Our healthcare system is the most FUCKIN BASED HOLY SHIT in the world. If only those UNBASED libkeks stopped being such a drain and stopped getting sick like omg, just don't get sick and you will be ok, got it?

does this mean I will be waiting for 6 months for a life saving medical procedure?

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>Hello, I'm a dickless coward that believes polls about me selling my country out.

The most obvious thing they always miss when crying for free college is the fact that its democrats/liberals running these colleges and raising tuition rates because they know the government will subsidize costs and give out loans for any amount. If they really wanted tuition costs to go down they should focus on the actual schools that choose to charge so much. Instead the more the government gets involved, the costs will keep going up because the schools know the government money will keep rolling in.

This, our healthcare system should stay in the hands of FUCKIN BASED nationalistic healthcare corporations and not on those libkeks globalists in the US Government.

80% of health problems stem from lifestyle.

Freak accident during labor/delivery, rarer forms of cancer, autoimmune diseases, recessive genetic disease you didn't know ran in your family popping up in your baby, birth defect that escaped ultrasound detection, freak physical accident like a bus driving through a light... that more or less covers conditions that aren't your fault. Even if you get fucked in the fattie genes department, that can still be treated by lifestyle.

Decoupling lifestyle from healthcare cost will bankrupt society.

The schools have to offer a bunch of services that were unheard of 100 years ago, like having 100 classes for highschool algebra, trying to teach nigger basketball players how to read and treating STDs and referring sluts to abortion services.

If college goes back to being for the top 10% smartest and unmotivated, the price would drop like a rock.

I see no proof that I personally will save any money at all.

This. If people just stopped being sick then insurance companies would be able to be even richer and have more money to do BASED stuff.

Like, what is the deal with all those libkeks who keep getting sick all the time? Why can't they just stay healthy like omg?

motivated* !

Post income info.

"OMG why won't you pay for my bullshit therapy and my toxoplasmosis because I have 20 rescue cats in my studio apartment shitting everywhere. P.S. Pay for my abortion, and I have prediabetes and carpel tunnel syndrome"

My income is 20 dollars per week that my mother gives to me. She is not BASED.

>Asking people if they think free healthcare (paid by someone else) is a good idea
fuck off shill

>be me
>have great career
>have great health insurance through my employer
>dont give a fuck about losers who wont do shit to improve their station in life
i dont care about losers getting sick or hurt

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Not to mention a 3000$ ambulance ride.

You're still getting assraped, unless you're a Boomer. Your private insurance subsidizes Boomer fatties and you're presumably paying taxes, so you're paying for medicare and medicaid.

i get mine
let the losers fight for crumbs

>/leftypol/ trying to push for nationalized healthcare so that our shitty corrupt government can steal from us more
socialist deserve the rope

>lol no. It is going to be the poor people who will lose their retirement funds, their jobs...
good luck with that.

no idea why a communist is defending billionaires but ok.

My fellow americans, here is the example of "Conservative Patriotism".
Got mine, fuck you.

Jesus would be ashamed.

Better to have ((them)) steal from you in the form of corporate jew insurance, right?

anything run by gummint saves you nothing.
faux news is still owned by murdoch & if you think you're getting any hint of truth, you're clueless.
look with your eyes & see with your brain...there's a business model in the medical mafia industrial complex.
the poor are being killed off via the afghani heroin/fentanyl.
the middle classes (think VA) are being killed off via big pharma/vaccines.
if you want to live long, it's best to take things into your own hands & fk the MIC.

>Medicare/Medicaid is shit and already almost requires a supplemental policy
let's add everyone to the medicare/Medicaid payout! What could go wrong?

So you would rather them steal from us in the public sector as well? Kill yourself, kike. Nationalized anything in America is giving directly to the jews.

Why? So you can link something to me I’ve already read? I don’t need to read more “estimates”, “guesses” and “mights” to know I don’t want to pay more in taxes. I wouldn’t even have health insurance if it wasn’t required by law here. (Its cheap either way)

jesus was a homeless bum that would be depending on me for gibs
fuck that loser


Better demolish those schools, fire departments, police stations, water systems and military branches then.

I'd rather the government be held accountable than some money hungry corporate jew.
At least the government has elections. Corporate-Care just denies your claim and tells you "too bad so sad".

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schools are brainwashing factories

Firehouses operate off of donations in most counties.

The rest is jewed to hell and back and cost us a lot more than it ever should

Kill yourself, kike. You are not getting your grubby rat claws on any more of my taxes.

doctors hate medicare because they have to wrangle the government to pay them
VA hospitals are awful places and have been for decades
>i'm sure THIS TIME it'll solve the healthcare problem, though!
break up the fucking AMA cartel which exists to protect doctor's salaries.
break up the insurance racket because it exists to just drive prices up, fucking jew vampires
you don't need 20 years in school to diagnose a broken bone!
and whatever happened to IBM's Dr. Watson program which was supposed to be rendering all these jokers who don't even know how to do anything besides whip out their prescription pad and prescribe opiods obsolete, anyway?

>The government is accountable
>Oops I didn't pay my mandated Insurance Tax!
>Oops I'm being arrested for not parking taxes!
>Oops now I'm a felon for tax evasion!
>Oops the IRS is liquidating my assets because I can't get a job and can't pay the fees!
kys shill

>doctors hate medicare because they have to wrangle the government to pay them

>Despite widespread claims that doctors are fleeing Medicare, more than 9 in 10 still accept new Medicare patients and fewer than 1 percent have quit the program.
>Overall, 87 percent of family medicine physicians are taking new Medicare patients, a bit lower than the 91 percent average among all docs. But among specialists, 99 percent of general surgeons and 98 percent of orthopedic surgeons take new Medicare patients compared to only about 63 percent of psychiatrists.

Saving money

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I was being ironic

>implying money funneled into the government actually comes back to the people
You're forgetting that this is America. A few politicians and lobbyists will just pocket the money and we'll get a barely functional system. We don't have the cohesion Europeans have to run a national healthcare system. Unless you absolutely hate a non-government entity having money, you're better off with lower taxes so you can actually afford things.

>semantics post
Kill yourself, kike. Of course doctors are going to take Medicare patients with how fucked insurance is. Doesnt make Medicare a good system.

I swear you kikes are so fucking desperate for more tax burdens. You don't think we know how you have your disgusting vampire claws in our tax coffers? Why would we allow you to steal more of our money?
The only tax increase America is getting in the future is to cover the gas chambers.

why do seemingly educated people push these ideas? Do they really hate our society so much that they want it to collapse all around them? They want the future of their children to be destroyed?

They are bought and paid for. Those people have no integrity.

>Govenrment spending did not go down after the tax cuts.
Yes I'm glad you understand. We need to cut social security and medicare before it's too late.

Because everyone knows Jesus wanted a huge nanny state instead of personal charity

Too right, corporations should bring in lots of low wage workers because making money is more important than anything else. Borders are just government slowing down the free market I tell you what.

Why are you surprised? Conservatives LARP about caring about the working class in every election and then stick a middle finger up at them as soon as it's over.

Insurance is the best way to make cancer treatments affordable to the poor. The whole industry needs to be deregulated. People should be allowed to contribute to neighborhood funds / good societies. We're not even fucking allowed to have neighborhood doctors to have Netflix-style GP plans. Where you pay $10/mo for your family and you can go see them whenever you want for free. And then there's the FDA complete fuck you to natural remedies.

And these people want the government to control our healthcare from A to Z.

Doctors used to be respected because it was understood a large minority of their patients were charity cases. Then they made a deal with the government devil to get paid for their charity...

"Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's"
Taxes have a purpose.

Big government and big corporations are one and the same. Only good goys demonize one and be an apologist for the other.

>have to book my appointments two months ahead if I break a bone
Yeah how the fuck about no

Too late for what?
Shouldn't the police force and firefighters budget be cut too, and how about the military for that matter? They're taking your tax money, sounds like communism to me.

Let's start big and deal with the small bills later.

Oh wow, I didn't realize Rome had socialized medicine!!!!! You really changed my mind! I'm sure it wasn't about Christians being in a death cult and not supposed to be involved in politics because baby Jesus is waiting for them in the next life

26“If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters — yes, even his own life — he cannot be My disciple.

We could totally do with cutting the military budget by telling NATO to fuck off and ending our military adventurism. But unfortunately due to the wonderful benefits of a two party system both the Democrats and Republicans LOVE war and wasting taxpayer money

This doesn't happen and you know it. Give me a source or you sir, are a liar.
If you have an emergency, you'll still be treated timely.
You act like the U.S. is fucking broke/retarded and can't handle this shit.

GIBS *clap* ME *clap* DAT *clap*

one thing you would get for sure is fuckhuge queues for obesity and diabetes treatments, but in the other hand your system would become extra gud at treating them

Lol that's how it works right now u mong I've been waiting to gastrolagyst for a month and I've still got two weeks left

It does happen.

My husband has been seeing a urologist for about a year and just now his surgery date is coming. They string your appointments out for months, don't respond to phone calls. It would have been longer if my husband hadn't physically walked into the office to ask what was going on.

I know for a fact the wait list for the single migraine specialist in Toronto is one year.

6 month wait for MRI

There are millions of rural Canadians who have no hope of getting a GP at all. It will get far worse as Boomers age.

That picture isn't wrong though. People who advocate for "affordable x" just want free things and they want the rich to pay for it.
Fuck the poor.

Op is retard if he thinks we will save money with a ((((((((Bernie Sanders))))))))) health care program. Already that plan would cost double our gdp, but if it includes abortions and all the preventable diseases which Americans neglect (obesity and cardiovascular diseases being the largest) we would have to disband the entire military, police, epa, and department of education just to barely cover the cost.

Not Gibs you fucking nignog.
It is paid via taxation.

>Brings the money back to them
It's taking smart people's money and giving it to niggers
Fuck that

>Needs to be put under for an above average boo boo

>There are millions of rural Canadians who have no hope of getting a GP at all.
It sounds like you could make a killing being a traveling doctor.

I can't believe that idiots still think this it. It won't just cost 33 trillion over 10 years; it's a 3 trillion dollar increase to the 3 trillion we already spend.

>Small bill

And i'm not talking about the size of the bill either, I'm talking about the principle. Why is it everyone gets all high and mighty about 'communism' when it's a social policy like healthcare but no one says having firefighters is commie or having a giant bloated military is 'commie' either. Why is it okay to spend taxes on some and not the others? It's all public money.