Name video games that are Jow Forums approved!

Some ideas are:
Any Strategy game by Paradox Interactive
The Elder Scrolls 2-3
The Witcher 1-3
Kingdom Come Deliverance
Ethnic Cleansing

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Rimworld with children and nazi uniforms mod to simulate a aryan colony.

Rise of Nations. Pretend to be America invading and pillaging for oil.

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Hatred, IS Defence, Ancestors.

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A Hat in Time, devs are based. Any Zelda game

That's hilarious, what game is this?

Fuck off xaekai

CK2, because you are able to drive back Islam and destroy it, mend the great schism, and ensure Protestants will never arrive in EU4. Hell, you could even just become the most powerful Merchant Republic of all time in order to help the big boys out while becoming overwhelmingly rich.

First is Europa Universalis IV, second is Crusader Kings 2. Both are by Paradox Interactive, Crusader Kings 2 is set on "dark" middle ages and focuses more on dynasties and individual characters, and Europa Universalis IV spans from renaissance to napoleonic era and is more about actual nation building and statesmanship.

Their DLC-practices are Jewish as hell, but great games once you get into them.

2 different games the bottom one is CK2 top is EU4 both made by paradox interactive


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Add on Postal 2

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Download (((Squad)))

I played this game when i was a kid. It was like dark souls basically.

Wargame Red Dragon
The chat in that game is basicly Jow Forums lite

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Post Scriptum is a Squad in WW2, very good game if you like tactical FPS genre

Have to agree with people recommending Rimworld and CK2, both are outstanding games, no doubt


Dr. Mario
Puyo Puyo
Any puzzle game that's actually just a game and not a walking simulator or movie.

>Any Strategy game by Paradox Interactive
Within a few weeks or so of release removed the mod in Stellaris that lets the human empires be European only. Anyone know a workaround?

I even have these from a humble bundle

Real answer is none, video games are degenerate as fuck.

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Just use a warhammer 40k human race mod instead, since they're only ever whites.

Dawn of war. For the emperor and all that

Post Scriptum looks fucking great. No crazy weapons, just good ole tactics.

Download it from somewhere that isn't Steam Workshop.

Any of the Red Orchestra /Rising Storm are basically Jow Forumstard blowing each other up

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>kara boga universalis
i still don't understand why they are so intent on ruining it for dozens of patches in a row

Cold Steel.

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And in another Paradox Game Victoria 2 you can genocide minorities if you’re country is facscist.

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That's anti piracy. They always fuck up the game in subtle but significant ways so that people always want the next patch. After some time of looking for cracked patches most people say fuck it.

ck2 is fantastic. hard to find lads to play with though.

Victoria 2

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add rimworld and xcom2. Great games too

>discovered the world
>decided they didn't like it
sides in orbit

It can be hard to become a stable fascist state though especially as a successful great power, as population starts really supporting fascism only if you have lost your core territories

Historical Total War games, particularly Attila

good site to download them? brought a few of them on steam and cant log in, don't want to buy them again.

Atilla is too slow
Rome 2 and Napoleon are better

>t. has 200 hours on atilla, bought all dlcs or
You'll need at least 3 adblocks though.
Remember your account information or don't buy next time.

I specifically pointed out attila simply because jews are a faction you can destroy in that game

Get a VPN, the government tracks everything you do online.

I know, change my password a while ago. but its linked up to my phone and was hoping it would text and I could sort it that way but they just send a code to log in.

>The Witcher 1-3
>cringey Polish shit
No thanks

Mount and Blade Warband.

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>t. Ukrainian

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bioshock infinite


I've been pirating games for as long as I've had an internet connection and I've never had any trouble over it. They go after the distributors, not people who pirate shit.

I wouldn't expert anything less, that's why I barely post, there laws here are pretty bad,

> Vicar could be preaching in church and someone could stand up and say its hate speach and at this moment in time there nothing procting what hes saying.

and this

>free market
>guns are a must-have
>on your own
>nature wants to kill you
>you can be everything from lawful good to chaotic evil
>no womyn
>no niggers

name a better game than this one
pro tip
you cannot

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Victoria 2

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it's so difficult read you



They focus on eliminating the cause, not the symptoms

this. despite it is made by turks it's still the most based game around (racism and redpillery is widespread in the multiplayer), and you should buy bannerlord once it comes out

Deus Ex
Metal Gear series

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>once it comes out

>They focus on eliminating the cause, not the symptoms
if only modern medicine would pick up that idea.


>playing warband
>calling people niggers for accidentally shooting you in the back
>calling people niggers for stealing your frags
>calling people niggers for running away from you

good times

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>no niggers
But doesn't it take place in Russia?

The sims. You can create numerous white families and make niggers and browns die on their own feces by trapping them within 4 walls lmao

The Twin Snakes is not a Hideo Kojima game.

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Fuck G*rmans

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But they're also the easiest faction to play, imo. Once you conquer Ethiopia you can just bum rush Alexandria, work your way up Anatolia, and then build your big doomstack armies for burning down the Sassanids.

Only the first Deus Ex. It's the most redpilled videogame in the world.

Based except it's a serious time-sink. I remember losing almost an entire month during the summer while getting into EU4 for the first time.

perhaps the same could be said about pretty much everything else

instead of inviting refugees, you could try to stabilize their countries
instead of feeding/giving gibs to the poor, the useless, the niggers and the homeless, you could create more jobs
instead of giving rights to the LGBT community, you could just classify them as the 'mentally sick' people

Nigger, download qbittorrent, go to /t/ and get Vidya there ffs

Ukraine, near the Belarusian border

lol'd. literally.

napoleonic wars?

Skyrim though casualized is a good white culture simulator, it actually made me realize I was missing something in my life.

If the government really wanted to track you, a regular VPN probably wouldn't work well. Just do shady shit on Tor and with good privacy practices.

Postal 2

Angry Goy.
It's quite literally Jow Forums - the sidescroller

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>still waiting on Bannerlords

it's never coming, is it?

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paradox are just Swedish jews now they used to be redpilled before they figured they could get goyim to pay hundreds on one game

Witcher books and games are communist propaganda tier shit.

Fallout 1-3 and Fallout: New Vegas.
NOT Fallout 4. Bethesda took a giant shit all over the franchise with this steaming pile of rat shit. They now market their games towards 13 year olds and faggots who have the attention span of a potato.

Elder Scrolls 5 is pretty based if you play as a Nord and join the Stormcloaks.

I'd recommend rapelay.
good wholesome entertainment.


Kikes mods will ban you. They hate my elder scroll vi threads

Native and the PW

Valiant Heart
Deus Ex series
Papers Please

>Angry Goy
just by googling the name I have to download it now

None of these games are dwarf fortress. Literally kill green shit skinned goblins and hippie elf's. Build grand fortresses. and its not a enough easy game to learn
(So that excludes all minorities from actually being able to play it).

Needs a remaster

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Post Scriptum, Red Orchestra and Rising Storm. Gotta love those unadulterated, authentic PTSD sims.

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DF, too in depth for normies. Absolutely Jow Forums approved.