Why are today's millennials so weak and scared of hard work?

Why are today's millennials so weak and scared of hard work?

I've noticed this is a huge problem in Europe as well

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Why won't employers provide fair wages or on the job training?

Because hard work in our society doesn't necessarily equate to living decently, let alone well.

Because it isn't worth it.


Because they don't have to

Making them do it is up to us

More like Skill & Slave Ethic

Mike Rowe: See it's easy to get a job. Everytime I show up with a camera crew and offer them cash and free promotions of their business, they let me do their shitty jobs! You just gotta pull yourselves up by your bootstraps like me!

Get of my lawn you damn skateboarders!

Do people still believe the rich are rich because of hard work? If you're born in a wealthy family you can literally just put all the money in a hedgefund and not lift a finger for the rest of your life and make more a year than a wagecuck will in a lifetime.

Because welfare and technology have bred dependency.

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> repeating what people in there 30s-40's have been saying about the youth for literally 1000 years.
wow. edgy.

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Mike rowe

Grew up upper middle class
Went to college on parents dime
Majored in "communications"
graduated, moved to san fran with boyfriend
did opera, plays and low end TV work
gets off on being around blue collar "real men", never worked an honest day in his life

The absolute naivety of the third point manages to make me mad every single time.

>Unless you break your back, it isn't "honest work"

>the boomer manifesto

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>If you don't shovel shit, it isn't "honest work"

They've been told their entire lives it's beneath them.

>Yes goy, don't bother trying to become a Lawyer, Doctor or Engineer.
>Don't bother trying to become a teacher or academic either
>We don't want you and your bad ideas becoming part of the intelligentsia, now do we?
>here goy, dig some ditches or go work in the sewer instead, it's just as good of a job!
This "dirty jobs" shit is probably the worst kike trick because Jow Forums actually falls for it

Trade skills pay fucking well and it's cheap to get training at your local community college. Go fuck yourself.

Lol classic millennial response. Apparently being an electrician being paid $30/hr is beneath them because they bought the "everyone should be a gender studies lawyer" meme.

Not unless you start a business

What's the point of working hard in this shit society? Nowadays you should work as hard as possible, but for yourself only. After I'm financially independent I'll never work another job in my life. Fuck this country and fuck this society. We owe it nothing.

K I K EP U D D I N GF A C E

An electrician is a skilled trade. Mike Rowe is glorifying unskilled shit-digging positions. It's a tactic to disempower whites and turn them into serf underclass labour. Don't fall for it.

because we are living in the most depressing toxic decadent world that dissempowers everyone instead of motivating them

ITT a bunch of tide pod eaters who never leave mom's house blame "boomers" for their inability to adapt to first world civilization and make a successful life for themselves.

While you whiny cunts waste the next 4 hours making excuses for yourself, I'll be working growing my business and building something for myself and my posterity.

>I deplore debt
t. never ran a business

Why would you risk your life savings when you can borrow money and default on Dr. Shekelsteins' fund in case things go south?

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Because commies made a shit ton of laws against child labor.

But own a farm, and it's just fine to make your kids work 10 hour days.

the G.O.Y.I.M pledge

>I believe that all people are created equal

What did he mean by this?

Their parents, their teachers, their counselors have all told them that hard work is for stupid, lesser intelligent people.

>Cant be caught being dumb

This. Reminds me of my store manager at GameStop a while back. Bill had this “strong work ethic”, lived 90 mins away from the store and worked 68 hours a week when he was only responsible for 40. I asked him why he did that and he said that it really impressed the district managers etc. and that they saw good things in Bill’s future. Bill’s store was closed and they didn’t rehire him. I think he works at Best Buy now

They've been brainwashed their whole lives by older generations that if they get a college degree, they shouldn't have to have to do hard work.
And now all of them have degrees.
If there is a problem with an entire generation, look to the generation that raised them for the cause, because they are the ones that fucked up.

They're simply not going to make it. Being a male is all about adapting. You need to adapt to this economy and job market, this is not your father or grandfathers economy. This is real shit.

>30 year old mini-boomer with upper-middle class roots
>"growing my business" aka posting on Jow Forums during business hours

See: Death Squared by John Calhoun.

>Be a millenial retard.
>Get tattoos, piercings, ear lobe stretching and body mods that make you look like a detestable freak.
>Tattoos won’t age well so you’ll really look like an idiot by the time your 30.
>But hey champ, you wanted that face tattoo!
>Be spoiled as a child by your idiot parent.
>Grow up lazy and entitled and expect everything to be given to you.
>Put in the lowest effort possible in every job you do.
>Never get a better job because you’re lazy and entitled.
>Believe in fairy tales like Bernie Sanders is gonna give you a free pony.
>Have no communication or social skills.
>Have a five minute attention span.
>Constantly checking your phone.
>You’re a self absorbed narcissistic creep.
>Low IQ because you couldn’t pay attention in school.
>Brain permanently damaged by the Ritalin you were given as a kid.
>Emotionally weak, sexually confused.
>Drug using deviants.
>Uninventive and uncreative.
>America will race to raise a better generation and millenials will soon be forgotten.

>it's like there's multiple time zones (8 am in CALI) and some people don't have set office hours or they work at a place which doesn't care/doesn't ban Jow Forums or they work from home

It's like you're a faggot.

It isn't worth it. That's the real answer.

>Shit job market
>Shit wage growth
>High cost of living
>Entry level job: 'We need at least 2-3 years of experience'
>Why work hard and pay taxes if it just goes no lazy niggers?
>Why work hard and pay taxes if it just goes to old lazy boomers who ruined the west?

Need i fucking go on? The west should just hurry up and die already, if we keep voting for shitty leaders then we deserve to die out - we have had plenty of chances to turn around.

lmao why are you trying to pass off an anecdote from Cum Town as your own experience

genuinely disturbing

Electrician is a dirty job you fucking retard. God damn millennials are fucking retarded.

>it's like yeah brah im grawing my t-shirt company

>life is hard!
>work is hard!
>It’s always someone else’s fault!
>The world should just die man!

Those nice hands are a sign that this faggot has never worked a day in his fucking life.

>community college
Lmao community college is for 3rd worlders to abuse student visas. You won't become a tradesman there

They wont though. These people will hang around longer than the boomers, and they'll do most of the raising of the next generations.

GRRR jobs while the children of my country are being raped by muslim niggers. You UK faggots are fucking dumb.

>lol I'm fucking retarded and can't research anything

Disillusion about the future.

No community colleges are much better than diversity universities.

I would love to exploit this guy at my firm.
What a complete idiot.

>community college is telling other people they're retarded
Stick to unclogging toilets, chief

If you want to waste your time and money go for it.
You are just going to get laughed at when you turn up at a job site calling yourself a tradesman

Millennial here, with a realtor and general contractor license. My own business, property, family, and guess what I'm mixed race. High school drop out from the ghetto. Most my old friends are either in jail or dead.

I was able to be successful because of my white skin. I left the ghetto and assimilated into the suburbs.

University has actual uses besides the diversity bullshit. Community college will teach you how to give a bad haircut and sell drugs

I'm not afraid of hard work, I just can't get a job where I can speak english anymore

It's a skilled trade that makes decent money. It's by no means a 'dirty job'

If you actually watch the show, he's glorifying unskilled and semi-skilled jobs that pay shit and have little career progression. It's a kike trick to encourage whites (especially right wing whites) to not pursue higher education and cede control of institutions that run the country.

Right-wingers seem fine to leave academia to be the province of leftists and then wonder why the youth are so indoctrinated and SJW.

That’s factually wrong. Millenials are already poised to be what’s called a forgotten generation. This happens often in America. Every few decades a generation just gets passed over. It’s happened a lot in our history.

And since millenials don’t want kids we don’t have to worry about them passing on their inferior genes.

>Shit wage growth
That's your fucking problem right there. You aren't entitled to a good wage. The role of a business is to make the owners, not the employees money.
You probably think the middle class is made of bank clerks, estate agents and nurses with a 5-year contract and a pension fund. It isn't. Since the 80s, the middle class is in fact sole traders and small business owners.
Only a quarter of registered companies in the UK employ someone. The vast majority are just individuals registering themselves as businesses to pay less tax.
Until you understand you will never be rich by working for other people, you will be forever a cuck.

Of course being a business means you don't get paid holidays and have to answer phone calls and emails while travelling to Greece for a short break. Things your generation are too fucking entitled to grasp. Stay poor and bitter.

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how did you conclude we have inferior genes due to the fact that boomers favored their first born over their second and third borns?

Why are Americans obsessed with making abbreviations out of absolutely everything?

Why should i get my hands dirty when i'm studying for years? I don't look down on people doing manual labour. Everyone has a place in society mine is white collar work

it annoys me too

Your life choices alone indicate a permanently dysfunctional group.

I actually used to feel sorry for millenials until I met so many of them and discovered that most are afflicted with at least one type of personality disorder.

>actual neo-cons on my Jow Forums
This is not ok

is that fucking mike row from dirty jobs

>strong and brave people work

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>That's your fucking problem right there. You aren't entitled to not be fucked over. The role of a business is to fuck you over and trick cucks like me into waggling my buttocks and imagining I could one day be the guy who fucks people over.

nobody better to preach to people about hard work than a fucking tv actor millionaire

Its like 50/50
The media only shows you the weak millennials because it fits their narrative


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omg its the womyn version. I fucked up.

Here in UK, the hunting animals are all dead, the trees, stones and rivers are ALL owned by some member of the gentry. There is no "hard work" left outside of urban contracts building shitty houses or doing some plumbing, farming is all conducted with machinery instead of labourers and is generally a toy-farm setup with many acres devoted to some 6 prime beef bovines. The kind of subsistence hard work a man needs is not even possible here. Most men have never felled or chopped wood for the fire, built even a small barn out of natural stone, made a fire, hunted and eaten an animal or fought a conflict with a rival. I was lucky to be born in the most backwardly rural part of the country and yet even I a peasant village gravedigger am now made redundant by a JCB with a polish man on it and they are building 500 new houses for niggers in a village with one tiny shop, a burstingly full school and no public services. This country is absolutely fucked for a man that even WANTS to break his hands on the soil. Young people aren't afraid of hard work, it's denied them, third-worlders have better access to natural space and resources than us.

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For number 10 on that list, what if your circumstance was to be abused mentally physically and sexually as a small child and suffer a lot of trauma from that? Was it my choice to do that then and suffer the consequences? I must have been a really promiscuous 2 year old.

or maybe you are being judgemental, sounds like you have the problem

I keked.

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Key here: Don't be like Bill.

>making me work hard is rape

But neo-cons are the opposite of that. They want large corporations holding the majority of the skilled workforce as wage slaves.
An economy with several small businesses is a lot more dynamic and equal than one with Pharaonic conglomerates.

>75% of registered companies don't even employ anyone
How exactly is that fucking people over? These are people making their own money. Do you think they owe you a livelihood?

That faggot is a literal model. He made his career camwhoring for fucks sake! The fuck he knows about life? Just because he spent a few hours in the sewer on his shit show hes an expert now?

I have been thinking that access to land is true freedom for a while now also.

Fuck that Dirty Jobs boomer Mike Rowe. Acts likr he's the champion of blue collar hard work when he lives a cushy tv star life style.

Boomer thinking:
>Merica #1 country eva!
>hard work always always means success and wealth
>rich people deserve to be rich, poor people deserve to be poor
>shut up and work
>dont complain
>retire at 50

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He's not full of shit, you guys are just lazy cunts.
I am 26 years old. I make 70K a year, and I own my own home.
When I was 17, I got my GED and joined the Army. Got a $20K signing bonus for going into a dangerous MOS. Did my 6 years, got out, used my GI bill to get my Bachelors RN in 2.5 years. I was able to hold on to my bonus and save another 20K and put 40K down on a 200K house.
All while you cunts were playing video games.
That's the difference.

There's a lot of that that is just nonsense.
> No such thing as a bad job
Bullshit. Fast food for instance is not a job worth anyone looking to improve themselves time. The fast food worker is much better off looking for a starting position in a warehouse, grocery store, or other industry with growth potential.
> All debt is bad
No. Just no. Debt is bad for poor people struggling, but on your way up, debt is fantastic. If you have a car payment that charges you 5% interest, and a mutual fund that is paying you 10%, you are much better off making the minimum payments and investing any money you'd put towards the loan principal into the mutual fund.

The S.L.A.V.E pledge.

Holy shit were you a truck driver lol?

LOL I was, 88M

>Do you think they owe you a livelihood?
Yes, they 200% owe their employees a livelihood, and a good one at that. And if they refuse to pay their fair share, if they prefer to stuff their faces while the whole world goes to shit, that's what taxes are for

Cause mommy and daddy have told them their whole life hard work is for losers who don't make it through four years of college. They literally believe they are failures if they have to work.

The G.O.Y.I.M Pledge

He said in a podcast that at least 40 of the people featured in the show were pulling 7 figures. The isolated locations and harsh conditions drive wages up, simply because if it didn't pay a lot, people would just fuck off to walmart for an easier job at the same wages.

because they aren't allowed to do shit jobs as preteens and teens...the crap jobs that actually teach people how to work
preteens used to babysit and do yard work for pocket money....now there are laws and regulations that make it easier and cheaper to just hire an illegal for that work...hell, it's against the law for a 10 year old to babysit in most states...yet that's how old the kids in the baby-sitters club books were when they started....
teens have to get permission from their school in order to work, as well...hours allowed are based on GPA...so kids who do shitty in school aren't even allowed to try their hand at shitty fast food or housekeeping work and even if they were allowed? those jobs are taken by illegals who are bilingual....same with all the basic shit jobs that kids would get just after high school: construction jobs, factory jobs, farm jobs, service industry jobs....all are filled with illegals because we regulated kids out of taking crap jobs and the illegals are bilingual and have experience....

Highschool dropout, working my ass off and loving every minute.

>milennials wants cushy well-paid jobs that won't make them criple by the age of 35 when they get replaced anyway by robots
>fucking effeminate manbabies ! how dare they !

Good for you faggot

Well thats ok, children always rebel against their parents. These millenial faggots will be eternal crybabies who think getting a participation medal is an achievement, they will never adapt to the real world. They will go down as the worst generation bar none.

No, no they fucking don't. And good employees, that work for good employers, get treated well. I've been treated very well by my employer, I started as a 20 year old kid who didn't know how to use a pallet jack getting $350/wk for 60+ hour weeks. Now I handle logistics for some of the biggest names in e-commerce, make just shy of 50K salary and rarely work a minute over 40 hours, and my employer is paying for 100% of my education costs. Show up on time, work hard, don't suck, and take ownership of every situation possible.