Be Sweden

>be Sweden
>keep your priceless Royal Crowns and Regalia in a shitty glass box in a church
>some random dudes in a busted little motorboat steal them and sail off
>Swedish police mobilize their entire land, sea and air forces
>Perpetrators get away
forever cucked

Attached: middleman.jpg (754x1005, 78K)

Here is some of the stolen items

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Swedish "kings" are not even noble.

Bernadot was a Napoleon general, who later betrayed him. Nation of traitors.

Does it mean Sweden has a new king?

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seems fitting since Swedes have had their country stolen out from underneath them too

you mean KANG

Sweden is too far gone to save but it will be something silly like this that sparks the Saxon. Rape and maim my ten year old daughter? That's fine, we're not rayciss. Delay my niggerball game? That's it Mohammed, you're done

Sweden is real? wtf

isn't their nobility born out of the betrayal of the Kalmar Union in the first place

Whats your take on the upcoming portland conflict on aug 4th?

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