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Other urls found in this thread:

>It's hot in the summer

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>death valley
What's new?

>hillary to executive produce TV drama with (((spielberg)))

Hol up

we have been recording temps for close to 100 years. It's NEVER been hotter in the millions of years life has been present. Science is settled, buy carbon offsets pay for the carbon tax so we can "build" windfarms in africa and india. SAGE.

>Global cooling
>Global warming
>Climate change

What kind of propaganda is Hilliary spinning with Spielberg tho?

>Oh shit
>global warming must be real.
>please take my money and rape my girlfriend

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>be libtard
>it's hot outside in middle of summer

It's been in the middle 70s in my area for a month now. Some places are hot sometimes, cold sometimes. Didn't they change it to like temperature displacement or some other stupid term because people called them on their bullshit?

This. What I will say is that we need to be good stewards of the environment. I don't want the ocean to be polluted with plastics or all the rainforests to be clean-cut. Destroying natural resources will have lasting impacts.

Now add more cars and visitors to death valley plus move the weather station to the middle of a parking lot with car windshelds reflected on it at a new larger visistor center.

It seems NOAA has 'de-modernized' the official Death Valley station to use older equipment to make a record more likely

wonder what happened if ann coulter ran for president and won first female president. lmao that would be ep8ic

Will there be actual baby raping and satanic Jew rituals on this show?

It seems the media and the alarmists are cheering on the possibility of an all-time temperature record in Death Valley. There’s lots of hullabaloo over the supposedly tied all time temperature record of 117°F in Las Vegas yesterday, which turned out to be false, but was tied today. And there has been lots of news on the potential for a new all-time temperature record in Death Valley, which would negate the all time world record of 134°F on July 10th, 1913, since the previous world record in Libya of 136.4°F (58°C) was recently said to be unreliable due to it being measured over asphalt and having an untrained observer.

And what do you think that does? We hardly affect the amount of co2 in the atmosphere and there has been higher levels during ice ages.

>Whites are genetically distinct from blacks, the science proves it!
>Global warming isn't real the science is all fake!

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>being so cucked by mainstream binary politics that you deny that unchecked consumption is having a catastrophic effect on the planet

Keep buying those sneakers and cell phones. Who cares if the entire biosphere is a wasteland of sludge and plastic in two generations.

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> The official highest recorded temperature is now 56.7°C (134°F), which was measured on 10 July 1913 at Greenland Ranch, Death Valley, California, USA.

Must have been all them cars on the roads back in 1913 that did it, amirite?

there is no man made hole in the ozone that was junk science to push an agenda. we kinda need co2 it makes plants grow it's also at the lowest levels ever recorded. Here is how they manipulate the numbers at death valley they do the same thing in Los Angeles at their weather reporting sites.

The sun has increased its intensity. That’s why the polar ice caps are melting on Mars.

Anthropogenic global warming is a pseudoscientific religious cult.

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This. People need to stop being so gullible.

that number is not considered reliable

It's not science anymore it's cultural Marxism.

When there are record low temps is climate change. So either way the temp goes that are right.

PS; How is giving billions to AL GORE going to solve any problem? Giant fucking scam.

>We hardly affect the amount of co2 in the atmosphere
You missed the point. The carbon cycle is pretty even and our pollution is tipping the scales to the point that CO2 levels are going up now rather than undulating.

You're talking about weather, not climate
See how that turns around on you?

>100% of phrenologists, alchemists, and astrologers agreed on the legitimacy of their science

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By you, because it doesn't say what you want it to say.

There's no correlation whatsoever between CO2 and temperature historically. Other factors have a much greater impact.

100% of the Soviet Union agreed that Lamarck was right and Darwin was wrong.

They even starved themselves to death trying to prove it.

Sahara desert sand is fucking us in south texas right now

There is climate change it just depends on how much humans influence it. Which i am doubting a bit as I've read many different things on the subject such as the solar rays/sun being the problem to volcano's are more active under Antarctica causing the ice to melt. Really though I think we should be moving towards electric/solar/wind/nuclear asap but we shouldn't stop using gas until we find a synthetic substitute for it. If the white homelands were actually ethnostates we'd probably have all of this already without all the bickering about the science.

You also must remember we have a huge group of t_d tier retards that think anything that is on left is wrong. I've had to many occasions where these people don't understand what national socialism is or equate it to fascism.

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Climate scientists, actually. Why don't you read before you parrot anonymous posts.
Atmospheric CO2 impacts temperatures. This is a known fact. I'm not going to argue with you about truths if you're just going to blindly deny them.

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>please tax me and my children to death

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Personally I think that the best route is gas myself and making coal cleaner as well as getting the developing world off heavily polluting forms of energy and industry.

Except you're not THE AUTHORITY, so you're not allowed to say that. Whereas ${rando climate shitposter} is THE AUTHORITY, and you must therefore obey.

If only all liberals actually did what they say everyone else should do.

The science behind IQ is highly replicated and studied. The science behind global warming (now called global climate change), used to call for a new global ice age less than 100 years ago and the results that started this whole moral panic are unable to be replicated.

He's right and your 97% bullshit is a lie made up by a cartoonist. The authors of the thousands of studies he said agreed with him spoke out and said he lied.

So everyone is lying? You can look up those 7 studies. We've got repeating results. Stop denying facts here.

It's based on a book

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Read the sticky, you have been reported.

Man made climate change is the greatest hoax of the 20th century. Just follow the money and policy created to advertise and combat climate change. Who paid the scientist's to agree climate change is real and what are their credentials as scientist's.

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You ever realize that there is a multi billion dollar industry that has a whole lot more to lose than some PhDs at Universities. Are you going to deny that big oil is not even remotely invested in suppressing facts because it would hurt their profits? You sound like some t_d boomer

The cartoonist that made the claim is a liar along with every paid off democrat. The climatologists were lied about and misrepresented.

We need to be finding substitutes for our own kind not helping the non-white hordes with there energy issue. Most of them if we left them alone would never be able to even figure out how to use coal or oil.

The problem with citing consensus is that a lot of that is influenced by scientists being demonized by people who are ideologically driven. This applies to all of racial sciences or studies done on the difference of sex (female/male differences). It would be like me giving you a consensus of all the scientist employed by the big kike oil companies. This is a major issue I have with any kind of science coming out of this subject. Its really fucking sad that leftist have gone to the extreme and the right (specially neocons) trying to turn this into a political issue. I honestly believe that most normal people would agree that we need to have a clean environment. I know most white people on the right wouldn't want to hunt/fish/hike in a polluted shithole.

>It's a hotter summer then last year

>and you must therefore obey
yeah.....I've never been very good at being an organ grinder's monkey

You're denying evidence in front of you. There have been repeated results and they keep getting the same result. Stop being dense user its settled on that matter.

>Personally I think that the best route is gas myself
joo think so?

So would biologists queried about evolution not be scrutinized over demonization of creationism? It seems more like we're getting bombarded with FUD by people who have every reason to discredit where the facts are coming from since they can't refute them.

>We've got repeating results.
but with flawed data, it doesn't matter
shit in, shit out

>but with flawed data
Says who?

Interesting idea.


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no such thing as settled science
Using consensus instead of continued scrutiny is how you try to pass off bullshit
That's how people got to think they can choose genders.

thats obviously a staged photo, nice false flag hippy

FUD is not an argument.

climate change is obviously your religion I cannot change your mind with facts.

The people that made up the simulations do not have all the variables. That is evidenced by all the new sources and info they have added over the years.
Incomplete data is just a guess.
Garbage results

Yes it is but throwing away billions of dollars on restrictions and limiting growth won't solve it, it's already too late by every estimation there is. The only thing that will save us is technology.

Prevention isn't an option anymore. What we need to do is spend that money on advancing tech and looking into how we can save ourselves if the polar caps melt completely and the earth floods.

Because you lack any facts to begin with and trying to cope. I'm open for your facts.
So no facts but rather asspull conjecture by you. Great source pal.

scrutiny is not FUD you moron
You really think science is FUD?


You're the one denying evidence
>Global Warming Alarmists Caught Doctoring '97-Percent Consensus' Claims
>The claim of a 97% consensus on global warming does not stand up
>97% Study Falsely Classifies Scientists' Papers, according to the scientists that published them
>Vostok ice core data shows temperatures rising without CO2 rising

Consensus is not evidence. There once was violent consensus that the earth was at the center of the solar system, but that didn't make it true.

>asspull conjecture by the "settled science" group.
You really don't like having your reasoning question, do you

>millions of years life has been present
Is this what it looks like when a bible thumper tries to blend in?

The Ozone Hole Was Super Scary, So What Happened To It?
These days, scientists understand a lot more about the ozone hole. They know that it’s a seasonal phenomenon that forms during Antarctica’s spring, when weather heats up and reactions between CFCs and ozone increase. As weather cools during Antarctic winter, the hole gradually recovers until next year.

>So would biologists queried about evolution not be scrutinized over demonization of creationism?
Creationism is much different as most of what creationist believe is created on faith alone or interpretations of the bible itself (using the bible to justify something). Where as with lets say solar radiation and the movement of our magnetic poles weakening our defense against cosmic rays has repeatable proof coming straight out of places like NASA.
>where the facts are coming from since they can't refute them.
The same can be said about the scientific community as there are alternative energy lobbies and international corporations that will profit off alt-energy. The major problem is leftist and the majority of republicans both have created a political issue out this garbage.

And now hes been outed/found out as a pedophile...hmmmm

Your false god AL gore needs more money for jet fuel so he can fly around the world to sell carbon credits. Global warming the religion of the Left.

Thats not exactly true some third world shithole started using CFC's again and the ozone hole was opening over that region because those fucking retards.

Your scrutiny is just conjecture and not solidly based on anything, thus is it FUD
Once again, meaningless FUD. You have zero argument aside from trying to cast doubt.
The 97% consensus on global warming
What has global warming done since 1998?
Is CO2 a pollutant?
Not an argument.

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>can’t trust those evil scientists because of all that dirty alternative energy money
>the ones commissioned by oil companies are fine though
the absolute state

>it's hot during the summer in a desert!
>Therefore you must give up all your freedoms to the government, give the government even more power and give even more of your money to the government.
Why oh why do we deny global warming?

>1 post by this ID
Imagine that.

Dude the fucking scientists said their reports were lied about and misrepresented. You're a fucking retard who believes the world will literally end if we don't give away all of our money and sovereignty.

I hope your doing your part to save the earth. Don't have kids overpopulation, Now take in millions of migrants because you need them to work because you didn't have kids. They each have 8 and don't give a fuck about your climate change. How does it feel to see your world of science and recycling get destroyed in your lifetime.

You misunderstood what i was saying. I was saying that both are a problem as in my other post i explained that both people have reasons to lie about data. Its hard to sift through the garbage. In all honestly we could have had all of this fixed if the leftist like al gore didn't turn this into a political issue as stated before. This is not a political issue it is a scientific one just like it is with racial realism. Racial realism is a perfect example of the cover up and lies created by leftist and even the right to hide the truth about race. Are you telling me you actually believe the consensus about race that you are TOLD?

Again the results have been repeated time and time again. These other studies never seem to be scrutinized. We keep getting the same results. Maybe its because there really is a consensus.
Once again not an argument.

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It's so obvious man, how do they even say it's not real

>6 million jews died.
>that wasn't real communism
>Never forget the 11.3 million.
>Holodomor was grossly overinflated
>Possibly 20 million jews!
>You need population replacement to offset overpopulation.

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it’s not hard to sift through the bullshit unless you think the entire scientific community is involved in a conspiracy

OP: "Local warming is global warming, now I'm off to give Al Gore all of my money and a bj to top it off."

(((consensus))) leftests jews (((professors))) agree that their facts are right in their echo chamber. It's been proven they manipulate the facts to create their science.

>snowing in places in the southern hemisphere it's never snowed before
>arctic ice cap was growing in thickness since the beginning of July
>it's hot in the northern hemisphere during summer

Oh noooo, that sucks!

>its settled on that matter
Obama and the Pope said so.

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I'm all for reducing plastics and using cars that run on water, just don't bankrupt me in the process.

>Because you lack any facts to begin with and trying to cope. I'm open for your facts.
Psychologizing your opponent eh?
Classic projection of an incel gamma loser that has so little going on in his life he has to shill for scientists who want more funding.

All that science pussy is waiting for you, user.

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I don't know the entire scientific community and like I've said in a previous post there are many scientist who have came out with loads of evidence stating that human impact is minimal or non-existent. A good example of this is the fact that using NASA's own data the poles are shifting faster then they ever have before. Are humans impacting the polar shift?
How about the fact that the earth is moving out of the interstellar cloud that has shielded us. I mean come on I'm not saying that climate change isnt human made but I am saying that there is other real science saying its possibly other reasons.
How about these volcanos? Is it possible that these volcanos affecting ice growth?


>an exhaustive analysis published Monday has determined the record is not legitimate. The temperature reported was “essentially not possible from a meteorological perspective,” according to geographer and climatologist William T. Reid, who conducted the analysis, and Christopher Burt, an expert on weather extreme, who assisted Reid. Reid and Burt conclude the weather observer erred in taking the measurement, officially logged at Greenland Ranch at Furnace Creek in Death Valley on July 10, 1913.

>In 2012, the World Meteorological Organization invalidated the previous world temperature record of 136.4 degrees from El Azizia in Libya from 1922. Thirteen scientists from nine countries conducted a review of the Libyan reading which uncovered five fundamental problems with the temperature measurement.

>If the Death Valley reading from 1913 were also invalidated, the location would still hold at least a share of the record for the hottest temperature ever “reliably measured” according to Burt. On June 30, 2013, Death Valley soared to 129.2 degrees. Burt says the only other location which has posted a credible reading this hot is Mitribah, Kuwait, which also hit 129.2 degrees on July 21 in the summer

I'm not sure it's real, but if it is, I can only gain from it. I live next to the great lakes. My winter wonderland will become a tropical paradise.
