Jow Forums BTFO!!

Jow Forums BTFO!!

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"Medicare for all" is code for "niggers only". There's no way they would ever give gibs to white people. We're the ones that have to subsidize that shit.

>ITT panicked sick boomers dying of old age

>Muh brown people stealing my money

When will stormfags drop this? The majority of people dying and/or suffering from expensive medical care costs are white.

Literally nobody else is a net contributor to the tax system.

>"Medicare for all" is code for "niggers only".
That's a really stupid lie and clearly disproved to about 80% of Americans just by lived experience. The problem with your little gated communities is that not everyone got to live in them while you turned their homes to shit.

white people already get the most gibs you dumb fuck. vast majority of welfare goes to whites, vast majority ebt goes to whites. vast majority of disability goes to whites.

The majority of elderly are white because this country was nearly 90% white in the middle of the 20th century you dipshit.

Whites have never cared about whites. That's the sad truth. Whites are basically just the adopted children of the jew. They only care about money.

is there enough money in the world to pay for this?

>this random flood of people who think gibs arent for niggers

It's less than we would be paying anyway. That's the problem for the wrong wing. They can't debate that.

Hey retard, white people are still barely a majority and use less welfare per capita, you know, as a function of their proportion of the population. That will probably go over your head. Only the minority of "asians" wealthy Indian imports included, are slightly better.

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Most whites aren't millionaires either.

>all these leftypol shills trying to convince people socialism is cool
desu I support it, only because it'll collapse the country and then we can have a good old fashioned war and purge.

otherwise fake and gay

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>Per capita
So fuck everyone that does, right? I mean if they didn't want to die on the street, they should have inherited their own wealth, amirite?

Most of any group aren't millionaires you room temperature IQ mong.

Wow, you suck at math and logic.

/wrongypol/ isn't even socialist. They're brocialist at best and most of them are just the same shitposters as here. They don't actually give a fuck about socialism or causes. They're just white middle class edgelords. Just like nu/shit/ or the_Cancer. It's all the same people.

I don't get it?

Isn't the annual GDP 18.5 trillion a year and the US total government revenue being approximately 6 trillion?

How is he going to afford this?

Pic unrelated

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I do agree we should completely cut medicare though - to the old.

This. Always good for a chuckle when leftists point at how much red states take in welfare, nevermind how much of what's available is because of white people.

Sweet fallacy bro. Real big brain stuff here. It truly is too much to ask that people support themselves and their families instead of picking each others' pockets.

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And? You don't want to help those whites?

Maybe parents should strive to provide their kids with a decent quality of life before deciding to have any.

That's changing. All these mud people playing tribal identity politics has woken up a lot of white people. I've never seen so many whites racially aware, and aware of their immanent doom as a race unless something is changed.

I don't care. The shilling is obvious.

Raise the taxes of course.

There's no option to only help them. The only way forward is to end the welfare system one way or another.

>Leftist spam bots raid a Twitter straw poll!
Surely you've defeated Trump this time.

And if someone dug up something that said jews contribute more in taxes per capita, I'm sure then per capita wouldn't matter anymore, right?

Wrongists are always the same. You don't actually believe in anything but gibs, then project it onto others. Any argument you think will get you what you want is the one you use. You're too stupid to even grasp the concept of hypocrisy.

Maybe we should have a 100% inheritance tax so EVERYONE has to work for their wealth.

>$32.6 trllion
>debt at 21 trillion from 1790 to today
>we should just more than double it to give the worthless 38% lazy fucks free pills, weed cards, bolt on titties
i fucking hate all forms of commies so goddamn much

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jesus fuck these people are insane

>Would the benefits outweigh the costs?
>Yes! says the people that will not bear any of the cost.
gay and sage

>some fagbook poll shared to a commie group was raided by faggots
so fucking what?

sorry, tweeter

Maybe my math is off here, but if there are 320 million people in the US, wouldn't 32 trillion be equivalent to giving every single person $100,000?

Who would choose this over 100k?

i strongly encourage any /poltard , to get the fuck out of any state that tries this. Unless your poor then milk the fuck out of it.

>unscientific, internet poll on a liberal website
Really? that's the best you have?

>When will stormfags drop this?
Oh look. You're anti-White as well.

>All these mud people playing tribal identity politics has woken up a lot of white people
Donald Trump. Bundy Terrorists. Manifest Destiny. Whites have always played that game. You're just mad when people fight back.

t. Liberals that don't actually work

>Not being racist

please kys

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Suddenly you care about costs? Who's paying for the wall and military budget increase?

Wow, you suck at math and logic.

>$700 billion to maintain US hegemony
>$32 TRILLION for shitty healthcare for shitskins, faggots and druggies
Both are bullshit but it's clear which is less.

What's another $32.6 trillion when you can print money infinitely anyway?

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Shit on board culture more, why don’t you? Fucking newfag immigrant piece of shit.

fox viewerbase is too old to be on twitter.

boomers already have medicare, they dont need the 'for all' part

>all the racebaiting ITT just to avoid saving money

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>Maybe we should have a 100% inheritance tax so EVERYONE has to work for their wealth.
Fuck outta here, you dumb commie piece of shit. Most people are motivated by exactly providing a good future for their children and you just want to take that away from them like the good little commie subhuman that you are. God, I hope war comes one day, so I can torture you worthless, useless parasites.

this but unironically

>believing the koch brothers


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>$32.6 trillion
US GDP: $19.39 trillion
Where the fuck is all the money coming from?

FOX viewers are Consistently Misinformed.

We currently pay 37 trillion for healthcare. Hence Bernies 32.6 trillion single payer plan is cheaper, and insures more people. Why you lyin?

>white people already get the most gibs you dumb fuck.

lol idiot.

Over ten years

>Bundy Terrorists
They were heros and acquitted on all charges.

False, 32 trillion is much more.

the Koch Brothers are vehemently against single-payer

No that would be you.

No way.

Yes random people on twitter with absolutely no understanding of economics are a great reference.

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Again, as I said
>believing the koch brothers

i love this

so all the billions they've poured into anti-single payer candidates, legislation, messaging.... it's all a trick to get the opposite?

Why does Jow Forums believe some random figure just because the tweet says "new study"?
Where is this "new study"?

What if I say it will cost 99 billion trillion?

actually It wouldn't save money.

as are most people. It would be a disaster.

tbf I don't think gibs should be handed out to anyone

>People want free shit.

Yeah, no kidding. And people's appetite for free shit ensures that the shit disappears.

Start giving away free Rolls Royces. Find out how fast all of the Rolls Royces disappear.

Jesus Christ, take off the ancap flag you totalitarian fuck

This can't be right
>$32.6 Trillion
>approx 350million Americans
That works out to about $93,000 per person
This can't be right.

that's some solid science you got there.

who did they poll? a bunch of lefties on twitter? my shock a bunch of arm chair bullshit artist socialists think free shit is good, now they can all go get fucking jobs and stop being worthless, then they'll realize the actual worth of their time and energies.

Medicare is supposed to go bankrupt in 2026....

Let's put everyone on it!

that's still over 2.5 trillion a year, it's just not possible.

Over ten years

>intentionally using the wrong flag to get you echochamber idiots to read the truth
works every time

you idiot the 37 trillion includes all healthcare industry spending from cosmetic and up. Its also spread around to everyone and everything. It would be a disaster to have the gubment pay for it. You don't understand the basic fundamentals of this system.

>I was just pretending to be retarded

the medpack is correct, moor. Institutionalizing anti-family taxes and measures is an affront to the best system of morality that exists.

>Whites have never cared about whites.
*American whites have never cared about anyone, white, brown, American or foreign

Due to the history of the US revolution and foundation it's ingrained in your psyche to always place yourself before anyone else, even family or society at large even if you'd personally benefit more in the long run.

15% more of gdp under government is way less than many euro countries. You’re right that it will monumentally change the structure of our economy, though.

what truth? That single payer would cost 2.5 trillion a year? More than the entire budget combined?

Typical pretentious Europoors. European history is bathed in the blood of other Euros. Don't forget who backstabbed Byzantium and gave it to the muslims.

3.26 trillion a year to be more accurate

There aren't enough taxes to pay for it. You would have to double taxes on just about everyone to pay for it.

Good thing sweden is there to care about every nigger in the world to balance things out.

doesn't come naturally to everyone

>reduces costs and boosts wages
quote whatever digits you want, can't change this.

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The day that becomes a reality is the day I stop paying taxes

>reduces costs and boosts wages
Just how would trillions more in taxes do that?

single payer for a country of 350million does not seem possible
we would need to completely abandon our world policing role
we would need to completely restructure the economy and, desu, we would need to fire up the gas chambers and ovens
welfare niggers with fifty fucking mouth-breathing retard babies have no place in that sort of future

Who cares? Even if it wasn't botted, 73% of the population cannot take away my liberty.

When they would tar and feather a Loyalist they would first heat the tar then strip the Loyalist naked in public where they would pour the hot tar on the victim’s head, shoulders, chest and back. The victim was then covered in feathers on these tar soaked areas. The Patriots would then placed in a cart and shown around the streets for all the townspeople to see what happens when your political beliefs support the British government.

>US Debt in 2017
>$19.9 trillion
That's more than the debt we have.

>white privilege is real
>don't qualify for social benefits
checkmate, socialists

Please show your source to this fucking insanely stupid claim