Why is this retarded larp shilled so hard?

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Q is pretty much the ultimate shill job at this point. Are you even paying attention? Anyone who wished to shill in the future will consider Q to be a god.

I honestly don't know it was just some drunk perusing of /pol late at night with two friends of mine who were legislative aids for the State Department. idek why you guys have bought our shit for this long lmao...We just know a lot of DC people.

Q started as a LARP on Jow Forums, and an obvious one. Stated that Clinton, Podesta, etc. had been arrested and let free with ankle bracelets. It was a fun LARP on Jow Forums for a bit then kinda went on too long, was never near correct, and attracted a shit audience, so it was banned. Then after that Q started typing cryptic, nonsensical, word salad poems and his cancer of followers kept trying to piece the "breadcrumbs" together. What's funny is back then even the followers were skeptical, asking for arrests soon or they would be done. Now, his gang of retards doesn't even expect arrests, or anything really other than for Trump to kinda point at one of the 2000 Qniggers who show up to rallies. Q has had a "this month is the month" shtick going on for about 4 months straight. I wonder when he'll pivot personalities again, or when it will just end.


>legislative boss for the State Department

Hey, get off Jow Forums! I think your boss needs you to go over to the Starbucks down the street. Wouldn't want to lose your summer internship, would you?

Why is this anti-Q shilled so hard?

Ask Trump, he knows.

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look at the catalog
half of it is licking that nigger's ass