If whites have 10-15x the wealth of blacks, you would statistically expect much more crime from blacks than is found

If whites have 10-15x the wealth of blacks, you would statistically expect much more crime from blacks than is found.

This fact suggests blacks have a low propensity toward committing crime and are the racial group least likely to commit any crime.

Why does no body talk about this? Even blacks...?

The homocide rate in the us of blacks, based on their net worth should be 20- 800x larger.

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Why do you presuppose that poverty causes crime?

Blacks already commit more than half of the crime in the US.
What more do you want?

Similarly, when comparing the wealth of white northern western european nations to the blacks of southern europe we also find a similar paradoxical relationship.

The peasant farming nations of Spain and Italy do indeed have higher rates of rape and murder, particularly gang rapes and narco trafficking, however the net worth adjusted to USD and compared to the industrialised German and British nations suggests that crime ought to be 40- 600x depending on type of crime greater.

Yet it isn't. Perhaps some protective factors have been overlooked.

Look at the gooks in Vietnam, they are way more poor than American niggers and they don't behave like chimps.

In Finland statistics that are socio-economically corrected state that Africans in Finland are still more criminal. You're wrong.

Virtually all "crime" is economic or derivative thereof. The scientific literature is well established and the models and variables have been stable since records began.

Someone post the info graphic comparing the poorest white county in West Virginia to one of the richest black counties, black crime rate still higher over all.

Then the model would need adjusting...since if it is accepted in the conclusion that the crime is economic then the modulating formula must be incorrect if the out put isn't flat

Because anyone who wrongthinks the correlation between race and crime is told from childhood that socioeconomics are the root cause, without providing any evidence. Protip: There is no evidence of this, nationally or internationally.

This. Black crime has more to do with their isolated violent culture than poverty.

Poverty certainly factors in, but when you control for it blacks still commit disproportionate levels of crime compared to whites. Blame a culture of taking pride in a lack of education and being quick to violence.

It goes beyond that even. Blacks and Hispanics adopted and raised from birth in the upper socioeconomic strata still have a higher propensity for criminal behavior than their white and Asian counterparts. It's genetic.

Very easy to keep the existence of niggers when you run on gibs for all, especially if you poor.

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The richest niggers still have a higher crime rate than the poorest whites.

Poverty cause crime narrative = BTFO.


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>blacks have a low propensity toward committing crime and are the racial group least likely to commit any crime.

Fascinating theory. Any citations for this?

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>The scientific literature is well established
Citation needed.

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This thread is too stupid to warrant any replies


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The statistics about black crime are all propaganda. Whites commit just as much crimes

holy shit, top decile hispanic master race

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Link a source? Just because Marxist theoreticians assert a theory, does not make it so.

>The peasant farming nations of Spain and Italy do indeed have higher rates of rape and murder

>Another installment of nigger can't understand why per capita proves that his race is overwhelmingly shitty

Proportionate to population size?
I don't think so.

When 12.6% is committing as much crime as 72.4% of the population there's a problem.

Net worth idiot...

Income is completely different

You compare Spain by trying to use it as a white nation and say that the gang rapes are high, when spain has a 20% muslim population and is well know the correlation between muslisms ,gang rapes and narcotrafic.

Spain is not a white nation,

The majority have african admixture.

They are black by most accounts

O so i didnt understood your post.

Are you saying blacks are 10x poorer so they should commit 10x as much crime, therefore since they "only" commit 8x more crime they are in fact peace loving humans like us who just so happen to have 100000 years of separate evolution?

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low IQ with higher than normal testosterone is a recipe for violent behavior.

>poverty causes crime
>blacks in america are richer than most eastern europeans who commit drastically less crime
>rich blacks more likely to be imprisoned than poor whites


>blacks have a low propensity toward committing crime and are the racial group least likely to commit any crime

>Virtually all "crime" is economic or derivative thereof. The scientific literature is well established and the models and variables have been stable since records began.


Meanwhile poor whites have a lower crime rate.

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Wealthy blacks commit twice the amount of homicides than poor whites.

There are more whites below the poverty line in absolute number than blacks. If socioeconomic status accounted for crime then whites would be over-represented in every criminal field.

The counter argument to this is "whites have a power structure over blacks therefore whites have more support than blacks.

This is untrue, since other minorities also commit less homicide than wealthy blacks.

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>british mathematics education

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>blacks have a low propensity toward committing crime and are the racial group least likely to commit any crime.
You should celebrate this important insight by driving down to the ghetto leaving your car unattended and strolling the streets balancing your wallet on your head like a hat.

So you are telling me white people are more then two times as likely to be violent then asians?


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Yes I am. It is simple race statistics.

What do you know! Different races have different behaviors! At least whites don't commit half of all homicides. Please see

>Virtually all "crime" is economic or derivative thereof.
I think you're trolling, but, no, it isn't. It has nothing to do with money.

Sounds like white people need to hurry up and die, let the superior asians take over, and make amends for making black people to appear higher on crime stats and lower on IQ stats.

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The blacks will all be enslaved or exterminated under Asian rule.

Yes in fact that's why Southern European nations have a much lower murder rate than your rich Northern "European" shithole

Rope yourself.

This is a retarded argument, because poor whites don't commit a similar amount of crime. Matter of fact, rich blacks commit more crime than poor whites.
Sage shit thread.

We have to respect their culture.

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Because black on black is not crime is just business as usual, dummy.

go to sleep sweetie

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>The homocide rate in the us of blacks, based on their net worth

Net worth doesn't drive "homocide" you slidethreading Jewnigger.

What's your neck size? We're calculating rope.

JonTron is that you?