Panorama: Africa's Billion Pound Migrant Trail

Amazing documentary about the migrant crisis

>Smuggling nigs from Africa to Europe is a billion dollar buisness
>All the governments involved are complicit
>Migrants sell all their possessions to pay of smugglers
>They are sold a grandiose idea of what awaits them in Europe
>All the women are raped, many sold into slavery

How can we combat this? The greatest thing Jow Forums could do right now is to launch a propaganda mission aimed to be received by Africa's potential migrants
-Convince them they are being sold a false idea of Europe
-Convince them nothing awaits them in Europe except living like a hobo and eventually being deported
-Convince them that the smuggler are liars and are just trying to get their money.
-Convince them they will probably drown, get killed or sold into slavery on their way.


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What is displacing so many people in the first place?

Lack of safety? Lack of opportunity? Anything you get with a black majority population really.

I think there's more to it, we've never seen these kinds of numbers before. Maybe western governments are using war and the excuse of dictators of mass weapons or "peacekeeping" to displace millions of people for economic or political gain.

based ethnostate user brings a document for a comfy night

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Africa is nice, but it is poor and the Africans are dumb and can't do anything themselves.

Well yes of course. But it all depends on the migrants wanting to go.

>We exist in our life and our country here. They are disturbing us.
You know I never really thought about the fact that native Libyans might be opposed to the unending tide of niggers that come to their country each year

I kind of expected Libya to be nigger central by now so there wouldn't be anyone left to complain

>maybe western governments

Or maybe.. maybe the african governments fucked up and want their surplus restless population to let off steam and make problems elsewhere?

Everyone hates niggers, why do you think they're being used as a population weapon?

We need these poor wretches in order to make BlackBerry basedlant.

I know, I'm also curious about who it is that whispers the "yurop is a baradise where you ged free gibs 4 lyfe and everybody welgomes you :DDDD" lie into their ears in the first place

People paid by smugglers? That one guy in the village that has a computer? Jews? All three?

They get the success stories off of fellow countrymen who have made it already and from Lefties saying they will be welcomed.

African governments want to export surplus population so they don't cause trouble, Western governments want replacement consumers and sometimes cheap laborers. Same as us and Mexico.

In many cases there are migration "deals" where e.g. France agrees to take colonials in exchange for access to natural resources.

Pretty much everyone, and I mean anything that's not africa is a paradise to these people

desu i've been waiting for people to go investigate these smuggling routes and thia industrial human trafficking operations
i don't put much stock in Panorama, but it's a start

send in the forces and combat them, if they are terrorists i bet someone will do something.

Europe goes full retard letting anyone in. Bleeding heart Liberals and NGO's think they're doing God's work. Third world traffickers realize "ay yo we gettin' dats money for reals". The system snowballs into a runaway disaster thanks in part to the lack of communication in the third world, every one of them thinks there's gold at the end of the rainbow giving up everything to chase it. They've got nothing to go back to now and it's forwards or death. Big profits in shit hole countries. Blame Liberals and their stupid virtue signaling for this, the same thing happened to a much lesser extent with Trudeau and his "everyone is welcome" message not realizing the impact it has.

His "everyone is welcome" tweet really fucked you lads over, all the illegals went to canada from the U.S. because of that

Funny how these "refugees" don't have money for anything but somehow know what a world leader tweeted. Thanks obamaphone

nah m8, it's fully planned and organized from the top down

Jewish wars, and also the garbage nature of these people and the socieities they create.

Organize a massive outing. Send proof & other material to hundreds of selected people in public office / media / you get the gist. Keep careful track of who responds and in what manner - who ignores it or responds negatively. Then out those to the ones who took up the case + others aswell

Nah, only in part, they see a situation with potential and pounce on it, turns out politicians don't know everything and are as susceptible to deception and trickery as everyone else. There's a lot of small players making their cut in this as well and they aren't under the hand of a higher power. The whole problem started because of Leftist bullshit, it's what got the ball rolling in the first place, it was a problem long before anyone reported on it.

Does the Mediterranean Sea have an international waters area to it? Because theoretically couldn't you just sink their ships and technically not get in any trouble for it?

This is a wonderful idea, Does anybody know of any specific forums popular with the niggers in the Democratic republic of Congo? Senegal and Mali are other target nations where we need to convince them. If we can get them to realize that they are travelling thousands of miles just to do the exact same shit they are doing in their home countries that will work.

OP, Are you one of the "Agarthan" Icelandics perhaps....?

Now name the Jews/jewish fronts involved.

Spreading a rumor that the smugglers are homosexuals that require homosexual intercourse between them would be a good target point to spread as well, This would attack the African and his hate of Dick in poo poo and would cause the leftist faggot friendly media to argue for the smugglers honor. Win-win scenario.

No and theoretically you can sink these migrant boats, it would be looked down upon and you'll be sanctioned/"deep concern" crap but all nations with sovereign waters are allowed to defend them with force.

Most of them can't even read or have internet access, the ones that do have enough money that they don't need to flee.

Yeah but I mean if a group of individuals went and did it what would really happen to them? Especially if say they were American and never bothered to land/resupply in Europe

Yes I am aware that niggers are indeed fucking retarded, but if you tell the semi intelligent ones on their water buffallo shit eating forum this they will spread the rumors amongst their ape friends. Rumors get along through the african discourse more then facts. This is a part of their culture. Actively work against it.

Unless you're contracted pirate hunters or a guard that has the authority of the government who's waters you're in? No you'd be arrested, if you're armed then you put yourselves at risk of having your vessel destroyed with you on it.

I know what you want and I want it too.

of course the compartmentalized useful idiots who carry out the operations don't have a clue, but it's fully organized/executed from the top

You are assuming that niggers show any sense of compassion or sympathy for their peers instead of just undermining one another to get ahead. The semi intelligent ones are busy trafficking the retarded ones. Even if you sat down with the retarded ones and explained to them in great detail what will happen, they will ignore it and continue on their path. This is the same thing that happens in the court of law when a lawyer tries to explain the best possible options but the nigger chooses to pursue the advice of his cellmate instead because his cellmate made the best sounding outcome, then the nigger gets consecutive life terms.

Im not going to debate your analysis of the lack of intelligence and virtue amongst negros, it is clear to anyone that doesn't buy the modern brainwashing propaganda that they are stupid and animalistic. However they are natural gossipers, Like a gibbon who hoots and hollers to mark territory they will start rumors that undermine themselves. They will gossip and gossip, spreading rumors and inflating them to grand scales. Starting the rumor that the smugglers are homosexuals that seek to fuck them will deter quite a many from embarking with smugglers.

Where do you do this? On the forums where they ones with internet access tend to congregate, This will eventually spread amongst them and then amongst their people. This is effective amongst africans as their penchant for gossip and vague rumors is rivaled by none. If you tell africans there are vampires in the congo they will spread the rumor that there are vampires in the congo because this action helped save many of their ancestors when they were sticking bones in their nose and hair trying not to die from a pack of hyenas.

"The top" is not a monopoly though, and no one can seem to define what "the top" even is, at best it's a system with many players, it's not a group of shadowy overlords that collectively issue an order and wait for the underlings to do their job. A player makes a move, waits to see what the other players do and observe how the rules and environment of the game have changed, then they make another move. You could kill off all of those at "the top" and the boats would keep coming regardless because they're now part of the new rules and environment that have been developed.

population explosion due to western interference. famine and disease used to kill most of the nigs, families would have dozens of children, knowing only 2 or 3 would survive.

westerners introduced modern medicine and new farming techniques. most of the nigs now survive into adulthood. the population has exploded from 140 million in 1900 to 1.2 billion today.

humanitarian aid to africa has indirectly led to the massive immigration and terrorism issues now plaguing europe. you can blame virtue-signalling boomers for a good chunk of the problem.

Kill everyone. Refugees, politicians, bankers--everyone

All three, Which is why we must spread rumors that they are trying to enslave african men to homosexual actions in europe. Striking at their hate for faggots is exceptionally effective as the men are the primary ones looking to invade europe. If you tell them that they will be homeless and targeted by burly homosexual europeans daily, whether or not it will be true, will alienate quite many young aspiring welfare hogs.
Well it seems like the western nations have forgotten that soft passive and weak actions aren't the sole actions one can take in regards to problem solving. It seems that western world leaders are interested in weak solutions to hard and difficult problems.

The simple solution is stop feeding the fuckers and stop providing aids relief, But it seems like the governments of the world would rather have their population billow out of control then to do any sort of harsh solution against them.

i disagree, there is an absolute top
yes there are factions among them, and i agree that once they put a plan in motion it takes on a life of its own
but there is a small group at the top who are putting these plans in motion to begin with, and they are very good at controlling the puppet leaders via blackmail, mind control, bribery, threats, etc.

that's how they can put out literature "predicting", with amazing accuracy, future events - see: protocols of zion

>Maybe western govts have a role in mass migration
Hm, I always wondered if part of this could be a kind of reverse colonisation, but not just in the obvious "blacks colonise europe way". Sure that is happening, but we too often think of borders as just keeping foreigners out when they are also what define the geographic limit of our own govts power (atleast in principle). Once the borders between two states are opened, there is in effect only space for one political entity. When this happens, it is natural that the stronger political establishment displaces the weaker, which in this case means our political establishment displacing that of the 3rd world. This is also similar to how Germany leverages power over Europe through the EU, and may be why we always see the push for open borders made in the stronger nation. The end result is a kind of twisted "trans-colonialism" in which the 1st world govt replaces the 3rd world govt and the 3rd world pop replaces the 1st world pop. This can be contrasted with the traditional "cis-colonialism" in which the 1st world govt replaces the 3rd world govt and the 1st world pop replaces the 3rd world pop. This works as although the weaker 3rd world govt is disincentivised to engage in this (they are actually a natural ally here), their fighting-age male population is not, and when they leave, the 3rd world govt is no longer able to maintain their own side of the border.

Not sure I can really TLDR this, and I could probably give it it's own thread, but no harm suggesting it here.

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They do not have any intelligence, you can not explain anything to them rationally, they heard that Europe is paradise and that's all they hear even in the face of new evidence to the contrary. The nigger brain will always put the pursuit of free wealth before self-preservation. They have the mental capability of a moth bouncing off of a light bulb in the night. The guy in the documentary even explains to them the danger but they don't care, wealth was promised and that's all that matters.

I can't even watch this shit! Only Ebola chan can save us now!

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I think in your mind you have allowed yourself to believe there is a so called "top" of individuals working together, an enemy you've created in your mind that you could attack easily and the world would suddenly be fixed. It doesn't work that way. The Protocols of Zion was published in 1919 and just lists the same problems that were occurring a century ago, it hasn't predicted the future, things just never changed from the past.

>How can we combat this?
You're idea of combating the narrative of the smugglers is a good start. A popular web forum in Nigeria is Try to find other African web forums, find relevant discussions about migrating to Europe, and tell them what is really going on.
Additionally, vote for parties that will stop migration, and foster native population growth. Everyone on earth wants a better life, but it's been political and economic powers in Europe that have acted as enablers to the brown-skins and human-trafficking.
The problem is, the migrant flows wont stop. So long as the West shines from its wealth and development, the hordes wont stop trying to get a piece of it. Africa is going through it's largest population explosion ever, and it's economy and development cannot keep pace. White Nations must brace for impact from a global disaster. Additionally, us whites must take on the burden of having our own children, and the children our parents didnt have. It will be a financial and time struggle like something not many living right now can share tales of, but our ancestors did it, and we must endure as they did

You are being Fatalistic, the illegal immigration number is going down. This means we should do all we can to drive the number of migrants down to as close as zero as we can get while continue the rise of the far right in europe so that we can get a significant deportation effort going in europe. We have to aim for a nigger free france but we cant do that with completely heavy handed action. If we start several campaigns, not just my suggestion, that target the migrants that will reduce a third of them making the journey a significant portion of otherwise dirty niggers soaking it up in german cities festering like shit flies would be staying in their mud huts picking their fucking boogers.

Promoting a supremely blackpilled mindset for anons has been more detrimental to our group then years of JIDF activity. Neck yourself you fucking leaf.

The numbers are going down because the EU government is paying the smugglers and Libyan government to deal with the problem. It's not a solution, just a way to throw European money into a proxy welfare state temporarily. The rise of the far right in the EU is a wimper and will continue to be until the White population has been shrunk to the minority. I'm not being fatalistic I'm being realistic, and these problems will not be solved through the power of internet forums and "waking up" all the people who think you're a Nazi for not agreeing with them.

I am aware that they are paying them to deal with the problem, the Libyans have been selling the migrants in markets. The far right isn't a wimper, we have won in Italy and we still have most of the eastern Europe. Italy is a major port of call for smugglers.

What do you propose to do? I have made a proposal for this problem, What do you think we should be putting our efforts in? Do you want us to lay on our backs and get fucked by blacks without a fight?

I think we should do something more than what equates to browsing the internet all day while eating an entire brick of cheese, masturbating, and then taking a nap. It's time to get real and take risks away from the computer, something more than just people coming together in the street to yell for a few hours and then go home. Maybe something individuals could do on their own.

but I need my post-wank nap else I get cranky

Everyone of these people that are fucking up the world have names and addresses type of approach? Im sure you will do your part to support that way of going about change? I think we have tried that before, Anders Breivik being a notable example. I think hypothetically if one person who could do such a thing did that thing then it wouldn't make much of a difference on our political outlook and would help the nation by getting rid of the slimy shit rats.

You only get cranky because those moments of bliss during the orgasm fade away into nothing and you realize that was the only thing you pursue in life that can bring you happiness, this moment of clarity allows you to see the empty nothingness that your life is and people can't handle it. It leaves them sad, depressed, and angry.

I'm not saying to do anything in my post, but you know what I'm saying in my post. Every failure of an individual is a chance to learn and adapt to be better.

>lmao elites don't exist
nobody is saying anything is an instant solution, and there's nothing wrong with having elites in general, but to say they don't even exist and don't organize and do things... lol, what are you even doing here?


I understand loud and clear leaf. We need to expand in all efforts that we can take, Im not going to try and bullshit you with any talk telling you otherwise. You get it.

The difference is in whether these elites work together sitting around some round table deciding the fate of the planet or if it's a large number of individual elites with conflicting interests playing against each other and the planet and it's denizens are the game pieces. I'm saying it's the latter and that things are complicated and difficult to comprehend and shouldn't be simplified in the mind to develop strategies applied to problems that aren't going to work.

When it comes to stopping the flow possibilities would include a large scale psyop like fabricating material convincing the less educated part of the would be immigrants that they are only lured to Europe to be butchered and sold for organ transplants, it's pretty much impossible to disprove, and makes sense if the current situation is described as:
Europeans are old, and currently lure in Africans and treat them well, because they'll be used for spare parts... that's why so many vanish.
This would however have to happen in native languages and using local media platforms.

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This can spread antisemitism to niggers by adding to why the Jews want them there. We'd need a dedicated group to take this on. This can work and we can do this.