USES Jow Forums Jow Forums AS A SOURCE!!!

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We have made history, lads.

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Yeah because just like the Alt Right, Q was created for the media to use as a way to delegitimize conspiracies.

>We have made history, lads.
You mean a Mossad psy op got out of control and the jews lost control of the golem AGAIN!!!

Hey close minded NAZIS. I'm from Riddit(I wont let me type it for some reason), why do you hate progress so much? Why do you hate brown people? This isn't your country anyway, you know that right? Maybe you should read a book and watch Maddow to learn something you idiots.

I don't know what Q is, but if the media isn't ignoring it, you're probably right.

basically its a creation in order to delegitimize all conspiracies by associating them with Q.


Funny to see boom media dinosaur report on other booms finally coming to their senses about CIA Mossad and Jews/ Satanic occultists world wide. Q is cool but I’m taking it with a grain of salt. Unless we see Trump name the Jew then it’s Patrick Little 2020

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>that handsome men banner
but seriously, how does this jive with being user?

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This better be good faggot, now that hooktube isn't working. I don't like to give them my clicks.

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Here’s mine

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hi cnn/msnbc first off eat a bag of dicks second prove were wrong or fuck off

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>muh precious clicks

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I see this playing out the same way Pizza gate did in the public eye.
How the fuck is this still going on? I remember looking through the CBTS threads last year and being impressed by how long it went on here.

Update your script faggot, Q called out Mossad weeks ago.

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No matter how much you spammed...
No matter how many you pruned...
No matter how many you banned...

...we would not be stopped.
Good wins over evil.
Where we go one, we go all.

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Brace for impact. Download my mixtape and put me in the screencap famalam.

PS Qtards are massive faggots.

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Qanon is a MOSSAD propaganda team working with the Trump admin to further the Zionist agenda.

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No on here has ever believed his idiocy

It’s good to have you back, brother.

ahaha holy fuck. what's up legacy media? fancy some Matzo?



MSNBC is a leftist shit pile

Drown in cock, you fucking worthless (((news))) faggots

Try harder, retard

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>Who is Q?

I can think of someone

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>yeah Jow Forums agrees with MSNBC

Are you fucking kidding me? A mainstream media news source is commenting on an anonymous larp on the internet. Maybe those faggot anarchist are right and we need to burm society down to rebuild. This is the niggest shit I've ever heard. Imagine getting paid upwards of a million dollars a year to report of Jow Forums posts. Just fuck this stupid simulation I'm unplugging. I hope to god there's nothing on the otherside.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Q & fbianon. The predictions are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of memetical physics most of the revelations will go over a typical Jow Forumsack's head. There's also fbianon's insider outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from spirit cooking literature, for instance. The boomers understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these predictions, to realise that they're not just based- they say something deep about KEK. As a consequence people who dislike Q & fbianon truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Q's existential tripcode which itself is a cryptic reference to Trump's American epic "The Art of the Deal". I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as fbianon's genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Q & fbianon tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 redpills of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid


The Jeffrey Epstein pedo sex ring story was covered on Politico and The Daily Beast. Blaming the entire Democratic party is of course overstating the scope of the problem.

This was more of class issue than party issue.

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>they have screen recording of pol, meaning that the guys at MSNBC visited this site and took time to read
we can't keep scheming at their plain sight, how could we disguise our moves from the enemy? our own cypher?

This was viral marketing for CNBC jewtube channel.

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see you tomorrow bro

Did the real q ever spoke about Hillary drinking baby blood?

Q predicted this.

>people hold up Q signs at rally
>a lot of people unaware of what
>media's job to inform them
before they inform themselves
>by coming to these shadowy corners

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See you tomorrow.

Just imagine for a minute how the autist who created this must feel, the little fart sniffing faggot would feel like all of his dreams have come true.

You gay nigger faggots think you can talk down to us? Just wait until our collective spirit washes you kikes away in a sea of blood and pain.

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>fringey alternate universe

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Let em see.
The CIA can't even figure Spurdo.
How the fuck is MSNBC gonna figure Ebola-chan?

Hi. I didn't see you there. I got some week old Chef Boyardee ravioli in my mini fridge if you want some.

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Enjoy the show. Q

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Worst bait ever

>CNN reporting on Q weeks after /pol has moved on. Staying in front of the story as always.

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Zero points.

Fuck the media

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Lol does he still want to "Free" Iran

I love it when reporters say something is totally ture or false without doing/showing any research what so ever.

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Is Q Real? I always took it as a very clever fucking LARP. Why would those idiots even give airtime to it unless they were afraid? I like it when the lying press is afraid.

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why do they have to lie so much? What does it accomplish?

quick rundown on Q?

ok now I believe Q

its just a government psyop and they're all in on it

drumpfsters wearing Q merch the cringe is to stronk listening to msm explain the larp like its real the cringe cherry on the shit cake

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He predicted this

These people are SICK!

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It is my country, and if you intend to try and take it from me or mine, you will die like all traitors do.

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I'm a man of many faces desu

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Wtf I love q now

if you needed evidence that q was a psyop to infiltrate and control the online anti establishment community then this is surely it, unless youre a complete fucking retard

Q predicted this.

A very subtle larp

This is more believable than Q.
>Q predicted this.

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wow you really are cia

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God save the Q.

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He is just some dude who played on Jew Trek and was a bit actor on some soap opera in the 80s I watched when my babbysitter made me watch her go to the bathroom.

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Beep beep

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How does this prove that in any way? If anything it proves the opposite, bringing up Q shows they're nervous

point taken
and im honestly wating for the day when CNN has a special report "We now interrupt your broadcast for a special report. Our IT-team just discovered that Jow Forums is planning to spread anti-semitic propaganda in [insert town]. Any local, please beware and don't believe what they say. What we're talking about here is alt-right neo-nazis who spread debunked lies."

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he's either someone with access to raw newsfeeds or is Trump himself. and if that's the case I will die laughing.

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youtube comment

3 hours ago (edited)
Jow Forums??? Really? If your're on Jow Forums, you're literally IN the swamp. Jow Forums is where souls go do die.

Hey guys I'm from CNN. Can I get a quote from any of you?

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Mainstream = when you are now the news.
Mainstream = when a WH pool reporter asks about you.
Mainstream = when coordinated attacks (waves) against you continue to occur.
Game Theory.

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17 letter of the alphabet. no further questions

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Your news is fake and gay. At least you got digits.

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>niggers tongue my anus

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The absolute state of tv news. Unironically reporting on memes. They truly are a failing business model.

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Yes and so should you faggot, regime change in Iran is the best thing that can happen Muhammad, fuck outta here with your mudslime boot licking. She will never be forgotten

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At least i tried faggots.