It was a small festival in our town and there is this girl i knew back then from middle school and we talked for a bit. After we got a bit drunk she came up to me and slapped me for no reason at all so i asked her wtf she slapped me for to what she replied: You grabbed my ass user(I am 10000000% certain I didnt, my friends tried to protect me and said i didnt). And i got really mad at her and slapped back.
She wants to fucking report me to the police for "sexual harassment"
Whats your opinion about "true equalty" for man and women Jow Forums
It's 2018, slaps shouldn't be a problem, especially when she came up and started it. Someone probably grabbed her ass and told her it was you.
Hudson Ortiz
I hugged a close female coworker at a Xmas party. Hands well above waist and hug lasted two seconds. All she said after the hug was "Well that was a cheap feel." Never again. Let chicks call me distant and cold.
Jace Bell
>/0 Tried to tell her that but she just fucking escalted and began to cry, what a bitch
Sebastian Roberts
Should have KO’d that bitch man, you didn’t do enough, sounds like she was a right cunt
You know she did that because she's mad you're not giving her the attention she wants, right? Watch out user, women who feel ignored by men they find attractive will go out of their way to fck with them
Thomas Smith
>Woman comes up and smacks you >You slap her back if she barely hit you and you stacked her to the ground then it would be a problem. You simply returning a slap is completely fair though.
Nolan Mitchell
Smacked* Fucking phone
Brayden Kelly
If all women do this im gonna get gay desu
Kevin Evans
If it escalates any further, don't budge. Expect an apology. That fuckhead just walks around attacking random persons. Could be PMS Could be legitimate mental problems Could be someone grabbed her ass and told her it was you Ignore the crazy fuckhead and keep close contact with all people that were witnesses, for a time. If one of them should later claim he saw you grab her ass, you know what's up.
William Jackson
You are austrian ofc you grabbed her ass you sexual degen. I was in your situation in hs a friend who as a girl slapped me hard thinking it was going to be funny. I got mad and had my hand pulled back ready to unleash fury. Before I swung I was able to stop and control myself. I could see the fear in her eyes "A-user, were you really going to slap me?"
You were in the wrong tho. You should build your body to the point a slap from any female is brushed off. Their pain is nothing. Better to be seen as an impenatrable fortress and a bitch than a force to be reckoned with and a sociopath.
nah man she hit me really (really) hard, i used about 1/4 of my total strength
Easton Edwards
Yes, that is also possible, but i didn't want to speculate too far in his case.
Adam Parker
You have to recognise that women in the west have been pushing their identity politics very hard for the last 100+ years. Feminism. And they have gotten lots of new rights and extra resources as a result of that in addition to changing the culture to make it more acceptable for them to be whores.
Some of that is due to the kikes, but white women are the ones that have been pushing it the most. We have to recognise that women are very tribal in the sense that they have high in group bias towards other women, which is something men lacks and that's a big reason why they have been so successful. Religion used to shield us from the toxic and subversive influence of women but as we have become less religion that protection has gone away more and more... And, women have control over the state though the democratic system and the state has an interest in preserving the female right to vote since women have preferences for safety, which means a larger state... That is more power to the state... The sate in turn has a monopoly on violence and have a lot of control over the educational system and the media, so men won't rebell.
Of course women run everything into the ground and a gynocentric society will fall hard eventually. But it might take a long time for it to collapse. These types of institutions are hard to break down.
Things are not looking good for the west and the only realistic solution is for men to opt out, but we need the artificial womb and sexbots for that. That is the only real alternative to a total collapse.
Cooper Fisher
You should be able to knock her out in one fell swoop. One day we'll get that privilege.
Zachary Nelson
>nah man she hit me really (really) hard, don't ever write that again. No matter if you perceive it as true, it looks really really bad
Levi Turner
>but as we have become less religion *less religious
>The sate *state
>so men won't rebell The probability of that happening is very small.
Aaron Foster
Understand that laying a hand on a woman, no matter the circumstances, is considered taboo. Also call her bluff and let her file a false accusation; there's no proof that you did it, so the police will quickly drop it if she goes through with it.
Julian Hernandez
Give it back as hard as you got it. If you do that then you're fine.
Sebastian Richardson
Why not be an impenetrable fortress and force to be reckoned with, user?
Carson Morris
That guy looks like a fatter, English version of me.