Gee seeing this table all of them are African and low developed countries aaaannndddd there's the USA.
Gee seeing this table all of them are African and low developed countries aaaannndddd there's the USA.
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2.4%? No fucking way there are almost 10 million pozzed faggots and degenerates in this country
Of course HIV (ad STDs in general) are skyrocketing in the US. Their culture is extremely sexualized compared to the rest of the civilized world.
They are basically training their kids to grow up as disease ridden whores. And they succeed.
they also have the largest population of the western world.
Next thread.
Russia has a higher rate.
fucking mexico is more cvilized then that shithole
So true. There is something magical in our water that turns us all into violent, disease ridden retards. But when you guys bring in all your new quintessentialy European friends it's going to work out great because you're oh so tolerant and progressive. Plus your niggers have Islam, which of course is known for its peaceful nature
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wait until they start testing all your migrants gayboi
>Birth control is created
>many retards stupidly decide to not use condoms because they believe pregnancy is the only risk or consequence to copulating
Bisexuals are the biggest threat. I shouldn't have to explain why. It should be self-explanatory.