Attached: 161920F3-82BE-43B3-A53E-2A6F22DE8CFC.jpg (960x720, 72K)
What did Obama’s mom mean by this?
Owen Gutierrez
Other urls found in this thread:
Cameron Wilson
And what did his wife mean by this?
Tyler Cooper
what did trump mean by this
Luis Edwards
What did she mean by this?
Christian Cruz
I think she meant OP was a fag for continuously posting this slide thread
Robert Anderson
That she's insane like her grandpa Yezhov.
Leo Flores
Does fun/pleasure have to possess symbolism for y'all?
Joshua Hall
Julian Lopez
When people call Melania a prostitute or a whore I show them this photo of Obama's mother.
Aaron Wilson
... or you'll internet tough guy me?
Brandon Torres
>general degeneracy
Not strange.
John Roberts
I don't get it, she does what she wants with her body.. What's the issue? Is she hurting anyone? are sex/erotic photos banned in the US?
Angel Nguyen
Zachary Miller
HOW dare you assume user's gender.
Brody Robinson
Charles Flores
this thread again
Cameron Anderson
Obama kind of looks like him
Jaxson Ward
You're right. If I don't use the gender pronouns they prefer, how will they know that my dislike of them is based purely on their personality?
Unless of course they tell me that I'm not even allowed to have an opinion of my own unless I accept their gender stance, despite the fact that I'm not trying to have a fucking baby with anyone.
Carter Murphy
Worst viral marketing campaign for Negro Modelo I have ever seen.
Luke Wright
I understand the spirit behind this, but please take it down. Resisting Trump shouldn't come at the cost of being a disgusting homophobe like this.
Aiden Richardson
Jaxon Smith
God she’s a cutie
Hunter Wilson
Looks just like obama
Carson Turner
He meant to serve -- as per Reek's role.
Ayden Young
haha holy shit this is so good. Leftist boomer memes are somehow even worse than GOP ones
i think it's because they almost only are able to think in terms of extremely broad cultural references like Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Game of Thrones
Caleb Peterson
Is this picture the reason Andrew Breitbart was killed?
Aaron Reed
>Yezhov related to Obama
Care to explain?
Michael Cox
tfw obambo is most likely cuckspring.
Does anyone else get an errie feeling looking at these old photographs? almost as if there's something occultic behind them?
Kevin Cook
she was a whore
Zachary Allen
Colton Moore
Men, its a good thread. Efuckingmagine if TRUMPS mom did this...go ahead try telling me it wouldn't be wallpaper at IKEA by now.
Media has ignored this, anons need to!!!
Aaron Campbell
the story i remember is that she was living with a black communist poet in Hawaii when this happened.
Nolan Carter
Oh god. This meme is so bad i almost vomited.
Hunter Cox
there's a myriad of reasons.
people love to suck his cock and think that he's a messiah, the media spent years defending him and it would be suicide for their network to try and bring up his mom. it's unfortunate but im sure when somthing comes out about him, people will talk about it for extra credit.
Aiden Davis
They had to pay some halfcunt to make up a dossier about whores in Ukraine ... When Obamas mom happily sits on bottles in black and white glory and Obama runs around air force one wiffa boner.
Brandon Jackson
and yes, they are eerie. well, op especially.
squatting on a bottlle surrounded by niggers... was this how that chimp was born?
i've seen this pic before but interesting how the arse in #1 is gross, flat and flaccid yet #2 and #3 are sort of ok. >>in comparison
Cameron Hall
>i think it's because they almost only are able to think in terms of extremely broad cultural references like Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Game of Thrones
You hit the nail on the head. The average liberal is so fascinated with popular-culture because they are fantasists who have a serious issue with reality, the issue being that they disagree with it and wish to change it. Unfortunately they have very little agency and their ideas are so untenable that they have to resort to making up their own worlds and using them and the characters within as catharsis. They have become so adept at this that they don't even stop at their own cultural icons, choosing to force their ideas onto already established stories in an attempt to desperately spread their increasingly unsound views to the unexposed. We've all seen it happen: Star Wars, Doctor Who, Battlefield etc. It'll probably happen with the Netflix Lord of The Rings.
The really sad part is that kids who grow up with these stories and become liberal end up all fucked up and suffering from a huge cognitive dissonance as they realise that the stories and films they've been consuming don't match with the current cultural milieu. This causes anger and depression in those who don't have the inner fortitude to deal with it (almost all of them) and the country becomes increasingly divided.
It has recently occurred to me that the Right has a serious deficit in storytelling and creating new, accessible cultural icons and it is something we should try to remedy as quickly as we can. If you have a knack for writing or film-making and you would like to help the Right win the culture war, you should start really trying to create interesting, believable and noble characters for adolescents to aspire to.
Jaxson Anderson
hmmm actually maybe not flat flat, i seen worse (in solo erotica - not irl lol - foreveralone).
still, gross.
commie coalburning slag.
Levi Brooks
>bottle pic (OP)
>black and white
not at all black and white, i'd say it's sepia but i reckon the original was in colour, it's just faded over time.
also notice how it's stuck down in someone's photo album.
it's a photo of a photo album.
i don't want to know what other wierd shit is in that album.
Cooper Cox
yeah good luck with making proper stories and icons only to have the entire lefty media (film/tv/music/etc) completely ignore you and never give your work a tiny glance.
"the right" as you put it does not have a deficit in storytelling.
have you just got here? do you not know (((who))) runs the entire media in all its forms?
i'd post an infographic but fuck...
ohhh wait. it's summer.
nm, carry on kid/grandma. you might like a site called "reddit", facebook it
Daniel Ross
Awesome post. Are you a boomer? You sentence good.
Asher Powell
>reddit spacing
>2/10 bait response
>muh summer
I've been here for 11 years you bellend. If you would like to argue the points made in my post than you're welcome to do so. As for (((who))) runs things, I'm well aware. I didn't mention it in my post because I assumed that I was preaching to the choir and it would go without saying. Apparently not. Apparently some people need everything spelt out for them in the clearest terms possible, in which case:
Is that better?
Lincoln Stewart
Would you?
Evan Cruz
Nah I just write like one. Thanks.
Brandon Lewis
Where is the proof it's actually her? The photo itself is too low quality to draw any conclusions from. The other nudes of her are much more convincing.
Zachary Bennett
What?! ... Would...I...what user!? I don't understand...
Owen Green
>reddit spacing
Reddit spacing is just a meme.
Hunter Reed
>flat pancake ass
What did tribesman Obama see in her? I thought they liked big asses
Cooper Nelson
The left really can't meme, I can practically smell that through my computer screen.