Have the recent US tax cuts helped, done nothing, or made things worse for you financially?

Have the recent US tax cuts helped, done nothing, or made things worse for you financially?

Attached: cat.jpg (600x800, 62K)

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In between helping and doing nothing.

They helped the economy but voters don't care about it and rightfully so. Immigration is the only issue that matters right now.

Demographics are destiny.

A little extra money in my pocket, but not enough to materially adjust my lifestyle since I already make enough to be able to live simply but comfortably and building savings / investments.

Wouldn't mind if it were skewed a little further toward cuts for the folks in the lower income brackets where a little extra can make a bigger difference.

it's the final looting of America by the elites before everything crashes

US Debt Sales To Surge: Treasury Raises 2018 Borrowing Need To $1.33 Trillion

Trump Considering Unilateral $100 Billion Tax Cut On The Wealthy

Attached: donors payback.jpg (600x600, 103K)

Solid post. Numbers of truth.
On topic: I got a $2,000 bonus check at work that was cited as a direct credit to the Trump administration.

Attached: donors payback2.jpg (1200x1200, 284K)

I dunno haven't filed mine the past 2 years. Will either do it at this years end or next years beginning.

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Helped a lot and canceled out the "marriage tax". I got married at the beginning of the year and would have paid more.

Everyone who has a 401k in the US is a stockholder retard

Absolutely nothing.

Would be nice if we got included in that second round of tax cuts he wants to do. Sure could use it.

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Duck off leaf you don't pay American taxes

lol u fucking retards said it would go to workers wages not stock buybacks and CEO payouts

Attached: rubio btfo gop ideology2.jpg (1200x667, 136K)

> did nothing for someone that doesn't pay federal taxes

>Duck off leaf

i do actually on US dividend stocks

no choice

Then you should be happy based on the memes you posted

Honestly, I don't care. I pay about $12000 in taxes a year. I don't care if it is $1000 more or less.
If I paid $1 million then I would.

i want to see the money going to the workers not the billionaire globalist elites that you cock servants worship, serve and obey

Attached: trickle down economnics.jpg (801x912, 63K)

Then donate the money you saved


Shit's so bad that even paying nothing isn't enough. Logically, this means you need to set us up with some negative federal tax rates.

lolno how about you fix your shit instead?

>thinly veiled obamaleaf thread

Just you wait. In 30 years when the trickle down really kicks in and my kids are earning an adjusted $1 more than I am, you will eat these words.

no retard that's not how it works

u corporate whores said the tax cuts would trickle down on workers

Attached: trickle down economnics2.jpg (1024x637, 66K)

I'll end up with $8k extra in my pocket next year at tax time. Way more than crumbs.

cry more shill


Attached: romney lol.jpg (600x600, 56K)

Did you make out big on marriage and kids or something?

2017 W2 or GTFO

What would happen to PR if the US gave them independence and relieved the PR debt in exchange?

Can't fix shit if you're broke senpai

Hard to say, really. If the debnts were paid, then there'd be potential for some economic growth as we could focus on getting our shit together instead of dealing with austerity measures. And we'd be free from shit like the Jones Act, which would be nice.

Still, I'm not all that thrilled by the notion of not being part of the US.

Kids mainly. Before the child credit was reduced based on your income, so we effectively got nothing now we will get the full amount. Our CPA gave all clients a sheet showing what their return (estimated based on this year) would be next year.

Looting... by keeping your money?

It isn't tough to figure out. Child credit is no longer reduced based on income. There are other gains but that is the most substantial for most families.