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How? What did he fraud?
Imagine being this delusional and also indirectly covering for child rape. I bet doesn't even notice that part.
He put his name down for his brother's mortgage.
That's what they put him away for last time, when he had all his teeth knocked out by paki gangs.
>Tommy Robinson is the modern Oswald Mosley
Stop shilling your fake-celeb account, you fucking nobody.
He's such a fucking retard.
since when was the giardian anything other than mainstream meteor?
> MSM legitimizing Tommy Robinson
Wot. Don't they always just have him on to talk shit to his face and call him names?
Good thing the media is on our side, legitimizing and making us look respectable.
>Owen Jones
>fighting anyone
god i want to snap this little twink like a twig. just pound him until he breaks. just pummel him until he can take no more. ughhhhh
Czech em
Come the fuck at us, and please take a swing at us so we can knock you out in self-defense
of COURSE it has a fucking fursona
>implying The Goydian isn't the mainstream meteor.
someone needs to throw acid in this gays face. dont you brits do that shit?
>Comparing that kike T*mmy R*binson to the great Mosley
>Tommy Robinstein
>Oswald Mosley figure
Listen to his interviews, they tried to frame him multiple times, to make him confess to more harmless accusations, to recruit him and get him on every possible judicial trick and angle possible.
They later found an irregularity in one of his finances that could technically lead to a conviction.
You forgot to mention that the mortgage broker who facilitated it was a Rothschild.
Do they grow beards because they have weak chins?
>hey let’s defend Muslim grooming gangs
They really think their gay rays will turn muslims tolerant? One should warn them, if they wouldn't call everyone doing that "reissist"
I chuckled.
Who is this little faggot.
Can you stop posting your tweets here? Its not the first time you do this.
There's a false narrative in the (((media))) - either you're with the Muslims, or you're with the Jews. Like there was nothing in between.
Sorry guys I like pringles too much gotta betray the white race
>The good goy consumer starter pack
Why even include chips and candy in the picture when you want to show off how tough you are
Ask him if he's got a license for that knife.
I'm fucking 90% sure that's a parody account.
Nobody can be that on the nose.
oh shit I'm pissing myself
Aren't most Antifa accounts run by Jow Forumsacks falseflagging?
Good plan on keeping a good grip on that bat and weapons with vegetable oil all over your fingers.
Instead of himself.
Only a faggot talks like that
the eternal enemy of the left: the mainstream media
>none of this shit has ever been used
Live Action Role Play as working class.
sometimes i fantasize about kidnapping gays, muslims, and spics and torturing them for hours in my basement band then playing with their blood. Anyone get that feel as well or is it just me?
>Tommy Robinson being compared to one of the greatest men in European history
Fuck right off, Owen.
Would you livestream it, for added effect?
This. I support Tommy. He's sure as hell no Oswald Mosley.
>that knife
>I don't see a loicense
owen btfo
Lol they never do anything except scream and shout.
>play with blood
Thats one way to get AIDS.
>socialist swine
>still somehow lives in a delusion that he has any moral highground
Why are these repulsive butchers allowed into public spaces, anons?
Tfw just heard the news that he got freed, Wi-Fi is hassle in nipland. FeelsGoodMan I can't wait to see the liberals from my uni complaining he got freed.
Remember that time Owen Jones said the Rotherham rape gang was an example of interracial relationships?
>an unapologetic zionist is the modern day Oswald Mosley
This guy praised the president of Venezuela.He is a hack
Oh yeah, I love thinking about torturing minorities, fellow nazi, 1488 !
Join my discord so that we can talk this matter into further details :
I particularly despise Jews. MAGA !
One time I daydreamed about catching my virginal wife's muslim rapist (I don't actually have a wife), tie him up to a chair, tied up to a pole in the basement.
Then slowly crack open every finger with a sledgehammer.
I never finished the daydream, because I can never decide between melting him in acid and burying him somewhere in the forest or making his dick and balls explode (with teh sledgehammer) and letting him go free.
Oh yeah fuck him harder daddy
>that bikelock
Meme account
I don’t even know if I stand with everything Tommy believes in or if I agree with his methods. But I feel a mysterious power at work in him. Like he is a John the Baptist figure. “A voice crying out in the wilderness.”
>noodle armed onions chugging hypercucks
>fighting back
A chav turned mossad asset.
Lied about his income to get a mortgage, like half of fucking Britain
>Oswald Mosley
So he won't accomplish anything at all
Mosley was much cooler than that kike playing pretend.
The DotR can't come soon enough so I can murder and mutilate degenerates at will. Who else agrees?
Tommy is fine but he can't compare to Mosley
ik i sound like glow in the dark, but every man has his fantasies. I say, to each their own.
Get raped by a muslim, leave everybody else alone. I hear they are starting to track down y'alls family members and killing them for your treason. Oh, haven't you heard it on the news
(nope) ? lol hahahaha karma is a bitch., bitch.
>Fascism was an explosion against intolerable conditions, against remediable wrongs which the old world failed to remedy. It was a movement to secure national renaissance by people who felt themselves threatened with decline into decadence and death and were determined to live, and live greatly.
This was written exactly fifty years ago by Sir Oswald Mosley of Ancoats.
Antifa doesn't really seem like a fearsome bunch.
I really WISH we had an Oswald Mosley out there. It may very well be that he was the greatest Prime Minister that Britain never got to have.
Tommy Robinson is a joke; I don't support him, I simply support his right to speak or to record an event without being jailed for it.
Oops my bad. I thought it was projection again.
I wish I could delete my own posts.
Is this some kind of NTR+Revenge fetish
I can never finish this.
>>Do they grow beards because they have weak chins?
That (or Islam) is the only reason *anyone* grows a beard.
Enjoy a colorized Mosley anons
I grow one because I just don't like shaving. I had to daily for six years in the army, not doing it again.
Definitely some revenge fetish
ntr? nah
Man, Weimerica could have the most interesting street fights, if the two sides weren't too afraid of being the one who fired the first gunshots.
There's no way Progressive Dad carries his little kit in Britain; because he doesn't have a permit for a Pringles can that large.
Oh shit! Tommy's out? when did this happen?
I think they should both be destroyed.
That fuckin midget is a Zionist agent, promoting divisiveness among the moslem and the westerner.... It's the jews who open the borders, and created the upheaval that has forced the relocation of mass group of uncivilized people ....
The (((governments))) in UK, JewSA, Canada, etc. in WW2 would just lock up fascists so their movements couldn't grow. Then they would do a media blackout. That's just not possible in the modern age of information.
The biggest problem with the modern fascists movements is that they are filled with degenerates, faggots, neckbeards, jews, and other scum of society.
Rockwell, Mosley, and Arcand were wealthy, well-spoken, educated gentlemen. Nobody could smear them as individuals without looking foolish.
and that Rothschilds father?.........Albert J Einstien.
What cucks
his first appeal was won easily, and tossed out the first judges shitshow.
I agree with you and I do everything I can not to live up to the modern stereotype. I dress well,I maintain a job, I don't associate with faggots or kikes and I try to better myself whenever I can.
Unfortunately, you're right. Modern fascism is filled with homos and whores that wear SS uniforms as fetish gear, dullards who can barely read, Man-Children who never grew up and career criminals. We talk all day about how much we hate Niggers or Kikes but there is a White Trash element that needs to be addressed, too and it hasn't been.
Friendly reminder that Owen is a literal cuck who wrote about discovering his cheating gf fuck a nigger and how he instead asked them to continue and he thanked them after.
Owen is what happens when you take a hypersensitive leftist homosexual and give him access to the political system and tell him his voice matters
This will always be one of those things where I literally just can't even.
ProgDad is the hero Jow Forums needs
ProgDad is a Godfrey Elfwick tier troll, yes. He's not really /ourguy/ so much as he loves parodying leftists
Owen is a literal cuckold turn homo, just in case you wondered.
Like Latuff and Manafort
I'd love to smack that fucking gay twat.
This is hate speech
It bloody fucking is, pal. He's got a punchable face
Kek. He burns in hell with his boyfriend