I did it once because I had to take a dying cat to a vet immediately. Almost crashed in a parked car trying take over someone from the right side, and then drove into oncoming traffic at the next turn. Thankfully it was 3 AM and almost no crs around.
>stuck in the 1950s Why is this cliche so common? It almost always refers to the 1950s, only rarely the very similar early 1960s, or the post-war 1940s. Was the whole period between 1945 and 1965 the 1950s? Did the '50s last for around twenty years, instead of ten? It would be refreshing to recall, for a change, the 1850s, or even just the 1900s and 1910s, before World War I (The Great War) started.
Carson Hall
You going to fight as a merc when South Africa goes TU Eddie? You might get to actually slot someone that time, plus the indigs will mostly be English speakers so no language barrier to worry about...
>tfw a bit of your tooth fragments off in your mouth, while you drink your supermarket brand cider, cause the premium brands like strongbow cost too much, but its still cheaper than sugar-taxed fizzy pop.
Lads. There's an inherent lack of eu/uk drunk politics discord servers so I made one. Join up and have a drink this weekend if you've got nothing going on!
Discord: > 5WTmuNH
Intpol, says international but mostly western europe
sure thing pal, got a couple anglo mates in other servers that might be interested
Aiden Sanchez
>t. can't even play fur elise on the piano
Cooper Perez
what if you accidentally ran over tommy robinson
Adam Stewart
I have a fetish for British pakis
Jose Richardson
Ryder King
The only good Jew...
John Rodriguez
thats my fucking wonky cross
stop stealing from my memes you poofs
Zachary Phillips
14 in the streets 88 in the sheets, remember this, it is as he would have wanted. Once we take power we can start building statues of him and other great nationalists in parliament square, in place of Mandela, Churchill, Gandhi, and that suffragette bitch.
Colton Wilson
anyone who doesn't is lying
Owen Watson
oh fuck off you cringey cunt
Adrian Hill
>Emigrate to Belize >Establish business exporting local hooch at a huge premium to UK rum drinkers >Import even cheaper rotgut for local laborers and higher end stuff for local elite >End up dying in a home invasion or having your business confiscated by the state because much 3rd world country...