Black people, specially those who have a resentment against white people...

black people, specially those who have a resentment against white people, would often argue and brag about how white males in prison are the victims of abuse by black inmates.

this common knowledge is just a myth, right?

you are not guaranted to be raped in jail just because you are white, right?

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Being racially targeted by black criminals makes you more racist, not less.

I actually knew white guy that was killed by a nigger in prison. he tried to frame it like a suicide but they found later it was murder. his mom could have gotten him out but left him in there because she was tired of him getting busted for weed. sometimes I wonder how she feels about that now.

the rape thing is overblown though

The myth that there's males getting ass pounded daily in prison is homosexual fantasy.

Niggers and Mexicans are all fags and pussies.

theyll spend their whole lives "waiting"

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rape only took place in georgia and it was only rampant in the 90s. something to do with tons of black inmates being added after cocaine became a thing

Apparently this nigger hasn't been to prison. In prison the niggers are just as much bitches as the whites and burritos. No one who goes to prison a racist will get there and think "gosh.. what am I going to do?" They fucking join up with their brothers.

As if The Brand doesn't own the prisons.

you can't expect a negro to have critical thinking skills, user

lol, captcha is bicycles

That's actually how you create nazis from regular dudes

Sometimes in life you may find
that the first post
is in fact the best post

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>Nigger endorsing prison for rehabilitation
Never thought I'd see the day

If you get the protection of the Aryan Brotherhood you'll be just fine, and most whites can do this. They're one of the most powerful prison gangs because they have a monopoly on white inmates. This guy has obviously never been to prison.
>t. son of a prison guard

Black men do make up a good portion of the US prisons, a majority actually. So it isn't too out there to think this is true.

this. its not hard, but its the same as any other gang tho

> nigger literally things if you wait all people go to prison
niggers gonna nig

You'd think that would be a thing. like a bunch of different gangs fighting over white people. Because holy shit white people are terrifying. but no, whites just told everyone to go fuck themselves.

I've been to jail (not prison) and my understanding from conversations with inmates who had been in prison was that rape didn't actually happen too often. Consensual gay sex on the other hand....

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>you get the protection of the Aryan Brotherhood you'll be just fine, and most whites can do this.

No, you get raped by a white guy if you do that

>we gon attacc dem crakkaz
>da fuk where deez Aryan Brotherhood came from

You can legally kill someone that's trying to rape you, in prison or no.

Do you think it's worth the risk to try and rape someone?

A lot of people put their ass out for things, though. Drugs (legal or otherwise) being the big thing.

>wait until they go to prison
but I'm not a nigger or spic

Isn't Europe already doing this?

>Hurr durr
>If u iz b hatin' yt
>fust y'all gotta go 2 jail
>and u WIN, nigga

Stupid fucking ape.

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So many are obsessed over rape too.
Go to R*ddit and any story about heinous crime will have comments about "getting what's coming to him"

they become Nazis. this nigger knows nothing about the Aryan Brotherhood.

Don't you have to pay a lot of money or carry out an attack to get any help?
Might as well just try to get into the fag area after you're sentenced.

How long were you in prison, user?

Prison is a the perfect example of why whites don't want to be a minority.

White people can't really be racist. To be racist you have to hate someone without any reason for hating them. White people have good reasons to hate black people, such as pic related.

There's no good reason to hate white people since white people invented society and every modern comfort that non-whites enjoy. Hating white people is irrational and since there is no reason to hate white people, it is racist to hate white people.

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how would having traumatic ptentially sexually abusive experiences with blacks "reform" someone?

Nigger please, I'll have a swastika tattoo on my chest and shiv in a spic's gut faster than you can blink if I ever go away for real time. lmao

This. They call it "rape" after the fact so that they can still feel tough and "hard" when they're back on the outside.

Yeah, these guys are real vulnerable.

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I believe the guy on the right, Berry Mills, died last month

>Don't you have to pay a lot of money or carry out an attack to get any help?
you might be called on to beat someone, deal dope, run interference for someone doing some shit... all that up to and including killing someone.
>Might as well just try to get into the fag area after you're sentenced
Thats called GenPop you fucking retard

realistically, what would happen if society collapsed

would they be locked in there to hopefully starve to death or would some obama loving nigger let them all loose and would we have to deal with them out in the open

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He's confused, he doesn't seem to understand most white men don't go to prison. Being that he's a dindu, this concept will forever escape him.

Aren't there supposed to be white gangs in prisons? Or is the white population in prisons too low to make those feasible?

Is it true that in American prisons the whites will protect other whites but they also consist entirely of homosexuals who rape the weaker whites for protection payment?

Jesus lord, no. Prisons are self-segregated by race, and whites and Mexicans are more or less "safe" as long as they don't start beef with people deliberately or get involved in drugs or intrigue. This idea that niggers run prisons is extremely false--the Spics and the Aryans do, and you're about 5x as likely to be hurt or killed for doing something dishonest to another white as you are to ever even talk to a black.

>implying I wouldn't join the Aryan gang day 1

ethnic cleansing by beaners.

Cocaine has been a thing since the 1910’s or so.

No, you only really see homosex in return for drugs and favors, and it isn't as common as depicted in media.

What happens is that different racial groups just kind of hang out together, and that's considered normal. You don't need protection from people you aren't even around, and fights generally only start between people who break the unspoken rules or get involved in drugs or some weird shit like that.

There's always going to be some group of "Aryans" who are probably allied with the Mexicans who deal in drugs and contraband, and they commit some wildly disproportionate percentage of the violence because they're very organized, but you don't get involved in that sort of thing just by staying on your side of the food court.

>white people need to be intimidated and bullied into submission so that they discard their race and land for the will of the foreigner

gee whiz that sounds like a lovely idea to me. glad im not a nazi like them haha!

White Nazis rule the prisons
Everyone else is afraid of them

Neato. So do you get a swastika now? Or does it not count unless you get it inside?

Do remember that niggers are the literal gayest group.

They do talk about dicks a lot

It doesn't really matter. A lot of guys only get those because they're trying to play the game on the inside, rise in status, get access to drugs and contraband, etc, which usually comes with getting inked.

Usually, but not always. I knew a few NLRs who didn't have tattoos at all, they went back to normal lives afterwards. It's important to bear in mind that these guys aren't really ideological natsocs or anything like that, they're just white guys who are aware that overt Nazi imagery frightens the other races. Most of them don't know anything about communism or NatSoc or even nazis in general, they just get sucked into the culture in prison and are too bored to resist getting involved.

Don't get inked, share with the other whites if you somehow get candy or whatever, don't be a prick, don't start shit with people, definitely don't screw with the hacks, and you'll be fine.

Oh okay right on. Thx user

Lol the food in prison robs you of testosterone, they cant even get boners let alone rape someone