How much Jew can you tolerate?

How much Jew in your DNA means you are not to be trusted?
Just found out one of my friends has 23% Jew in him. But he isn't religious. Do I remove the Jew?

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Other urls found in this thread:

If you take DNA tests you're worse than a jew

One company outright admitted to altering results to mess with racists


>Just found out one of my friends has 23% Jew in him. But he isn't religious.

That's not surprising as 70% of people who identify as Jewish don't believe in God - a greater percentage of atheists than any other cultural group.

0% Jew here
Could have sworn I had at least some with so many ancestors in (((New York City))) and surnames like (((Schneider))). Guess it's just German and Dutch.

>being friends with anyone who is stupid enough to take a DNA test

Then again AncestryDNA is run by Mormons and my families are either Mormon in life or have all had their work done. Mormons don't want to call anyone in their bloodline databanks a Jew. We wuz Ephraim n sheeit.

One drop rule

As always, fpbp

> stupid
If the alphabets really wanted your info, they would just trail you and look for skin droppings. You are constantly dropping your DNA all over the place.

I was actually hoping for some Ashkenazi for the bonus IQ points, secret club memberships and shoahbux.

you fit the stereotype perfectly

just a dumb goy I guess.

Ok, next time you get a cut and drop some blood, watch out for the spooks.

Not a single drop. If you have ANY jew blood AT ALL, the only thing you can do is go to Israel and try to take out as many kikes as your kike ass can take out before they take you out.

You will die knowing you were less kikey than the rest and that you personally lowered the amount of kikes in the world.

If you can't get to Israel, just jump off a bridge. One less kike.

Only applied to blacks, and it was a rule adopted by Jacksonians and other retards who had no understanding of biology.

>giving your DNA


meant for

> thinking they don't take when you get blood work done
morons. At least you can learn something about your ancestry this way.

>parents get DNA test after I plead with them not to do it because they sell your information or just straight up give it away
>A bit nervous, Dad swears theres a jew in the family
>Turns out I'm 80% norwegian and 20% polish without a single drop of jew or negro

6ft 180lbs, blonde hair, very athletic, 140+ IQ, AB negative blood type

I'm a space aryan

12% Schlomo here AMA

Am I huwhite?

Attached: 23andmeancestryupdated.png (333x397, 27K)

Thanks friend

these companies don't even have to give you accurate results they could just put whatever they want

Why have you not taken this as a chance to kill as many jews as you can before being killed yourself?

I know a jew is incapable of making the world a better place, but if you kill jews you have the unique situation of getting a jew killed even if they stop you!

> .7% Southern European

The southern european actually means southern european, yes? If your parents had been raped by jews or moors then that DNA would show up as jew or arab DNA, yes?

interesting thought, I don't look Jewish though and my last name is German non-Jew, so I don't think I have a better chance than any other goy

under 10% is what Hitler tolerated as non jewish and I am ok with this metric

The jews only want the blood.

>tfw half italian and it said 2% middle east

Who here have AB- bloodtype?

Rarest blood on Earth and is missing the rhesus genome.

Japs tend to believe that bloodtype determines personality, they've tested this. They made the board of directors of a business only AB- bloodtype people and profits increased by 17%.

AB- blood is the blood of the aliens, or at least a mutation of it

topkek. You got that spot on.

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How are my inferior results?
The North African went more in-depth and informed me I was Egyptian
We wuz kangs?

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Was he actually a quarter Kike or was that just anti Hitler propaganda?
I think the head of the Luftwaffe was fully one half Jewish and Hitler Aryanized him, he never betrayed the Reich either.

fugg I had bloodwork done a few months ago, its probably pumpimg through a Rothschild right now or in a wine glass or something

Why are mormons so fucking braindead?

They're all so healthy and clean cut looking but when you talk to one you realize that they only specifically lack the ability to think critically.

It's fucking bizarre. They should be smart as fuck with their genetics and environment, but for some reason they are the furthest thing from it. I've never met a mormon I would call intelligent.

Serious answer: yeah you're white
Meme answer: go build a fucking pyramid you memeflag faggot

Is 6% Native enough for gibs?

Buddy of mine didn’t realize he had a heavily Anglicized name until he got his DNA results back and found out he’s 49% Ashkenazi Jew. He thought he had a little “Lithuanian” blood. Turns out his grandparents were both full-on beaver hat and snood wearing Jews. His own father kept it a secret. He looks like he saw a ghost. It’s hilarious how much he’s holding on to the 1% that he thinks means he’s still White

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Theres a Goldstein in my family

I thought for sure I'd have ashkenazi blood and have to kill myself. By the GRACE OF GOD I am not a kike. I don't have a drop of kike! I couldn't believe it. The only Goldstein on planet Earth that isn't a kike is in my family.

Or he is a Jew but he got cucked by a Goy
Many Such Cases!

An ideal scenario! That goy kept me from being a kike!

Am I worse than a jew, brothers?

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Hao red man

You're not nearly eternal enough.

Going by the Nuremburg laws, Hitler himself would have had no problem with your friend.

The source is Cracked a comedy site.

But doesnt mean they dont do it.

I won't do it. I am afraid. One of my grandparents last name is a Jewish German last name.
They were practicing christians and grandpa was based, seen through the tv brainwashing and was devout christian.

there's quadroon, there's octoroon, but there's nothing beyond

Why do you think all the ''celebrities'' and shit are pushing it? They are collecting that DNA for God knows what.

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broadly southern european means genes that aren't found specifically on a particular area like Italy, Iberia or Balkans but are sparse on the whole SE area.

That means he is a "sleeper Jew". All they'll need to do is say his trigger code and your shekels are now his.


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Help me lads

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So how are these tests not a scam when half the fucking people these days are being pumped up by a different person than the one that's raising them?

Jewish is a fucking religion(mythology) not a fucking race dumbass.

I got 20% "European Jewish" and was depressed for a few days. Still bugs me sometimes. I look white, am super pale, green eyes, no Jewy bumpy/long nose and always viewed myself as white, especially when I saw all the anti-white garbage ramping up 4 years ago, I naturally drifted towards being full blown alt-right/dissident right, read up on Kevin McDonald, race, immigration, I listen to TDS, etc. I still do.

I've never heard a single word about "Judaism" or "Jewish" mentioned from any family member throughout my entire life. I went to a Catholic school and both my grandparents were married in Christian churches (as were my parents), with the grandmothers most notably having very Anglo-Saxon surnames.

I find it interesting that with and presumably other services, they have a disclaimer near your results that say that the % they give you is only their best estimate. They give you a range, like in my case: 0-25%, and estimated 20% for me. A friend once had their estimated range be 0-57% and their estimate was in the 30s.

These tests prove telegony is real.

>tfw your grandmother and her entire family on your mother's side were Polish and Russian Jews

Fuck, lads. I have Irish, Scottish, German in me but what do I do? Are Eurojews even in some capacity ethnically European? All I have is a potential link to some old Polish nobility via an affair some ancestor had.