Trump actually interviewed Mueller to be his FBI director. It was impossible for Mueller to be his FBI director because Mueller has served 12 years prior as one. He's over the term limits. The MSM actually mocked Trump for this, they said Trump didn't even know the damn term limits how stupid. How stupid indeed. Mueller wasn't there to interview as FBI director.
I'll even give you another hint. Manafort worked for Trump for a while. When Trump won the RNC candidate he gained access to privileged information only available to potential presidents, i.e he was 1 of 2, Hilary was the other one. 2 days after this security briefing, Manafort resigned. The FBI told Trump that Manafort was being investigated. Manafort being investigated was what gave swamp access to get a FISA warrant for Trump. This is signifigant because not only will this level of scrutiny towards his campaign will reveal efforts to sabotage it, it will provide the perfect distraction.
Think to yourself very carefully. Everyone says Mueller is investigating Russian collusion, but does anyone actually have any evidence of that? Except purportedly the MSM, who's been lying and accepting any leaker they can who wandered in off the street? Trump promised he would instruct his DOJ to hire a special prosecutor to look into the election. He's appointed a special prosecutor to look into the election, hasn't he? What did he say all election about strategy? YOU DONT BROADCAST TO YOUR ENEMIES WHAT YOU ARE DOING. Let me ask you something. Seen anyone like Hilary or Podesta or Clapper or any of the actual cabal tweet anything positive about Mueller's investigation today? No they are dead cold silent because they just fucking figured out what is going on.
Even Trump's angry tweets about Sessions were a ruse. The tweets about "Do something!" have been a ruse. The whole fucking thing has been a ruse so Mueller could investigate the swamp in peace. But then again, you know all this, dont you user
The Indictments are real. Q is a psy op.
Jordan Hernandez
if im a faggot then why didnt you sage me? no spice? Q the indictments are indicative of the culmination of what we are trying to acheive q may be a psy op but hes /our/ psy op how much pee can you poo? Q
William Johnson
>the indictments are indicative of the culmination of what we are trying to acheive >q may be a psy op but hes /our/ psy op >how much pee can you poo? I don't know ask your leader Bibi. He's full of shit.
Maybe but they have got 350 million people believing all the kikes in media and Hollywood are pedos
Hunter Bennett
heres a small list of shareblue employees...... a shekel for the good goy...
David Brock is a pedophile Neera Tanden has HIV Angelo Carusone has stolen from the Clinton foundation Ryan Migeed is a violent psychopath Josh Dolin is part of the modern KKK Adrienne Watson is transsexual Amanda Karpay is a prostitute Elizabeth Shapell killed her children and got away with it Matt McClure has raped 6 children Rebecca Charen does heroin Benjamin Fischbein has cancer Burns Strider is about to die soon Ellie Cohen practices witchcraft Elizabeth Price has had chlamydia 40 times Johan Newman is a failed musical artist Benjamin Williams is gay and has porn online Caryn Lenhoff is part of NXIVM Daniel Wessel is part of NXIVM Karla Towle has skin cancer Kathleen Kennedy is going to die next year according to NXIVM Oliver Willis is a rapist of children, Vatican enthusiast Matthew Chapman has actual autism
Jaxon Watson
It’s good to be on the right side of history. Hail Columbia!!
What is happening? I suspected Mueller is our guy because his investigation always seems to land on Dem corruption. Where did this shareblue info come from?
Researching those names, other than Brock because we already know about his predilections, but cannot find much to substantiate the claims made in list. Karpay does look like she'd suck dick for cash though.
Jack Martin
aw gez your not using jewgle are you?
Justin Cruz
A fucking larp/troll. Q is fake
Aaron Allen
Did anyone read the recent article from CNN about Q? Apparently some guy showed up at Stormy Daniels lawyers office monday morning and they are saying it is related to Q because of some post by Q on cripple chan. I tried linking the article but it says my post is spam. They are really trying to push this Q shit. Im really thinking its a psy op. Have from the beginning. ALSO Jow Forums was down monday morning and im wondering if cripple chan was too... does anyone know? Could be related..
>>CNN reached out to Jow Forums for comment twice about these false posts about Hogg, but has not yet received a response.
Top kek
Jaxon Stewart
Would someone please tell me WTF this picture is? Like actually read it first and tell me if its basicly a "who spread this qanon shit" roadmap. Link to pic if words are too small...
Also be sure to read all the way down on left... q related
Gavin Carter
this is an intelligence institution schema. whoever they are. notice the voice channels over the web. imagine a room full of NSA techs signing into it from around the world to listen to Q through whatever cell phone or television happens to be closest.
Kayden Collins
Q has been around a while now. I think they’re reporting on it to make it seem like a psyop
Mason Thomas
>Seen anyone like Hilary or Podesta or Clapper or any of the actual cabal tweet anything positive about Mueller's investigation today? this happened cohencidentally around the time he was outed as one of James Gunn's acquaintances.
theyre not trying to win the 2020 election, they are trying to stop Q. they also think the relationship between the media and the administration is an enigma.
Kevin Ward
well thats it then. no one stand on our dide and lets pedosta walk at the same time.
Jeremiah Fisher
Fucking moron. Why are americans/boomers so stupid?
Jayden Diaz
Where are the updated numbers through July?
Tyler Wright
>Trump actually interviewed Mueller to be his FBI director. It was impossible for Mueller to be his FBI director because Mueller has served 12 years prior as one. He's over the term limits. The MSM actually mocked Trump for this, they said Trump didn't even know the damn term limits how stupid. How stupid indeed. >Mueller wasn't there to interview as FBI director. Trump has tweeted that Mueller was there to beg to be made FBI Director.
Who am I going to believe? The God Emperor of the United States of America or a fucking leaf?
Angel Barnes
They are rudyland on discord and irl media, and a bunch of others... not /pol?
Anthony Morales
Hmm, it does sound like it could be potentially true. I've thought for a while that Trump is using the Sessions attacks as a distraction, because if he hated him so much why not fire him? >muh obstruction of justice He could fire Sessions without firing Rosenstein/Mueller, and instruct the next AG to not fire them.
Aaron Cook
Q uit shitting up the board with things we figured out a year ago.
no it is imperative that sessions appears weak and ineffective he is the mask for mueller so long as people believe trump cant stop mueller without firing sessions then thats what they will look for and keep an eye on there is no good reason for mueller to be doing what he's doing if he isnt able to appear above trump which we all know is bs but people will buy this and thats whats important
Elijah Anderson
One of the saddest things in growing up is when you sneeze a fart you didn't knew was loaded in your ass, comes out with equal pressure than the sneeze. Sad.
This boards gone to shit. The establishment of Jow Forums was carte blanche to “moderate to death.” The are using their position and poor excuses gradually lower the quality of the board to kill it. They funnel all wrong think on the site into Jow Forums, which theyve made into a discombobulated mess where threads randomly disappear without reason, valid news links are banned, shadow banning is rampant. Thats not even to mention the level of shilling and attempts at consensus cracking. No research ever gets done. No stones unturned. All you see is:
>black vs white >man vs woman >young vs old
Theyve so successfully played you against eachother that Jow Forums’s pol is all but neutered.
Greener pastures can be found though. We are a movement. We disperse and reorganize as needed. We have come so far, there is no stopping it now.
Julian Howard
William Russell
This q is mossad meme is a lame attempt at the old jewish trick of accusing your enemy of your own crimes.
No proof of claim is ever given.
Angel Young
You could have sent this time making a good post
Aaron Young
LOL tell me the truth:
what's it like having your PSYOP so exposed and hated it's rejected not only on normiechan but 8pol? I mean.... LOL
On the topic I would say it is all about controlling the "battlefield" by attacking and keeping Trump running a around the block for nothing.
Trump should turn it around by just forgetting this non issue non sense. Trump should focus on real issues and keep eyes on the ball (what ever it may be). If Trump doesn't do this, there is infinite number of equally dumb accusations without any evidence waiting in line. Running around the block never ends. It ends, if you stop running. Simple.
Mueller is *NOT* "our guy". He never has been and never will be.
Isaac Rivera
Leather couch boosts the sound. I bet there will be a day when I accidentally shit to my pants with tremendous pressure when I sneeze. Couch gets a different brown tint. I hope it happens after I retire. Doing that in the office would be a very sad day.
Ian Hill
hmm id be careful as most shills use antisemitism heavily on their posts and it does not jibe with the normal poster here. usually they come in on a thread and are first to post, immediately attacking for not "calling out the jew". now why would you say this? to force more people to do this as a poison pill to cast the same "nazi" shadow msm and normies do when discussed. purity spiraling and also a poison pill to lose focus at hand and instead say "jew".
i dont like this q stuff, feels too much like weird shit done during the pedogate investigations to throw people off the track. still though this other side constantly screaming jew during threads with specific topics weirds me the fuck out.
like tommy robinson and supporting him after he was arrested for reporting in front of the courthouse. well its obvious that he shouldnt have been fucking arrested. what did the shills do? "kike lover! glad he is in jail. as always to kikes! kikes are bad! did i mention kikes?"
Man I can't believe we are seriously talking about a LARP. And I can't believe that it got international attention in the U.S. what fucking timeline did I stumble upon?
Angel Rodriguez
Nobody with at least one brain cell would believe Q is not a Jewish Psy-op
the refusal to name Israel- the jews and their tactics and how they try to undermine the west with their degeneracy is why nobody trust him and why We hate Boomers
"Muh greatest ally" Fuck these Kike cocksuker nigger faggots
reading that image, do you really think all of those new judges they need are for "immigration cases"?
Aaron Harris
there hasnt been nearly enough discussion about that good point user
Henry Gonzalez
> i really hope that whoever it is, is on our side. My thoughts exactly. If it is all an elaborate larp, then we are truly fucked.
David Green
if thats a kike psyop its one I can get behind if Q is a larp and manages to draw attention to the rothchilds than its a great larp if Q keep the wheels turning in the minds of normies andexposes them to the truth through riddles than fuck it wth are we complaining about if Q creates pro trump sentiment in his base go with it
Nice, but dude, that was just a (((cohencidence)))
So Again, there are just two cases why Q hasn't exposed the jews or Israel
#1; Boomers are his ·#1 Fan base, and as we know, they like to suck israel dick and swallow their cum because "muh greatest ally" and they would love to die for the jews, so if Q names The jew, Boomers will ignore him and probably will lost trust in the movement again because " muh greatest ally" " they din du nuffin" " o vey antisemite". So that would be "suicide"
#2 Q doesn't name the jew because Q is the Jew, and this is probably the only and only reliable reason
Take a look at the replies of OP post... everybody gets mad when somebody says something against jews and think it's only "antisemitism" and they don't ask why.
If there is any media in this thread I want you to know that not everyone on Jow Forums believes this shit. It's just another fake news post by a delusional right winger playing off the fears and paranoia of other low education and low I.Q. shit head right wingers.
Cameron Powell
It doesn't matter. The narrative will be that qanon dupped "the alt right" and Jow Forums.
Gavin Bailey
Wow. Just saw and interview on NPR from last night where they discuss Q-user as a mainstream topic.
wtf is going on with this timeline
Ryan Price
its a very very VURY strange timeline thats for sure im not sure exactly when it all changed or if it just keeps changing i just dont know i dont know anything anymore
Levi Sanchez
>i dont know anything anymore actually your threadpost is spot on as far as I can tell user and I've been following Q on and off since the first bread your list of shareblue data was a mix of stuff I knew and some I didn't but which makes sense in context
Ryan Jackson
>And I can't believe that it got international attention in the U.S Exactly it got foreign attention domestically
Charles Jones
My favorite is Oliver Willisth. H'e's black, gay, talks with a lisp, and has gapped front teeth. If super heroes were real, he would be a super villain called Mr Glassy Assy.