Femanon here. I personally love the shitstorm that starts every time some poor faggot makes one of these incel or feminist rants. Gives me a chance to see just how upset I’ve made everyone and chuckle a bit. You think jokes about kitchens or purple hair bother me? It just goes to show how much power any random female holds over you, they can pull your complete attention away from a topic just by having a vagoo. One could say the force is female after all huh?
Sure, you’ll act tough and cynical here, but we all know it’s just a desperate overcompensation for how much of a doormat you are IRL. If you decide to lash out and act a bit sexist now and then, I can’t really complain because I have the high ground.
After all, we do pretty much run the show. Men rely on us, work for us, spend money on us, and build us space cruisers and lightsabers and Jedi robes, write scripts that we can turn around and cash in when we feel like ditching them for a younger, cuter piece of ass named Kylo.
Got a kid with a girl? Don’t fool yourself, it’s HER kid, not yours. Piss her off and she’ll take it, dump it on Tatooine and leave your ass, and you can pay her a nice chunk of child support for the rest of your life.
Yep, this is the power we hold over you. One might call it the Force. So you go ahead and make your rape jokes, really. I still know that when you see me on the streets you’ll be watching, getting hard, and probably crying a tear or two because you know you’ll always be a forever alone faggot with a lower midichlorian count than me.
You remind me of a story about a female legionnaire in Fallout New Vegas: “Yeah attempted once, but she cried to the centurion and got the guys punished. Not badly, but public enough that she was seen as off limits. Then she gets all warped later on and goes along with the treating women like dirt thing. She takes her own female sex slaves like any other legion slaver after a raid. Twisted stuff like that. She wants to be one of the boys so bad she goes full edge lord to prove how strong woman she is.” Now imagine for a moment why this legionnaire does this. Is it self apathy, out of spite, for her own protection, or is it something more? She can escape or runaway, but for some reason she remains. The legionnaire chooses to stay in such a terrible place surrounded by terrible people. How can such a person prove herself of honor in the eyes of a tense crowd? This person is you. You have such a low sense of personal value that you settle for shit. The edginess in your post is your attempt to gain respect among shit. You are lying to others because you are lying to yourself. Like the legionnaire, you want to earn respect amongst peers by showing us how emotionally tough you are. This is half true though. You want admiration without actually performing any actions to gain it. Others are seeking validation too as emotional social justice warriors and THOTs on the Internet. The sad thing is, you don’t consciously know it until others point it out for you. Which is tragic because living this kind of lie will eat you alive one day. You’ll look back at moments like this and wish you would’ve been more honest. Maybe it’ll save you the shitty marriage and kids next time. How is the relationship between you and your father? Did you do anything that you regret? Just how are you feeling reading my text?