Is being a jew mental illness?
Mutilating baby genitals and sucking the blood
Bobbing autisticly at a wall
Self isolating
Why can't we put them in treatment
Pathological liars
Is being a jew mental illness?
Brandon Roberts
Wyatt Myers
Adrian Anderson
This reads like it was generated by a bot.
John Richardson
>Is being a jew mental illness?
Exactly JPD, Jewish Personality Disorder
Aaron Foster
Look what they came up with, time to do something and push back.
Lincoln Wilson
this is a good point OP. I'm Catholic and I'm one of the few that approve of the church's adoption of pagan holidays and assimilating into western civilization (i.e. Greek and Roman)
Ayden Nelson
Male and Female symbols weren't Jewish, idiot. They're Greek symbols or Mars and Venus. Cuck moron.
Carson Robinson
>Mutilating baby genitals
Also done by the vast amjority of christians and muslims.
Jaxon Gutierrez
>vast majority of christians.
Only in Africa and North America.
Wyatt Kelly
It must really hurt to be this triggered.