Is being a jew mental illness?

Is being a jew mental illness?
Mutilating baby genitals and sucking the blood
Bobbing autisticly at a wall
Self isolating
Why can't we put them in treatment
Pathological liars

Attached: img_2115.jpg (400x262, 37K)


This reads like it was generated by a bot.

>Is being a jew mental illness?
Exactly JPD, Jewish Personality Disorder

Look what they came up with, time to do something and push back.

Attached: gender_symbols_by_caaloba-d81ds6u.png (825x540, 139K)

this is a good point OP. I'm Catholic and I'm one of the few that approve of the church's adoption of pagan holidays and assimilating into western civilization (i.e. Greek and Roman)

Attached: 1499991675256.jpg (400x400, 13K)

Male and Female symbols weren't Jewish, idiot. They're Greek symbols or Mars and Venus. Cuck moron.

>Mutilating baby genitals
Also done by the vast amjority of christians and muslims.

>vast majority of christians.
Only in Africa and North America.

It must really hurt to be this triggered.