Hard left/ hard right divide.
What's with all the horse faced women?
>she's Latina
Guaranteed there are already people in the comments section raging that she doesn't identify as LatinX.
I was just about to say that. These bitches look like clones.
This is what happens when you have a society that judges the worth of their citizens by their "populairty" and having no sense of self in a capitalist system.
What's with all the women faced horses?
She's the Dark Souls of batshit crazy female politicians
Getting ready for a purge. I have about 150 meters of retired climbing rope set aside for hanging commies.
Becoming even harder. To the point where anyone to the right of child drag queens is being thrown out of the dems.
And soro’s Probably paid both of them
Could be this an inside job to utterly destroy the DNC?
When there's such a divide in a two party system there's always a push to the extremes of either side and an increase in demagoguery
We let too many spics invade us.
>Not dragging them behind your truck
Why are so many non-whites leftist?
Can somebody please explain this to me?
And don't just say 'muh subhumans!'.
Trump broke the left so completely, they've lost their minds. He also broke the "right wing, Never Trump" crowd and they've outed themselves as larping lefty hacks.
It's actually been fairly entertaining, but since his victory revealed the communist element, and just how truly ubiquitous it has become, it's a little worrying as well.
Eh, I'm of the view that waking up to swinging corpses strung up in the dark hours is more effective.
We're in the middle of a paridigm shift.
>Could be this an inside job to utterly destroy the DNC?
Or maybe their hatred to this administration have turn them into selfdestructing maniacs.
>now she just needs to win
Neither has even been elected. Both will flame out. Her mission is already accomplished.
>the next Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
But the original Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hasn't even done anything yet.
Well well well.
Hitler was a socialist
>Wants to stop the (((Landowners))) of new york
No fucking problem with that one.
>Absolutely fuck the Haradim communities stranglehold on law in New york
100% on board
>Promot collective bargaining in the Yiddish state
Sounds great, fuck those jewish bozos
Well thats fucking atrocious. Makes me want to hurl.
>Full Transparency
Hmmm... Wonder if that will apply to Jews...?
Dems are getting desperate as fuck
This is good. Socialism is still a taboo word here.Thats why long standing democrats didnt really support occasio and they wont this girl either .This will send the dem side that wants socialism to split..The more the split the better chances 2018 nov is.I hope more come up and cause a civil war in the Dem party and then those already hyper lib places that voted them in will feel solecism and fail.
Its a win -win
And looks like I need to eat crow.
she looks exactly the same as the other one what the actual fuck
Its ok Ameribro.
and the bigwigs on wall st wont support her either. If they do their bottom line goes down
>state senate
I sure as fuck hope so. Neoliberals need to be gassed.
Hey Queens' fuck ups! Buying remorse anyone?
Why do Latin Americans flee their socialist shitholes in South America only to try to recreate it here?
She won a primary with only 5% of the vote. LOL Its funny how MSM keep leaving all that out.
remember when that report came out that the CIA is running for like 60 government office positions?
Kill yourself, neoliberal.
If the US weren't busy stirring the shit in those "socialist shitholes", 1. they wouldn't be shitholes, and 2. they wouldn't be here.
Shouldn't you kill yourself for pretending you're not cheering on the cause of the problem?
>>the next Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
>But the original Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hasn't even done anything yet.
>>the next Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
>But the original Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hasn't even done anything yet.
Right. Her only "accomplishment" is beating a DNC old fart. And her fuckups on the media outweigh her so called accomplishment.
that's just how latinas look
Kek are they fucking sisters? They look exactly alike
Its not ok, my country is being feasted upon by a pack of wild jew dogs and everyone is content in their death.
The spooks are all very public about their IC experience, and they're all right-wing democrats, therefore ought to be gassed.
the democrats are just turning into a typical Latin-American Left party, basically. These amount to "gib lots of money to us indios, ese", basically.
> Latin Americans create shitholes in South America
> Latin Americans invade and create shitholes in North America
Gee, I’m starting to see a pattern here.
They are just that terrible user
yep.The Dem party were balancing on this canyon of (someday) socialism and now that people are running as socialists its tipping them closer to falling in and that socialism word will ruin em.They made this bed
we have the same surname
>It's all so tiresome
>She's young
>She's latina
>She has the face of a worm infested dog's asshole
>If the US weren't busy stirring the shit in those "socialist shitholes", 1. they wouldn't be shitholes
oh no no no no ahahahaha
>2. they wouldn't be here.
Indios cannot resist the call of the GIB. They can sense the welfare bucks calling out to them. "Come get me ese!"
We don't even have a hard right. Someone like Pence is the closest we have.
All these young naive Latina women. Get on over to Venezuela and help them out!
im sure they are backing these fucking cunts too
Trump is a 90s liberal
They are subhumans.
I know its hard to accept because you want to be "non-racist" and "right-wing" at the same time but its just that. Nonwhites will destroy socities, the left gives them bait and they fall in line because they are SUBHUMAN and cannot into masterrace civilization.
>(((fractenberg))) doing a piece on a "political" jew
and mutts say their county isn't owned and ran by kikes lmao. the usa is a fucking jewish proxy.
What's with all the sudden appearances of socialist cuties?
Masochistic moral busybodies leading this country around since the Puritan era and not letting people mind their own business.
>Why are so many non-whites leftist?
Latin Americans and blacks being like our scouse working class and just vote left for tradition and not policy.
scouse working class aren't lefties, you moron. you don't even know about your own country.
I heard "her" on the Chapo podcast, she's a fucking idiot
Hitler was not a goddamn socialist you nigger
Democrat shill spotted
The Native Americans should have killed off the colonists when they had the chance.
Scouse working class vote labour for the sake it because of tradition.
Shhhaaadaap leaf
Whoever was pulling the strings of Hillary and the DNC is now punishing Democrats for their failures by crashing the party with ZERO survivors.
He promoted workers rights andsocial justice for the folk among other things. He was also a revolutionary conservative taking inspiration from Bismark. He was many things and had many labels that do not apply all to him equally.
Most of all to describe him under one label is unjust.
Democrats deploying hot young ethnic pieces of ass
Honestly a very good strategy and something we should learn from. Sex appeal is untapped potential and the left is exploiting it RN while we deploy things like Spencer & Casey & Fuentes
>supporting the CIA
I need fuck this bitch and turn her into a good little Republican bitch.
I want her and Alexandria on their knees calling me daddy and sharing my cummies
i doubt they would have voted labor in the last 10 years. the labor in the uk is a joke just like it has become here. they dont give a flying fuck about the workers any more.
>Fuck a Jew
physiognomy nigga, look it up.
Found the jew.
muh subhumans
that's the actual answer.
Let enough Mexicans in and we start turning into Mexico.
I really can see America going full communist in less than 10 years.
Actually I’m retarded and these girls are clearly responses to tradthots like Goldy and Southern and Pettibone
So once again, like with memes, they’re trying to copy our strategy and failing
But we do need a male with sex appeal to lead the cause, we can’t be led by women
>New York
Wew, Looks like NY will be the next state ti fall after CA
>Sex appeal is untapped potential
The entire point of Sarah Palin.
Because they want to leach off the white man's tax dollars, plus Democrats tell them all their problems can only be solved by daddy government.
she's more of a qt than globlina horse-face if you ask me
she's flat chested and uglier than the other one. Nope.
The idea is sex appeal COMBINED with everything else that goes to make a great leader
Like imagine Hitler... but pic related
Nigga I said nothing of impregnating her.
Can you imagine this? They both were out campaigning all day spending all day around onions boys. Preaching about feminism and whatnot. I come in and I'm the first actual man they see. Their vaginas start to quiver a bit. Their panties start getting a little moist. I grab Julia hair and call her a stupid jew slut
The better question is what makes literally all latinos want to be socialist. Every portugese shithole from here to bolivia is a socialist hell
Hispanic population = Hispanic politics
Demographics are destiny.
>thinking I support the CIA
Actually, I would like anyone whose name appears in that OPM secret agent dump to be summarily executed. Hardly supportive, is it? I support commies, not secret police.
Doubt it, as that would require most trade agreements be shredded and a "profound change in the Constitutional order" to put it mildly. However, any public goods and services that take the USA closer to civilization and further from being rabid jewish jungle thugs is an improvement in my book.
Journalists are waging a civil war against the POTUS and his party. Don't trust anything you see in the news, it's all war propaganda.
True, but they see labour as the best of a bad bunch
It's actually something else
Wealth redistribution benefits Latin, black (and some Asian) people on average more than whites. However, most Asian groups, and Jews who don't see themselves as whites would still do better to align firmly against wealth redistribution.
Call me a niggerfaggot, but I feel like """socialism""" is the natural order of things. I think, if you wanted to, you could boil down basic human decency to ""socialism"". Most humans have a natural tendency to help each other, because we see the greater good inherent. I.e. you help farmer john, who's had a bad year, because you know that next year will be better and there will be more food to go around. But state sanctioned socialism and the shit heel bastards that push it deserve the rope and only the rope. I feel it's my duty as a man who makes his living with his hands and the sweat of his brow, to make sure some spic cunt or some jew bastard doesn't get to decide what I do with the money I received for services rendered.
Lel, Latin Americans are importing their particularly retarded brand of socialism into the US. If you let them get political clout they'll turn your country into Venezuela.
The Asian graph here is the most interesting. I suppose a case of favoring collectivist tendencies over potentially harming their pocketbook?