And I'm not talking about Postmodern Marxism advocated by a bunch of purple haired Dykes like Trotskyism, I'm talking about Stalinist Communism, the De-Jewed Communism. Looking at modern Western capitalism all it does is encourage materialistic behavior, whereas Communism humbled people, and people had unity and a common goal. Stalin emphasized family, reopened the Church, tried to get rid of (((them))), and promoted Russian culture and history. Vices such as homosexuality and Western music like Rock were seen as capitalistic decadence and there was tradition. Granted, the system degraded over time after Stalin's death, but look at Asia. China has a staunch and nationalistic people and acts like a 19th century imperialist state. Then you have the Korea's. SK is slowly entering late stage capitalism and has sacrificed culture for materialism, as well as the Nihilist Nippon, while NK is ultranationalist under Juche. While it certainly isn't perfect, Communism certainly seems better than modern capitalism. (Of course the third position is the best position).
Anyone else becoming more sympathetic to Communism?
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Q predicted this
in the unlikely scenario that this isn't bait: you are totally uneducated about history. go away, read fascist literature, THEN you have permission to come back.
No get the fuck outta here asshole.
It was the jew who discovered Marxism. It is the jew who for decades past has endeavoured to stir up world revolutions through the medium of Marxism. It is the jew who is today at the head of Marxism in all the countries of the world. Only in the brain of a nomad who is without nation, race and country could this satanism have been hatched. And only one possessed of a satanic malevolence could launch this revolutionary attack. For Bolshevism is nothing less than brutal materialism speculating on the baser instincts of mankind. And in its fight against West European civilisation it makes use of the lowest human passions in the interests of International jewry.
I never said that I liked Communism, I'm just saying that it is the better of the Capitalist-Communism dichotomy. Living in North Korea honestly seems better than living in Nueva Mexico
>you are totally uneducated about history. go away, read fascist literature, THEN you have permission to come back.
I have dumb shit. Most of it was written before the Stalinist era, specifically before the 40s when Stalin tried to bring old moral foundations, such as Gentile, Mein Kampf, Codreanu, etc. Fascist Italy's government controlled 75% of all industry and even had a treaty of Friendship with the USSR.
>It was the jew who discovered Marxism.
This is true, but Stalinism rejected Marxist degeneracy, and purged the politburo of Kikes, and was planning his own Holocaust before he died.
>It is the jew who is today at the head of Marxism in all the countries of the world.
Maybe back then. They were responsible in Europe and in Asia since our state department was filled with Kikes, but now Jews have no power over Communist nations in Asia.
Communism contains tenets that go against biological reality you retard, for fuck sake
>communism humbles people
>by starving and executing them
PLEASE fucking kill yourself and do the world a favor.
No, in fact as I reflect upon my past life in a socialist country, I begin to hate communism more and more. All those books by Marx and Lenin, all the bullshit spouted by our corrupt leaders, it's a load of crap. Communism can't work because it goes against human nature. We have to find the solution that is both motivational to society and beneficial to the collective.
>inb4 NatSoc, humans have failed at that too
Again strawmaning me. I'm not defending Communism, I'm just saying that at least in Stalinist Russia I wouldn't have to worry about Tyrone blacking my family, have child porn broadcasted on TV, homosexuality rampant and all the youth hooked on drugs.
Hard times create strong men. Pic related. Look at Poland. 40 years under Soviet Communism has given rise to one of the most Religious and nationalistic states while Rothschild UK and France have niggers running around causing chaos while people are distracted by consumerism.
>De-Jewed communism
Communism is Jewish, dumb mongrel.
my desire to gut commies in the street and hang them on street posts increases every day
so no.
>Brazilian calling others mongrels
just literally kill yourself you faggot..
I swear you dumb commie fucks all deserve to die. I like when one of you fucks comes into the ER, I like to make you pissed off, then I have an excuse to intubate you, aggressive patient, nurse safety and all that shit.
Then I like to use rocuronium, and forget to order a sedative, no etomidate, no versed, just straight paralytic.
I love seeing the fear in your eyes as you realize that you can't move, you cant breathe.. then i take my fucking time, maybe fuck up once or twice, cut your tounge, make you puke before i actually get the tube in... of course i make sure your O2 sat never goes below 88% in the maybe ten long fucking minutes i take before you can breath again.
then i let you fucks sit there awake, and dont order sedative until you can move.
get em
Jesus Christ
Communism and socialism are coded language for 'give all the political and economic power to Jews' Every time. Zero exceptions. Ever.
>(Of course the third position is the best position).
>Still calls me a communist
>Doesn't realize most Fascists like Mussolini, Degrelle and Mosley were once socialists
>Degrelle even considered himself a Leftist in one of his interviews
>National Socialist
No fuck off
>Stalin emphasized family, reopened the Church, tried to get rid of (((them)))
People literally eat each other because of the hunger they had.
And the ppl that implanted communism in russia was jews
so i'm asking myself how did you come to that conclusion???
Nah don't think so,
We work for our folk and communities liberty freedom and autonomy.
We do not work for Communism.
here's another one. say some dumb communist fuck comes in; and there is no way that medically I can make it justifiable to intubate...
well they surely have some pain, they are in the ER... So i give them a script for Ultram; ultram doesn't get you high, but is still just as addictive, if not more so than opiates... take that shit as prescribed for just 2 or 3 days and there is gonna be withdrawals, and they are shit. So you are going to come back to the ER. doesn't bother me though, you dumbfucks don't realize that you are going through withdrawals, so I give you more Ultram. You'll be back again.
guess what, now you get the percocet 10s. the good stuff, so you the next time you start withdrawing you know what the fuck is going on. You'll be back, or you'll be at your PCP, or if your smart you will just call your pot dealer and find a pill hook.
within a few months or years you'll OD, then maybe if your lucky you get narcan in time. maybe not, either way i don't care you commie scum are out committing crimes to support your addiction, and you'll end up in jail or dead like you belong.
I was down on Communism for a long time until I realized that no one would give me shit for saying I wanted to kill all the Jews (and a bunch of other people) if I were a Communist.