What does Jow Forums think of Dinesh D'Souza?

What does Jow Forums think of Dinesh D'Souza?

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Based. Trump should include him in his cabinet.

apparently his movie is doing very well

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Personally I like him quite a bit. I could do with a lot fewer South Asians in the country, but he has assimilated extremely well and is a champion for patriotism and American values.
He's not perfect, but he sets a good example for other non-White immigrants. And his movies are pretty good at delivering BTFOs to Democrats.

>apparently his movie is doing very well
(((critics))) hate all of his movies.

strange combination of uncle tom and piece of shit

Press P to poo

You know your country is badass when someone from one of the oldest civilizations on Earth decides to write a book about your values.

I agree on him with most things.. but he absolutely does not comprehend English when you start debating him in regards to religion. He starts asking stupid as fuck questions like "what is the happiness gene?" (everyone with a fucking brain knows that happiness isn't a gene... it's something you feel when endorphins are released in the fucking brain) ... but he never seems to ask this question to neurologists that he debates religion with, just the evolutionary biologists.