Were Jews responsible for the French Revolution?

Were Jews responsible for the French Revolution?

Attached: 1200px-Eug%C3%A8ne_Delacroix_-_Le_28_Juillet._La_Libert%C3%A9_guidant_le_peuple.jpg (1200x963, 261K)

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check out the symbolism on declaration of rights and the establishment of surrogate cults

What is it with France? Rich military history, home of some of the most brilliant mathematicians and then shit like post modernism and other degeneracy

C'est un pays des gens qui aiment faire sodomiser.

That's why it's so fucked up.

Nigger, the Freemasons and Illuminati did the French Revolution.

Continentalism is responsible for the French Revolution being the clusterfuck that it was. Removing the king was absolutely justified, the problem is what happened after.

>and then shit like post modernism and other degeneracy

Most specifically Knights Templar, but FWIW, freemasonry and organized Jewry are just two sides of the same shekel

Attached: reign.jpg (550x390, 41K)

>FWIW, freemasonry and organized Jewry are just two sides of the same shekel

What are you talking about my African American? Freemasonry is essentially just the Mysteries with a public-friendly face. Judaism is, or at least was, a legitimate religion that was started by God. Of course Talmudic Judaism is another story...but still your post needs some clarification.

Don't mind flag, I'm french in vacation

The revolution is 100% masonic with the help of bourgeoisie.

Not that it's a bad thing and that masons are bad.
I personnaly have a great opinion about free masons and think they are based


>I personnaly have a great opinion about free masons and think they are based

Please die or never come back to France

Long live to our Savior Jesus Christ, the rightful ruler of France