Jow Forums help me understand this push for "free" contraception agenda...

Jow Forums help me understand this push for "free" contraception agenda. Why can't grown ass adults afford it themselves?

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Q predicted this

You go girl, subvert these retarded whites into making themselves go extinct.

they can afford it.
they just want to not pay for it because people are scumfucks that want gibs.

Mandatory government funded contraception for all nonwhites.

based itzhak

We need forced sterilization of poor people

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Honestly, free contraception is pretty much the only form of welfare I can get behind. Fewer poor people, dude.


A Jew pushing for socialized degeneracy?
Imagine my shock

Just dump them into the water and sterilize us all already, stop pussy footing around with your jew plan and just do it already.

"Safe sex" can only occur within marriage.
Sex outside marriage should be punished.

There's a reason lions play with the gazelle's carcass

government's responsibility to pay. that's what "universal coverage" means.

It's basically feminist whore roasties who want to have free sex without consequences with hundreds of men.

You're getting this all wrong, leaf. Birth control should be free and mandatory except for whites, maybe asians if we feel merciful.

Pump it into the water. Whites will be given the antidote, or just filter their water anyways.

I like where you're going with this....

This. Also, women’s argument for it holds water, imo. If viagra is covered, then why isn’t this? Christcucks are useful for their vote, but a pain in the ass outside of elections.


Am I in some sort of reality simulator testing pattern recognition?

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I don't even notice it anymore user

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Look at the (((journalist's))) face

Can someone please explain to me why this is even necessary? If you can't afford contraception don't fuck, because you obviously can't afford a child either.
>Forced sterilization when?

Well said

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It's not about freedom of choice. It's about reducing birth-rates in majority-White countries.

Ever wonder why the pope/church says condoms are bad whenever we try to give niggers in Africa condoms to stop AIDs? They didn't say that before.

Jews must replace the White man to remove his only historical enemy.

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Viagra is covered for recreational purpose in the us?

You fucking bigot. Maybe men should start paying for their razors you piece of shit. Government assistance is great when men benefit but you little wimps can't stand it when women get something and you don't.

We need to start funding birth control in Africa, India, China, and the middle east

Repent and save yourself

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Viagra isn't covered by your government is it?


It's not about getting contraceptives, it's about making others (especially christians) pay for it.

Leftism's goal isn't freedom, it's submission.

I know this is bait but can you expand on your idea of the government paying for men's razors and women not getting anything?

what the fuck? is this post ironic or do you actually think white men are getting free razors from the government?

I wasn't actually serious, idiot.

No, it's covered by private health insurance. I think that gets lost in the debate with a lot of people. I pay $175/month for health insurance with 100% coverage and no copay. It's gone up from $100 before Obamacare. No lines, no waiting, and most of my prescriptions are $15. Private health insurance is the way to go.

You expect them to buy something when cucks will buy it for them? They already get free meals, gifts, and probably rent.

That's what I figured. Do insurance companies cover female contraceptives?

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Yes, they do. I think my ex-girlfriend was paying $10 a month for whatever pill she was on.

women want everything for free

It's a tithe for leftists

If women want to whore themselves around for their entire lives, never positively contribute to society, never marry, never reproduce, then fine. But at the very least charge them money for the one thing that allows them to do it in the first place.

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yes you were you don't even know what you stand for anymore

That's really well put actually.

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>I pay $175/month for health insurance with 100% coverage and no copay. It's gone up from $100 before Obamacare.
Why is health insurance in the US cheaper than it is in Estonia? We are taxed 13% of our gross income just for health insurance/healthcare. If you earn even a bit above average income in Estonia then you'd be paying as much for healthcare as you do for your private insurance. We have lines that can sometimes take months to see a specialist.

>niggers should't have free contraception

How is it that every Jew except Ben Shaprio are all in agreement that they want to push for degeneracy? Do they have meetings where they plan how they're going to destroy civilization?

IDK, I've worked at the same company for a long time and that's the option I've always purchased. I'd rather pay $40 more a month and have 100% coverage no copay instead of 80% or 90% with $50 or so for the copay. They also never mention that the out of pocket maximum exists. I think most of those plans are like $2000 a year. Socialized medicine is for retards.

I don't know why this stuff is touted so freely when it really fucks up women's reproductive systems and body. Most notably depression and I've heard that it can disrupt the microbiome as well.



Free birth-control is a good idea in a country with as many nonwhites as America tho, especially if it covers long lasting types of contraception like the IUD so it doesn't matter if Shaneekwa forgets to take her pill every day

>remove the drive of self-improvement to provide for a family

Yeah, that'll sure lower their drag on society when they all end up degenerate hedonists with no responsibility

Most women just take it so they can ride the cock carousel in their 20s and stop taking it once they lock down a chump.

>pol/ help me understand this push for "free" contraception agenda.
unwanted babies grow to be criminals and cost society a shit ton more than contraception
Fuck anyone that is too dumb to understand this. Rather it is the right thing to implement or not is debatable, but if you can't get this basic concept don't even bring it up you dumb fuck.

Unwanted pregnancy is most common among the young and poor. It's for free here too to avoid a kid being born in bad conditions. But the gyppos are so primitive they don't even bother to take the free pills and condoms and start popping out kids at 13.

We can't go back to a system without socialized medicine though, because of socialism. People grew up on a system like that and they will screech like no tomorrow if you take it away from them. Same with pensions.

$1000 worth of contraceptives now could prevent an ongoing yearly incarceration cost of $50k 20 years down the road.

Global warming and overpopulation will kill us all until the population starts contracting on a global scale that is why the owners of the world push birth control, abortion, trans shit, and homosexuality throughout all corners of the globe, even in Africa.

Dude do you *really* need help understanding why they are pushing it?

Come the fuck on. Its about irresponsibility. The deep state, the globalist elite billionaires and jews, they all fucking want you to stay a child.

Look fucking everywhere. If you had "They Live!" glasses, every fucking ad video for Marvel or Sony or anything would fucking say "DON'T GROW UP. DON'T GROW UP."

Here it is, short and sweet. Jews don’t want the goyim to reproduce.

The Lord will forgive you if accept him into your heart

Well it's all about power and control with gibs. As you know.

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Yeah but creampies feel so good that I couldn't give less of a fuck what birth control does to women's bodies

In ancient times the written word was "be fruitful and multiply" today the word on the internet is "be fruitless and emulsify"

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Well, this has a lot to do with it. The other is that women have become convinced they're entitled to consumer goods.

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This trips gets it.
Puritanfags report to the gas chambers. Reeeeeing and shoulding doesn't wind back the clock.

If we treat everyone with only the utilitarian mindset then we will fail in the end anyways.

The fact is this. Morals don't exist anymore.

Umm if you have to buy condoms that's less weed and malt liquor duh

>muh larp
>muh sense of self-superiority
Larp ≠ morals. Go back, reddit spacing.

You don't know shit. I bet you don't even understand the writings that motivated the BIll of Rights.

I spent like an entire day, tens of emails, telling those moderators on Reddit that they're faggots.

They literally shut down free speech in a law forum and the moderator was a cop. Got mad for asking an off-topic question about law in a literal "Off-topic law" group.

It's all about control for those faggots.

Women have to pay more for everything even razors. We can't help getting our periods and you're sure concerned about my genitals if I get pregnant but now because it's not for you, white men decide to take away something many women really depend on.

Stop being a fucking whore. Problem solved.

Oh cool please keep committing to the bit. You could always just use men's razors. Also, as a group women dont contribute to tax

Madison sought to exclude the people in their collective capacity from governance, because he and his rich buddies wanted to maintain control of the land they stole, against the public interest.
The motivations of aristocracies are interesting to me only in the sense of how to destroy them. Every aristocracy thinks it deserves to rule and comes up with some shitty origin story to self-justify it.
Your hero worship tires me, boy. Go back and stay back.


Apparently the fatter, uglier, and poorer you are the more difficult it is to avoid sex.

Maybe men could quit acting like whores. You ever think of that?

Because we've always been too busy raising your children and treated as second class citizens in the workplace. You don't know what it's like to be discriminated against just because you have a vagina.

Hard to afford non essentials when you're a paycheck to paycheck wagie like most Americans

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Women control consent you dumbfuck so men cant be whores without women consenting

RAPE. CULTURE. Did you even go to college?

>Says the ant

>no kids
>want a family
>thinks porn and drugs are for degenerates

meanwhile you're sucking some nigger dick because you don't want to be racist.

but this is contraception not morning afterpills/rapekits

You people are disgusting little piggies. All of you are just angry that no woman wants to date such filth. And you're racist because black people are better than you. I've seen enough of this to know it's just a hive of sad little white men. I'm going to bed, good night!

>ive been found out
tyrone will keep you warm no worries

Kill yourself, puritanfag.

Its the jewish reptilian hive mind

>believes in rape culture

It's like this...

It's not about affording it, it's that people will go the path of least resistance. If you want to limit the spread of things like STDs and unwed mothers abortions make condoms more available than water.

They ought to be airdropping that shit over cities, I should have to pick condoms out of my breakfast cereal because they replaced the marshmellows with that shit.

Are you a girl or a betAboi ? Show boi pussy .


LOL my girlfriend's mom told me to hurry up and get her pregnant.

You're just mad. Seek love instead of lust.

If you can't afford contraception then don't fuck you animals. It's not societies job to pay for your perversions.

The people doing it are secretly white nationalists trying to eliminate negrokind

>Hard to afford non essentials when you're a paycheck to paycheck wagie like most Americans
Harder to afford a baby then .. OOPS ! No its not ! Daddy Gov will let the whores suck allll the entitlements out of his big white dick .

ur girlfriends mom wants u to get her pregnant? shes a degenerate

See? If people would only put their Christian soldier jewdicks back for a minute and realize just what a deal you're actually getting.

wait so the government will pay for my condoms?