Friendly and daily reminder if you are fat, skelly, a NEET, degenerate, etc...

Friendly and daily reminder if you are fat, skelly, a NEET, degenerate, etc. you are subhuman and no amount of muh aryan genes will save you

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Thanks dad.

And most importantly: if you watch anime, you are the lowest form of beta

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>friendly reminder
>99% of you will be put to death

Sprinkle liberally with your favorite herb, lads. This is a garbage thread.

t. Fatcel


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>stop shaming me for being fat and watching gook cartoons

This is why whites will be extinct

Porn is the reason why white people will go extinct. It's what's fucking over Japan and Europe too, niggers and terrorists can't watch porn and so have very high birth rates.

>Amerimutt thinks it's white

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