My friend sent me this

>my friend sent me this
>he doesn’t know im conservative
>what the fuck is wrong with the world

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Ah yes, the average Jow Forums larper is 15, we know this - but thanks for confirming.

Why’s he flickin you off in front of front tower? Bit rude innit?

>my friend
so why are you still friends

Tell him how much of a faggot he is
Textually slam his ass.

Why is he flipping you off in front of Rewot Pmurt?

Tell him he flips off like a fag

Tell him to send you a pic of his butthole

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You have to be eighteen to post here dude

i'm getting a lot of sexual tension from this pic

you're not telling us everything about your "friend" are you op?

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>best friend told me to read left wing newspaper
>"hahaha those dumb right wingers imaright?
>told him Trump would win in 2016
Haven't talked since.

Is OP a 9 year old?

>what the fuck is wrong with the world
right wingers exist


Kike speaks the truth

The exodus of summerfags should begin in the coming weeks thankfully

Powerful image

Why do Americans do this?
And I don't mean teenagers, I have seen lots of adults on SM (back when I used it at least) do the same.

>having friends

your friend looks like a soft little twink
you should fuck him in the ass to show him who's boss

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awwww. Somebody is feeling sensitive about differing opinions. I’m sowwy

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>i told him i didn’t hate trump and he sent me this

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I bet tears would stream down his face as his boipussy gets stretched

Doesn't that wonder double the cultural output of all your religious buildings?

Checked also stop communicating with liberals

Today I've been to the tower (french tourist in nyc-
And funny thing, employes are mostly blacks or asian.

I also went to the bathroom and pissed all over the place for the lulz.


Freud would wonder why he carries laxatives around..your friends a faggot.

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Jesus christ, you two are just two fag peas in a sodomy pod aren't you?

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Checked. Looks like your friend is cleaning out his ass for you. Hope you're up to get your dick wet user.

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Send him a picture of your dick back. He's obviously a faggot, he'll give you the good succ you watch.

>that nose

hes gay 100%

Repent and save yourself

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give us his number

Fucking retard took the picture backwards, lol.

haha finally brave enough to show your real flag when you think you're attacking a 15 year old. Stay (((classy)))


this meme needs to be resurrected

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>being a cuckservative unironically

witnessed. He's a fuqboi alright

Okay this is epic

the fag left is all over this board.

Why would your friend not know you're conservative? Are you a cowardly, underhanded jew?

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