PLEASE CHANGE MY MIND- (former trump supporter, open to return)
Look at Richard Nixon, top of his class at Duke University law. Genius politician, lots of experience > Committed a sorta bad crime, tried to cover it got FUCKED AND IMPEACHED by special council- it took ~2.5-3 years
Look at Bill Clinton, Yale law school, likely top of his class, but I don't know for sure- still Yale fucking law school. Probably not as smart as Nixon > Did some stupid shit. GOT FUCKED AND IMPEACHED, but not removed. Special council took 4 FUCKING YEARS
Look at Donald Trump. Was bought into business school by his father. No political experience. Made some money by putting his name on buildings, didn't even want to be president > Fucked up big time and may have committed some light* treason. Special council has been around a LITTLE OVER A YEAR.
This is a fact: If Nixon and Clinton couldn't out maneuver a special council. TRUMP IS ABSOLUTELY FUCKED. I'm not in a rush, these things take time. All I ask is How in god's name can this man pull through? This is some serious shit going against him and no amount of mueller conspiracy theories are going to make it better. There is no hope for him, take it from a former supporter who has searched for reasons to still support him. Trump is in a total death spiral and it's sad to watch. Good luck brothers. It's over. Whether or not he actually committed the shit that's going to come up against him, it won't matter. They're gonna get him on some seriously bad shit.
Not to mention that he's actively trying to dismantle superior white Western relationships (cough cough helsinki), so I'm not exactly sure why you gentlemen are all okay with that?
>Please give me feedback for these things, Not trying to troll. I want a genuine discussion.
Clinton committed perjury and they still didn't remove him. Unless they nail him with something even crazier than the existing allegations against him, Trump's not going anywhere.
Logan Butler
perjury about some cock sucking. Trump's perjury surrounds national security. He's fucked, we don't even know the half of it. There's no leaks from muellers team.
Oliver Brown
will* surround
Jonathan King
Fuck off shill
Matthew Collins
>Trump's perjury surrounds national security. Who can he commit perjury when he hasn't even testified yet?
shut your cunty wallaby fucking mouth, aussie (or whatever irrelevant country you're from). You owe you're life and you're to the USA bitch. We protect little sissie countries like you
Jonathan Martinez
he will when the time comes, like i said, less than two years in
Julian Scott
What are they gonna charge him with, if you're so sure?
Andrew Watson
why don't you email mueller's leak-proof team. They're gonna get him on money laundering with DB for sure- like that's not even a question. They'll also most certainly get him on obstruction of justice. And I mean that's not even touching the potential shitstorm he created for himself if he knew about trump tower meeting/got anything from it.
Eli Gutierrez
and probably countless other shit that we have no idea about. Mueller is the most brutal prosecutor alive
Sebastian Howard
>money laundering with DB for sure- like that's not even a question How are you so sure?
>obstruction of justice Can't obstruct justice if there's no crime.
>if he knew about trump tower meeting There was no crime remotely involved in that as far as the public is aware. You're really shooting for the moon if you trying to argue it'll be Trump's downfall.
>and probably countless other shit that we have no idea about. Mueller is the most brutal prosecutor alive He's gonna have to be powerful enough to pull admissible evidence straight out of his ass for it to go the way you're making it sound.
Brayden Murphy
you are clearly not the most informed individual. Please do some research. Start with Deutsche Bank's Russian money laundering scheme that pretty much destroyed their entire business. I'm a wall street faggot, so I guess I just know things
Jeremiah Rogers
>Can't obstruct justice if there's no crime. Yeah, you can. If you are under investigation, you need to let the investigators do their job or aid them with anything pertinent to the investigation. If you prevent them from reaching a conclusion to the investigation, innocent or not, that's obstruction of justice.
Jacob Nguyen
thank you
Christopher Brooks
>you are clearly not the most informed individual. Please do some research. Wow, you sure got me there, Socrates. You're the one making the claim, the burden of proof is on your ass.
Nope. Unless there's a subpoena against him he can just plead the 5th.
Hudson Young
>subpoena Have you seen how much he is vehemently against the investigation? He is most likely going to be subpoenaed.
Justin Butler
How would you feel if half the country accused you of shit you never did on a daily basis?
Colton Mitchell
All the more reason for him to think testifying is a waste of time and them issuing a subpoena.
Jaxon Stewart
Then all he has to do is tell the truth.
Jace Sanders
And that will depend on the jury to decide if the evidence for and against him colluding/conspiring/etc. is enough to convict. I'm not going to lie, I don't like him, but the decision to convict or not will be the biggest "photo finish" of court decisions in recent memory.
Henry Bennett
None of that's gonna matter a bit unless they find something to charge him with. Considering Hillary straight up received missions of dollars from Saudi Arabia, the UAE and several other countries during her campaign and no one batted an eyelid, Mueller hmust have a long way to go.