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Sylvanas = Assad
Kevin Evans
Kevin Robinson
Hail Sylvanas. Exterminate the blues.
Asher Bell
Sylvanas did nothing wrong,allies are faggots
Adrian Wood
Make azeroth great again
Jace Rivera
Luke Ortiz
Goblins = Jews
Jonathan Carter
Maiev will make it great again after genociding all non-nightelves, but not before decapitating Tyrande for letting her people burn because her husband was more important.
Chase Nguyen
Please someone, tell me the plot
Jaxson Johnson
It all started when there was only one continent on Azeroth. At the center of it there was a mystery pool. Soon some local trolls found out it was oil.... and they become rich and wise like some arab princes.....
Gavin Allen
i don't understand of Tyrande is still relevant,she should be recluded in her temple and never heard of again after all she did since wc3