"If the government turns tyrannical, American gun owners will fight back and over-through it"

"If the government turns tyrannical, American gun owners will fight back and over-through it"

>gets hellfired by a drone
>gets Jdamed by an F-16
>gets hit by a long range cruise missile
>gets hit with chemical weapons
>gets bombed by a B-52
>gets strafed by an A-10
>gets napalmed by a F-22
>gets nuked by a B1b
>gets tanked
>gets mortared
>gets shot dead by a SEAL team
>gets shot by a soldier with a proper full auto gun

Why the fuck are Amerifats so dumb?

Attached: 1509736632986.jpg (413x479, 60K)

Other urls found in this thread:


You don't believe a word of this, so why do you keep spamming it?

Disruption and trying to bait replies to slide actual discussion off the board. It's always the same format and same image sets.

or we all stop going to work and that shit sits there and rusts away. checkmate, fucker.

the guy driving the plane on the bottom

is the top guy's brother or uncle or some shit

what kinda of person would use a f-16 on their own civilians?

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nice flag

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>greatest disaster in US Military history was literally inflicted by a guerrilla army

Attached: Viet_Cong002.jpg (1720x1290, 509K)

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>Thinks we are all going to stand in a giant group like a bunch of retards
Yeah sorry we are not going to use your lame tactics

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Did the military back then have advanced thermal and sonar technology like we have now? nope!

What is Vietnam? Alex. -user

Correct - Alex Trebek

"OP is a faggot for $800" -user

The US (nor any other modern militaries) are capable of handling large-scale guerrilla warfare. At least not with modern military practices.

Attached: 1495096653733.png (1425x1258, 127K)

>mandatory GPS ID chipping
>"muh revolution" gets pwned

the end.

Someone shoop antifa into the top frame

Their the ones and La Raza who think they will defeat the US

>Did the military back then have advanced thermal and sonar technology like we have now? nope!

Literally all of that shit was developed in Vietnam you retard.

t. grandson of a DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) agent who worked on AWACS

How 'bout you do some actual fucking research on the Vietnam War for once you goddamn nigger-loving Unionist faggot.


Attached: Khe_Sanh_Operation_Niagara_Sensor_drop.jpg (750x536, 236K)

remember that one time a bunch of farmers with muskets took on and defeated the most powerful imperial military in the world at the time?

yeah welcome to america cunt

>thinks 40 houses on a street are getting carpet bombed over one shed having an ar15 in it
>implying that gov will risk destroying it's own infrastructure
>implying gov doesn't get ALL of it's weapons/ammo/fuel/supplies from private manufacturers
>has fuck all clue as to how military, modern warfare or counter-insurgency works
>is a massive faggot and therefore should be saged

>the government will nuke the infrastructure to get rid of few insurgents
Total war on your own soil. Sured and saged.

>this is the government
1. ran by people, not detached AI.

2. If it ever came to be "the people vs the American gub'ment" the latter would fall apart because of reason 1.

If a few hillbillies get together and go full "sovereign citizen" the majority of the country isn't with them, not even 5% because they're stupid and annoying to both sides of the political spectrum.

Call when 60, 50, 40 percent of the population starts to revolt then something interesting might happen, and I guarantee it won't be one sided like you think.

good luck mobilizing that many people, good luck getting that many people to care, good luck getting even close to that many people to give up their comfy lives for any cause.

Such events would never happen because life is too easy. Take even the fundamental needs food, shelter, safety then perhaps your LARP's may become reality.

Military specialists have analysized that mass insurrection of the American people cannot be contained by the US military. Over half of the military will defect to the Patriots side. This is why they havent done it yet. Waco and tuby ridge were experiments to see how far the government could push things. Liberals and Democrats want a disarmed society, with private armies to control the goyim. They fear the American.

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Yeah they're going to bomb the shit out of an urban area full of civilians.
They're gonna occupy said urban area with tanks and jet planes (LOL)

Fuck off

Male circumcision.

Yeah but sparsely armed taliban are still kicking on and having wins in Afghanistan..

>the revolutionary war


>implying the entire ruling class doesn't want a disarmed society
>still being a partisan cuck in 2018
Drink your Kool-Aid, it's getting cold.

The guns aren't to fight the government, the guns are to fight people like you

I'm sure you can agree that if they blow your neighbor's house, kill and rape his kids you will probably comply when they ask you to leave your house peacefully, right?

Gee that sounds pretty expensive. How us the government going to keep affording all those expensive toys when they're massacring their own tax payers?

Not an argument

You're not even trying, you've got that flag and your post....ugh, I don't even know why I'm trying. Obvious bait

>>gets hit by a long range cruise missile
>>gets hit with chemical weapons
>>gets bombed by a B-52
>>gets strafed by an A-10
>>gets napalmed by a F-22
>>gets nuked by a B1b
>>gets tanked
>>gets mortared
What fucking army would use these against individuals on their own soil
What fucking country would drop a Nuke in its own borders

Attached: download (9).jpg (211x239, 8K)

>rapes your wife
>rapes your children
>rapes your mother
>rapes your grandma
>beheads your brother
>beheads your father
>rapes your brother
>rapes your father
wanna still fly that drone?

Private Armies are more likely to switch sides if anything.

Attached: brother against brother.jpg (729x471, 160K)

this. Their intellience relays that a group of white trash are holding a meeting tonight and organizing resistance? Send a hellfire into the meeting and arrest+execute every single blood relative of them. That shuts people up real quick.

actually it does the opposite you retarded fool

do people like OP believe we live in a one party system like China?

Do libtards really believe they're that much of a majority?

Do they believe the Military is ran by libs?

OP's picture would make more sense if it were an anarchis antifa transgender other-kin with a dragon dildo instead of a shotgun


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communist one

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>this again

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Wash, rinse, repeat. Without a foreign power bringing you supplies and ammo, you're kinda fucked, eventually.

Kill yourself, neoliberal.

>duplicate picture exists

Wanted to post this. Nice one, pol bro, you win this time

Who would win?
>One guy with a 12 gauge, or
>Forty F35s with no pilots

>mountain dirt farmers beat two strongest militaries in the world
>implying we can't do the same

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you realize there are more guns in america than citizens? so by this philosophy you could then genocide everyone in order to take guns away.

We have this exact thread every single fucking day.

Sage, report and hide.

>Implying the army would kill its fellow citizens

Why are anarchyfags this dumb?

You don't know shit about American gun owners. Ever been to a gun show, or a shooting competition. I didn't think so faggot, keep playing your vidya, and pretending 100 million plus armed MF's won't put you under the ground.

The real reason that we own guns is so that when a crackhead with a knife tries to break in and rob/rape/kill you and your family, you have the right tool to blow their brains out and stop them from doing so.

>implying a government needs to kill all his citizens to take control of anything

Im sure half of americans will surrender their weapons to not get their internet cut.

You're a literal fucking retard if you think the American government is going to win by using drones and bombers against its own citizens.



But all those guns are owned by, what, 3% of the population?

>implying they wouldn't just bring in Saudis or Chinese to do the wet work
Never trust that your adversary won't bring an uninvited friend to help him.

eat a baguette, faggot

The US government couldnt even defeat a bunch of jungle rice farmers and goat fucking opium farmers in the desert with a 3rd grade education.

What in the fuck makes you think they would stand a chance against well funded well armed people who have at least graduated primary school?

Also if the government did start killing its own citizens in the homeland they would be condemned by the UN and China and Russia and Mexico would help fund and arm rebels just to fuck with America and further destabilize it.

reminder America couldnt even beat pic related.

Americas military might is a meme and only applies to fighting actual national militaries.

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What make liberals really assmad is that Russia has openly stated they'd support the patriotic people in the separation from their swamp government. This is a power play for Russia, but they've been carefully watching the US for many decades now, and will have the cookie crumble in their interests(they'd rather have Patriots than the scum system of plutocrats we have now) , which helps when you need guns and ammo resupply.

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>gov't kills my internet
>I steal a shareblue intern's wifi
>DDoS the gov't's whole internet using their own stores of CP held at coordinates 39°632N 76°4617W
>"Business as usual", gov't will never investigate something to do with it's own pizza

You know, you're right. There has never been a single time where one of the strongest militaries on earth lost against average citizens with access to firearms, explosives, and other weapons at their disposal. Nope. Not a single one. Definitely not something that has happened in recent years at all.
*cough* Vietnam *cough*

>government uses vehicular firepower to decimate its own territory and force itself to rebuild its own production capability with the non-existant money of everyone it just bombed.

You guys are fucking retards. The mere ownship of firearms keeps government tyranny in check due to mutually assured destruction. The government isn't out to cripple itself in every way just because the people arent bending over for them hate speech laws like in certain other regions.

Meanwhile those with no means to resist and constantly bent over.

I'm not against the notion that a war against America's own people will be a lost cause but Vietnam was a different monster entirely. The US went to fight somewhere they frankly didn't know much about, the only reason they lost was because the Vietnamese knew how to manoeuvre through the jungle. Had it been an urban setting the outcome would have been different.

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laughs at Alexander the Great, British Empire, Soviets, and Americans in Afghan

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Partially agree, but the real reason we lost that war was Vietnam was backed by communist China. And our politicians were too weak to plunge the world into another world war.

I remember that operation
>US deploys high tech poopoo and peepee sensor
>VC learns about this, and starta leaving their peepee jugs out
>US bombs empty plains with just buckets of pee being the casualties
That was a fun war

>completely massacre your own population
now what?

You missed the word "advanced." We now have drones that can fly 24/7 equipped with ground penetrating radar and hunt down militants all on their own.

OP, you are right, most of these methods are very effective at killing. The problem is that you will also be killing not just your target, but a large number of people that may be for your own cause.

>gets hellfired by a drone

This is not a point target method, a hellfire missile can destroy multiple houses, or an apartment complex, how is this a good way to kill a single rebel?

>gets Jdamed by an F-16

Same thing as above, you might be killing lots of people who agree with you.

>gets hit by a long range cruise missile

Same as above

>gets hit with chemical weapons

This could destory an entire city at least, probably at least a county

>gets bombed by a B-52

Same as above, youll destroy entire cities

>gets strafed by an A-10

A-10s dont strafe one person, they kill large groups

>gets napalmed by a F-22

napalm bombing is also designed as an area target weapon, killing many

>gets nuked by a B1b

A nuke? really? this will take out a state for sure

>gets tanked

Tanks are designed to take out armored targets. What are you going to use these for? to destroy large buildings which may house one or two rebels? what about the rest of the people living there?

>gets mortared

Again, an area target weapon

>gets shot dead by a SEAL team

how many SEAL teams are there? enough to raid even 1% of US households without casualties?

>gets shot by a soldier with a proper full auto gun

This is the only realistic tactic, but requires you to have an actual target

In the end, even if 1% of the population disagrees with your agenda, how many people who agree with you are going to die? Using these methods, you will easily surpass any other 'evil' leader in killing your own people. Are you OK with this?

>reminder America couldnt even beat pic related.
They weren't there to. They were there to protect the drugs.

>Russia has openly stated they'd support the patriotic people in the separation from their swamp government
Oooh, that's interesting. It's a few steps short of a call to arms, but that's very interesting indeed.

>he really actually thinks governments can't borrow money from abroad, or that other countries won't be more than glad to loan them more for a "good cause" in a bid to protect the rest of their debt from a hellish unwinding, or that governments need to borrow their own money and don't just do it to enrich the jewing classes
Eh... you might want to into economics.

(((Free land!)))

To be fair, we didn't lose vietnam, we just went home before kicking shit in entirely. there are fuckers still being born deformed from agent orange over there, given their mother can survive the walk to the hospital without stepping on a 50 year old un-detonated warhead.

Imagine being so desperate you'll affix a shoe bomb to your own child to get a temporary leg up on a lone squad, then calling yourself the winner while unceremoniously carrying their rape baby.

I buried some weed in a sealed ammo can at GPS N 32.93365 W 112.70340 if anyone wants it because I am unable to get a ride back to dig it up.

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Smells more like a claymore mine to be honest. I guess anyone dumb enough to go hunting for some unknown guy's weed deserves to be blown to bits.

I'm pretty sure those pilots have families right? Are they safe?

Also, if the government begins to order mass executions, the chance of a military coup increases.

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Attached: Gun_grab_simulation.png (1446x1437, 516K)

America formed cause a guerrilla army fought against the biggest army of all time at the time and won. It was called the British. That's how America was formed in the first place.

You really think the president will nuke the own air he breathes retard

The vietnamese kicked America's army's ass with basic jungle warfare and plenty of good old hand me down AK47s, so did the Taliban with Toyota trucks and a few anti aircraft rpgs and ieds. Americans could stalemate their army with all the guns and money and suplies they are hoarding in their bunkers

because that helped so much in afghanistan?

>To be fair, we didn't lose vietnam

You have to be Neo-Cohen-tier delusional to believe Vietnam wasn't a defeat.

Attached: fall of saigon tank.jpg (800x532, 119K)

>The US government is too powerful for it's people
>Let's take away even more power from the people
Liberal logic.

>sealed ammo can
Sounds legit.

>destroying one of my rationalizations for gun ownership is taking away power
Early childhood development, everyone.

Stupid faggot doesn't know SHIT about this topic.
Obvious slide thread & pic related.

Attached: sage.jpg (480x640, 90K)

Just because you have a drone that could theoretically under the right circumstances fly 24 hours straight, doesn't mean you have someone flying, resupplying and repairing it. Hell there is a 75% chance it's just straight up stolen by the deserters.

When the end goal is taking away the guns, this directly affects the power of the people.

Why would leaders who seek to control a people, kill its people?

>every time this fucking thread pops up and the based Japanon screencap is posted

Attached: 1531738546088.jpg (480x360, 23K)

Come and take it.

Attached: civwaretard.png (1315x890, 555K)

>he didn't form 1 a RPG


No worries my logical Austrian friend,faggots like this are called democrats in the USA.

you guys lost a war against illiterate rice farmers armed with rusty SKS' and AK's.

Attached: welcome to the ricefields motherfucker.jpg (471x588, 112K)

>duplicate file exists here
>come to make comment
>duplicate of my post already existed
Alright lads, alright

>implying insurgents won't just bring in Russians

What did we lose besides human lives and the typical wear, tear and occasional loss of military equipment? I mean, I guess some of our guys came home with some of our own agent orange on them, but that's it.