Activist minorities are wearing these shirts because they mistakenly think we will be insulted. They have made it acceptable to wear them in public.
This is an opportunity for whites to wear shirts that support our own community. If anyone gives you shit, you can say you are taking up for the poor Indians.
I wish these shirts were my idea. I don’t think you see the propaganda potential in this. It could be as big as “It’s ok to be white”. And it might last a lot longer.
Jonathan Ortiz
These recent posts about being white all of the sudden seem like an attempt to lure /pol into doing the subversion of some group of people... If we could only figure out (((who))) though.. >It could be as big as “It’s ok to be white” Annd.. (you) have completed my point before I could finish this fucking reply.
Nicholas Jones
I see teens wearing “Reagan Bush 1984” shirts all the time. It started out as irony. Now white kids take pride in wearing them. Great propaganda. These shirts could be too.
It’s hard to find acceptable ways to promote white identity in public. This is a big chance to do it.