Today in the morning, one of the fat-fuck neckbearded students didn’t come to class.
AND I found out that there was a new student in my class with the same name as me (my name is extremely rare and I’ve never met anyone with my name).
For the second half of class a new student appeared, idk their name but it’s the fatfuck neckbeard dude but his transitioned to female and he sat right next to me. Then when we went to the computer room he sat in his regular spot.
If one of my students wanted to rename himself after another one of my students, I would sit him and and give him a long talk on why that's both creepy and immoral.
now it put the lotion on the skin or else it gets the hose again!
Oliver Cox
Tits or never happened
Landon Sanders
Stalked? They say imitation is the greatest form of compliment. I've never had someone take my name though. You know he is 99% likely to either rape you or kill you, right? Or both. Rape you + kill you or vice versa. It's a statistical certainty. Serves you right for not showing tits sooner. It's time.
Angel Sanchez
Nobody at my tafe would care, they are full on Marxist, I sat behind a non binary freak with a paper clip in its ear, the teacher encourages us to boycott our countries holidays for racist colonialism
Bentley Bailey
>racist colonialism As opposed to what's happening now which is what?
Jace Lewis
thats fucked up
post tits wench
Sebastian Harris
Wait a guy stole your name? Then sat by you? Are you sure you didn’t take some acid this morning?
Hunter Phillips
That's some fucked up shit. I'd get a gun or a knife or something. If bong, an assault spork (if you've got the license). Also: Teaching tatas or toodles, thot.
Adrian Peterson
Sergej... before you post here learn english.
Ryder Torres
That is scary. Perhaps posting them titties will help you relax.
Liam Reed
was the new student m or f ? also this
Levi Roberts
okay? what the fuck are you fucking talking about?
Colton Kelly
Its not a new fucking student, its the same fucking guy posing as tranny