He knew, didn't he ?

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>non issue

He knows everything.. he is massively corrupt. I hope they lock of this "king of the loser white trash" president.

No Russian ever called me goy

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>when you spend 2 years fanatisizing over something
>that's inconsequensial

Who gives a fuck? What are these dimwits going on about?
I don't care if he butt-fucks captain kangaroo if the net result is more people into jobs, out of poverty, and no random wars.
That third one tho.

Yeah, it’s over.
He broke the “don’t be in the same building as Russian citizen” law.
It’s time for Hillary to take over.

The lefts cope hahah

6.5 more years snowflakeys lol :^)

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Only rural rednecks and suburban retards voted for Trump All city people voted for Hillary.

Probably. He'll likely go down in history as that one orange hack who betrayed his country for his own ego, as well as worst president ever

Agreed, it’s time for Her to take over.

You seem triggered by an image, what are your shortcomings, user? Why so tense?

Jow Forums is with Her, it’s time to inpeach forty five.

He didn't know because his son is the greatest son a man could ask for and his son maintained his father's PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY because it was a heated campaign and it was a very small time meeting at the time and 100s of people meet with the Trumps all the time. That's in fact all they fucking do. They fucking have meetings. So no, asshole, Trump didn't know about some fucking media whore Russian who was meeting under the pretense of talking about some adoption policies.

Hmmmm... let’s see. The Rats lay a trap for the Trump team. Trump team smells a Rat. Trap doesn’t work. Rats spend the next two years insisting that the trap worked.

the completely legal meeting, probably

Fox News Reports police responding to loud noises reported by neighbors of the Clintons discovere Bill and Hillary had murdered a small boy and were in the process of cooking him with John Podesta. Police indicated that they retrieved body parts but since there was no indication the Clilnton's intended to kill the youngster no charges will be filled.

And what was this meeting about?

pictures the Russians had that showed Hillary Clinton sucking Obama`s dick.

ok and?
digging up dirt on your opponent is not a crime, it's standard practice

if Hillary did anything illegal, wouldn't you want to know, regardless of who it came from, as long as the evidence was solid?

treason is a non issue

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We are in fact IN a Civil War and as far as each side is concerned “our side dindu nuffin”.

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without proof that case is circumstantial, probably be seen as frivalous on account of DJT having a penthouse home in the building.


this, desu

> Be Natalya
> Russian spy, working for Sauron Trump who is in league with your boss Voldemort Vader Putin
> Ask Trump Jr. for meeting, claiming you have juicy intel on Hillary, despite Sauron Trump having contact with Voldemort Vader Putin
> Don't have said info, and talk about stupid shit regarding the Magnitsky Act instead
> Trump Jr leaves annoyed
> Oh and you also work for Fusion GPS, a Democrat group, and you give them all the info about the meeting
> because you're totally a Russian spy
The Democrat story is laughably bad.

>if Hillary did anything illegal, wouldn't you want to know, regardless of who it came from, as long as the evidence was solid?
no, no they wouldn't.