>New York vs London
Which is the better City?
On the flipside, which is more degenerate?
I've always wanted to live in both.
>New York vs London
Which is the better City?
On the flipside, which is more degenerate?
I've always wanted to live in both.
Other urls found in this thread:
Why the fuck would you want that
NYC is more impressive. It literally feels like the center of the world. Both are jewed degenerate hives of leftism anyway.
entire world is a boring shit hole. you would have more money to spend living in a less populated city though. also pretty sure london has more niggers so it's probably cheaper/better
Both shitholes desu
>I've always wanted to live in both
I want to be a high flying banker or at least live the lifestyle for a few years and New York and London are the best places to do that.
I see you're a scat fetishist, OP. Only way you'd ever dream of living in shitholes.
I lived in both and London is hands down the better city.
Where does your city rank Jow Forums?
Bomb them both
new york? ill just pretend it doesnt exist. puuuuure garbage
lol you can fit London in nyc
Both really bad cities ive only been to London and it was the first time I saw a real life tranny
NYC duh
I visited both and honestly, London is fucked. Got invaded with niggers and indians
>t. 14 year old cryptokike
Unironically neck yourself.
NY definitely has the better steak
New York's okay. It's overhyped, keep that in mind. It's a decent big city but it's not nearly as spectacular as New Yorkers think it is. I prefer Moscow (I'm not Russian, by the way). London is shit-tier and getting shittier every day. Total fucking garbage. It's way overpriced, filthy, cramped and full of pakis. Anything glamorous in London, you can't afford it and will never afford it.
Drag is part and parcel of British culture, you bigot.
New York
>incredible crime rates
>incredible obesity rates
>awful rent
>acid attacks
>incredible crime rates
>incredible obesity rates
>bin that butter knife
>rozzers are pathetic wimps
>awful rent
They're both awful. But I'd say London is worse. At least in New York you won't go to jail for writing "Muslims go home" on a bench.
Jew York is better by virtue of the fact I'd rather have nogs and spics than a city full of "asians".
Thts north Korea
Neither make the right decision and build a cabin away from it all like im planning on.
Only Milan is worth living in that list
I want to have kids in the future and to send them to private school. It costs around £30,000 a year for the good ones here so you gotta do what you gotta do. There's not many jobs where you can earn £200,000 a year despite being the equivalent of a middle manager.
How is Moscow? I heard it's huge. Man I wanna visit so many places but don't have the £££ currently.
>which is the better shithole?
Does it matter? They're both awful.
They are both Jewish capitals.
NY strip steak is great
Bigger fan of London
New York is a shithole, but it isn't likely to be ruled by muslims soon.
I'd like to spent some time in New York, I don't know why exactly but I really want to see New York. London on the other hand should be nuked and then it's ruins be nuked again to be sure. I hate British culture, that wicca,harry potter, sherlock holmes,rain,slag,fag culture London has...
Globalism is not a good thing
do newyork.
you will be within 6 hour drive of some really dank history.
but don't settle down in any urbans unless you are down to be brown..
>I've always wanted to live in both
>I want to be a high flying banker
>send them to private school
either underage or retarded
fuck off either way
Being ruled by Jews is not any better. The Jews in London already have their own police force and Jewish courts.
i'll do anything to get away form here
Are you using fucking windows 98?
So with the state comprehensives are in now you're comfortable with sending your kids to one?
i wanta nork wife
Niggers are alpha and white people are beta cuck
Windows XP.
"Heroes are born in the countryside, cowards in towns" - Heinreich Himmler.
>Beta -
Oof. There are two whole categories of cities below Detroit.
Are you serious or is it a skin? That's a huge security risk you're lucky you haven't been hacked. Do you cover your webcam? Get windows 10 friend.
>200k a year
Money like that literally evaporates in London or New York. What, you think you can live on that afterwards or something? You'll pick up retarded habits like cocaine on top of living costs that are plain extortion.
it's not even niggers
we are full of patels
I'm kidding, I got the pic off the innernets. Windows automatically upgrades you so you don't have a say.
I know London's shit, New York is probably shit.
>Berlin that low
>Atlanta literally who gives a shit
>Brussels above Antwerp ever
>fucking Rome that low
>Chicago not in the trash where it belongs
Both suck ass. Go live in a comfy town instead.
If you need to live in a big city, live in Singapore, Dubai, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Hong Kong, Austin or Tokyo instead.
>living in Jew York
>living in Londonstan
It's like you fetish for high rent. I can understand wanting to work in Jew York, but you'd for sure want to live outside the city, and commute to work.
>live in London with best friend actor while I do med school
>he falls into a crowd of weirdos in Camden town
>literally starts doing drag for pay
>last time I heard of him he was stripping as an orgys entertainment
London is better, of course.