Disowned by my dad because he is a commie and im right wing

Hey guys, i have a commie dad and we were arguing politics and failure of refugee integration in EU, why is it impossible to talk with them, honestly commies dont make sense anymore, he believes that girls getting raped by refugees is morally allowed beacuse of human values stating that and i quote him
> They grew up in a place where such thing is normal so we need to adapt to their nature

how the fuck can someone have this line of logic, please /pol how the fuck can a discussion meet a commie?

also i got disowned because i said IQ in somalia is 65 and orangotangs have 90 IQ so i would radder fuck a orangotang than anyone from somalia.

Attached: 81a.png (1080x683, 444K)

you should fuck your mom, and tell him your the father figure now. he will probably submit.

Call him a nigger

so the way to fix this is go full blown edipus

wont work, he would probably say:

> I wish i was black so would know how being discriminated is like

Oedipus killed his father first before he started shagging his mom fyi.

Ask him to redistribute his wealth and call him a dirty capitalist if he doesn't share.


go out and find some poor nogs and bring them into his home. If he complains explain that this is normal where they grew up and he has to adapt.

your dad probably has monthly subscription to blacked

>letting politics come in between family relations

how fucking stupid are you