Germany - The absolute state of cuckism

So 99.9% of the time, I only lurk and read. But I can't holy my thoughts anymore.

I was born in Kazakhstan (yy I know, -stan) and we moved to Germany when I was 6 years old. My grandpa is an ethnic German and was born here in the early twenties. Because of the 2nd world war, my grandpa was forced to move out of Germany and was deported to Kazakhstan (many other shared the same fate - so called "wolga germans"). So you could say we returned to our "old homeland". In Germany, there is a special term for our kind of people, they are called "Russlanddeutsche" (russia germans). As long as I can remember, we were labeled "fucking germans" in Kazakhstan and "fucking russians" in Germany. I broke many noses when getting called like this in primary school in germany because it insulted me and my dad was always like "stand your ground if it is justified. The years passed by and we integrated ourselfes pretty good. My parents had more problems than me concerning the language since they spent 1/3 of their life in Kazakhstan. Today, they are both full time working and law abiding citizens. I finished school, learned the language pretty fast and graduated from university some years ago in the IT branch. So here comes my concern..

The Germany I remember in the late 90s and early 2000s has changed completely. We spent most of our time outside without a cellphone or social media, you name it. Today, everything must be political correct and everyone is offended by the slightest criticism about the so called refugees. The cuckoldry in this one is very big. When I speak with my grandparents, they always talk very bad about kikes, especially in the former soviet union. Things like one kike ruining whole villages with his/her greedy money policy. My parents are similar, especially when you look at the current situation in germany regarding the fucking bongos from africa. They completely displease the immigration politics.


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Get the fuck out of Germany you slav rapebaby

You are not pure, not German, not white.

Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. Deutschland.


>I was born in Kazakhstan
Who cares


About 95% of my friends are the complete opposite of all this. They are more like waving the fucking rainbow flag and insulting me when I post memes about tyrone or anti immigration pictures.

I have this one chat grp (pick one famous and common messenger app) where I am the only one against a bunch of fucking cucked antifa pro feminist faggots. Everytime I post a critical article or just a meme, I'll get attacked from 3 sides and I always have to defend myself against them. One of them holds a dual citizenship (Murica and Germany) and is a mulato. Most of the time he writes stuff like "this white trash bastard did this and that again" and gets approved by the rest. But when I post something like "niggers do murder more people than anybody else" I'm the rascist and idiot. They are blind and do not want to hear the truth.

Another guy always shares shit like "AFD - The nazi party did it again" on kikebook and everytime I comment on it or give contra, he deletes the post or ridicules me in the group chat. How can I fuck them? I need strong arguments and/or memes which speak for themself. Germany is fucked..

Germans are slowly becoming amerimutts in terms of spreging out.

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I am white you fucking degenerate Ossi retard. Didnt you read?

>I was born in Kazakhstan (yy I know, -stan) and we moved to Germany when I was 6 years old.
stoped reading right here

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>I am white
Who cares, Kasache

>I'm the rascist and idiot.
Yes, yes you are.

>My grandpa is an ethnic German and was born here in the early twenties. Because of the 2nd world war, my grandpa was forced to move out of Germany and was deported to Kazakhstan (many other shared the same fate - so called "wolga germans").

If he was ethnically german why would he be deported?

This is exactly what I meant. How stupid one have to be to look through this.. Drecksossi

how old are you?

When Germany slowly started to lose the war, the conquered regions in the east were abandoned and everybody who lived there were deported. You can say they were born in the conquered land which later was something like poland and comparable nations.. for the Germans, they were no Germans but something in between.

You're probably worse than Ossis though

Post a picture of the back of your hand so we can determine if you're White. If you are, then I'll help you. I can join your groups and argue against libtards, or I can give you arguments collected over the years of Jow Forums autism.

>The cuckoldry in this one is very big.

spam them with evidence and call them a bunch of retarded jew-nigger-lovers

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between 28 and 32

I tried everything, but they keep flaming and spamming. Maybe I'll post a chat snipped later, I'm at work currently.

You should just realize you're mentally ill

Russland deutsche are pretty based.
There was this one guy at my Gym who had the German flag Tattooed on his arm.

Your people will always be welcome. You love the germans more than the German hating leftists who you can see hatespouting above me.

When the next kristallnacht comes you will be a welcome ally in purging jews commies and muds.

I'm also Volga Deutsche. So is John Denver.

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God are you a fag

nigga noone cares about your bio just ask your question

I would love to get the arguments you collected so that I can fuck them really good. The thing is that I know most of them for about 15 years and many of them share a similar story regarding the heritage. One, the worst of them, is even a russian who moved here when he was like 10. I dont know how one can degenerate so much over the years. Back then we used to joke about Niggers and stuff but in the last 3 years he changed for the worse. The pride and strenght on germany has long gone becuase the kikes cut off germany's dick long ago.

All the real men in Germany were proposely slaughtered by the juden.

>I need strong arguments and/or memes
Here is how you win every debate: 1. Base your opinion on the facts 2. Cite the facts that determined your opinion

I honestly didnt think that germans who share parts of my opinion would be this deranged. Instead of holding together you fucking degenerates behave worse than kikes. Shame on you idiots.

>moved to Germany when I was 6 years old
Can you speak russian?

Neurechte Spasties.

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when will the Germans' denial turn to rage?

Much respect for you! Rare occurence nowadays..

fuck off back to your shithole

;) but the ones who fled to the USA those are real men

Yes man, pretty good. I learned to write and read in the school when I was doing my Abitur/a-levels/american pendant.

So get the fuck out of Germany and stop crying you fucking Monkey.

Most of them are larping and probably named mohammud

why? he is ethnic german no?

Said the craotia guy..the shithole does have a space program and one of the most sophisticated military in the world, what do you have? Dubrovnik? Fuck off kike..

Most Germans never go outside therefore they let all their frustrations out on the internet.
The more a poster rages the more beta he is irl.

I'm nowhere near black or even slightly brown you retard. Learn to read..

Wasn’t Kazakhstan originally shamanic before the Islamic invasion? But whatever these chinks look hot.

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Bro, I am vor better was in the same situation as you are. With the arguments as well as with your heritage.
My conclusion was, that our time hasn't come yet and probably won't in our life time.
I don't want to sound defeatist vor blackpilled, but just don't talk to those people about political stuft. They don't WANT to understand. They don't want to be outcasts as you are in the bringe to become one.
If you can afford, wear your poloitical opinion as a shield and state it mercilessly, when asked. Also just brush their rebuttals of or ridicule them. In my opionion this is the only way to be respected by sheep.
If you can't afford. Leave it be and hide till Führer 2.0: electric bogaloo

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My grandpa had many khazak friends when he was a kid and later on as well. They are humble and friendly people and have an awesome kitchen/meals. I was there like 5 years ago to check out the city I was born in. Looks nothing like I remember. But unfortunately, the islam is pretty big there.

Croatia unironically only exists for German holydays

>by the juden

You mean subhuman americans and britbongs.

That's not the kind of Kazakh he is, he probably looks like a blockhead Russian

where we spit in your food, mug your partygoers, and drug your daughters for fiki fiki.

CWY jew

Volga Germans are Germans who lived in Russia and were deported during Stalin's reign. Your grandfather didn't live in Germany. Catherine the Great was German so she ordered Germans to move to Russia in 1700's. There lived millions of Germans in Russia in the early 1900's, but many of them were killed and about one million Germans were deported to Siberia and Kazakstan.

Thank you man. Glad to hear I am not alone.. where are you from mate?

>where we spit in your food, mug your partygoers, and drug your daughters for fiki fiki.

Sounds like you need to be genocided then.

Go back to Mongolia if you don't like it.

I dont care. You are not german. Stop bitching and get out.

t. Jew

Britbongs and americans led by Juden

And you probably dont look like Ingvar from sweden, but more like Hans Walther from Köln- Kalk where you and your fat ugly wife sit in front our your tile table and smoke cheap tobacco 24/7 while commenting here about how miserable the people in germany are except for you.

Wie viel % deutsch biste also ?

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Juden am giften wie eh und je.
Ihr werdet früher oder später in den Ofen kommen.

Why don't you tell this to Achmeds???

Yes Kazakhs are hot. I shagged one once.

Only his Opa was german so do the math Schrödinger.

That's some Kazakh hand right there

0/10 LARP

*knocking on the door can be heard in the background*

Post one closed eye I bet it's slant

You deserve getting fucked, kraut.

This is the exact other side, but yes there are also many who are like this. But in my case, my maternal grandpa was born here in the region of so called "Schlesien" near Lepzig. I've seen his birth certificate.

Nature looks comfy too. Worth a visit?

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fuck off t*rk

meh we're celto-germanic. Cro-magnon men originated in my cunt. It's called tough love, Germans are effete holier-than-thou assholes, and we like to put them in their place when they come here.
>sprechen sie Deutsch?

Exactly my question.. the absolute state of Germany now.

>>sprechen sie Deutsch?
best humor

Ich hoffe es sehr..

>Ausländer-Arschkriecher nennt andere Juden

Hamburg. University was antifa hell.

they have the most based german names. those that got out of fashion here long ago. like eugen, dieter, heinz etc.

when a young person has such a name u know hes "russian".

german boys are all named kevin, lucas, leon etc.

thanks bro. I jest, germs are alright, just not the brown ones.

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Kazakh girls are pretty good. In fact in all the former ussr countries the people are beautiful because of all the turmoils in politics and therefore a lot of moving of people between the regions so there was constsnt blood mixing and this is why i only fuck home produced girls even when abroad

Deutsch genug um mich hier angepasst, die Sprache gelernt, Abitur und einen Uniabschluss gemacht zu haben und eine deutsche Blondine zu vögeln. Wenn mein Opa und alle davor Deutsche waren und die Generation meiner Eltern 30 Jahre in Kasachstan gelebt hat und zurückgekehrt ist, wäre das deutsch genug für dich?


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God damn, I can imagine. But the universities are a hotspot for trash like that.. I was lucky to be on a pretty technical one so it was not this hard but you still saw many retarded people..

Volga Germans.

Ich liebe gluklich trahlich
Some good ol' schpehen frehen If ya kno wut I mean

>Hi, I am immigrant who beat up local for making fun of me.
>Germany is fucked, we can live with all this immigrants around

As long as I know organic people don't look mongoloid

Dude I am not brown at all. Now its summer and I got a little more brown because of the heat, but in the colder months I look pretty white. Probably as white as you..

t. mehmet eren ibrahim

Based and redpilled

The history of my family is very similar to yours.

My parents are from Kazakhstan, just like my older brother. My younger brother and I were born here in Germany though.

They were an ethnic german minority in Karaganda and decided to move to Bavaria in the '90s after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

My father is a very hard-working IT-technician and my mother just a homemaker. Both raised me pretty neutral when it comes to politics, even though they are based. (They know about the JQ and voted for the AfD. They know it's a cuck-party but there is nothing better to vote for.)

I'm so happy to see a Jow Forums user with a similar history.

At least back in the Times locals had nerves and possibility to make fun of immigrants

>und eine deutsche Blondine zu vögeln
türken denken

>wäre das deutsch genug für dich?
nach 7 Generationen wären deine Nachfahren deutsch

Well the main opposite here is that I am not a fucking immigrant. When we returned to our homeland (which is not immigrating you ukrop fuck), we didnt get free money, free housing, free iphone, free kindergarden space etc. etc. My parents had to learn the language from scratch and I was thrown into school when I was here for 3 weeks without knowing a single german word. How would you behave when you return to your homeland and get mocked by your fellow citizens? Oh yeah I get the gist.. the ukrops are killing their own brothers and sisters in eastern ukraine because of "politics". Let that sink in for a minute..
PS: crimea is russian! :)

Wirhaben den selben hintergrund, meine empfehlung ist es nicht zu bekämpfen sondern zu übertreiben und versuchen durch übertreibung auf ihren wahnsinn hinzuweisen.
Sie müssen am eigenen leib erfahren was es heißt liberal zu sein

For english bastards.
In my opinion we shouldnt fight them, caus they dont listen, but push them to go further and watch them fail or go to jail.

bin auch Russlanddeutscher.
hab sehr ähnliche erfahrungen gemacht

they used the most sophisticated mass-psychology for decades on the west.

it takes a special kind of man and allot of alternative media fact finding to go your own way.