I am confused about this and I feel stupid. Can you guys actually provide me all the facts.
Factoid #1 It didn't happen
Facto #2 Jews lie
Fackie #3 America sponsored the lie
Fact #4 even to this day with an abundance contradicting evidence out there. we still have to lie about it because people will know the truth
But Uncle Rob.. What will happen if people ever finding out the truth?
Nothing XD that's what so great about it.
Holocaust wasn't a pretty cool guy
Not Ford
Happened and 6 mil were killed but it's so insignificant compared to the Holomondor or other genocides.
You're a silly man. Do you math user? i don't know how. :( but just how many gas chambers and dead body ovens does it take to kill 6 million fucking people in 2.5 years.
where did they go even? not the jews, I'm pretty sure they went to bank. but the ovens and gas chambers? theres not enough to kill 6 million in 2.5 years
I really am curious about what facts are available and I have been unable to find any conclusive evidence either way. Can you provide some evidence?
why the hell would a smart man like hitler do that any ways? it would be cheaper to use a gun and a big hole to throw the bodies in. cheaper still to use a knife. woh woh it wouldn't cost anything at all if you just stabbed them all to death and just had some civilians dispose of the bodies
>In 1980, the Institute for Historical Review (IHR) promised a $50,000 reward to anyone who could prove that Jews were gassed at Auschwitz.
>Mermelstein wrote a letter to the editors of the LA Times and others including The Jerusalem Post. The Institute for Historical Review wrote back, offering him $50,000 for proof that Jews were, in fact, gassed in the gas chambers at Auschwitz. Mermelstein, in turn, submitted a notarized account of his internment at Auschwitz and how he witnessed Nazi guards ushering his mother and two sisters and others towards (as he learned later) gas chamber number five.[citation needed]
>The IHR refused to pay the reward, stating that Mermelstein's notarized account was "not sufficient proof". Represented by public interest attorney William John Cox, Mermelstein subsequently sued the IHR
Notice how the photograph on the cover of the book that Mermelstein wrote shows that forged evidence is what proves the Holocaust happened.
>Driven by crooked Claims Conference employees, former employees and other conspirators would recruit people—some unwitting—who weren’t eligible for the program (mostly individuals of the Jewish faith in the Russian immigrant community) to take part in the fraud.
>To make it appear that applicants were eligible, identification documents were often altered (for example, a birth date was changed to make it appear that applicants were born during or before World War II) and fake Nazi persecution stories were often made up.
Interesting how the judge who presided on that case also claimed that there was one gun only on the JFK case
The lies are prevalent and numerous and yet its so hard to explain the plot to a normie because of the heavy brainwashing they've received
jewish lie meant to establish state of Israel
You tell me
Who took the photo and on which date?
Even if I told you, you would just say it was a made up name on a fake date wouldn't you?
>no swarthy italian gf to tie me up and make me sniff her smelly feet
"Holocaust" is a Hebrew word that when translated into English means "Give wealthy Jews all of your money and political power because if you don't they might cry and feel bad."
>that double refraction of his ear
just want to know, seeing that pic the first time
Here he gets gassed 6 000 000 times.
Wrong. 11 mil were killed and Ustaši helped A LOT.
Then we murdered your asses and burred you in unmarked graves.
Which was wrong... Really fucking wrong...
Mauthausen, date and photographer unknown sorry
>6 million of polish citizens died
>half of them were non jewish, just poles
>jews somehow keep repeating like broken record 6 million of jews died
>that double refraction of his ear
liar less then 20K poles died in the war you sold us to germans and they almost killed us all
you and you entire people accpeted the germans as your rules just to hurt us
you are cowards you sold kids and woman to the germans just so they could be killed like animals
you never even tried to resist the germans
the entire polish nation turned against us the moment they could to
you are dirty liars
Here he gets gassed 6 000 000 times.
Why are you guys so intent on making a real holocaust happen?
half??? HALF???
you guys got a fucking country out of the entire deal in the most corrupt way possible WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU COMPLAINING AND WHINING ABOUT YOU GREEDY BASTARD
>you are dirty liars
Rich coming from you.
This, what this faggot says.
im done
do you have any proof to say otherwise ? you surrenderd to them just to kill us
>Holocaust, I am confused about this and I feel stupid
welcome to german feels
Poles are liars.....Jews though, he most honorable people ever. Get he fuck out of here with your self-righteous bullshit. Jews are for Jewish Supremecy, it’s in your culture. You’re winning in Hollywood’s and Manhattan’s propaganda machine. All is fair in war faggots. Maybe don’t be such dicks. Ask yourselves, why is it that people have kicked us out of every country and persecuted us from every corner of earth? It’s because of your Jewish Supremacy bullshit. Anything short of that explanation is delusion.
They fought them upon your demands you monster, along with the rest of the world.
This is a insight into the Jewish mindset right here. Literally 10s of millions die fighting in the worst war in human history just to free Jews from workcamps and they STILL complain, still show zero gratitude.
These people aren't human
I'm pretty sure with calling it "workcamps" you are denying the holocaust and can be therefore imprisoned.
i wish that actually happened
i really do