I am going to go ahead and add Her to my list, the blonde Bimbo is just below average without her make up, Dasha on the other hand doesn't need it
Left or right?
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it's ashtons attitude that's the real turn off
>wahhh I have no friends, I didn't get that job, I've been beaten
I'm a straight white male in america. I know what it's like to have it rough.
I feel bad for ashton.
The enemy propped her up because they KNEW she was broken inside.
The enemy does this a lot.
Rather than recruiting controlled opposition figures, they will occasionally just prop up someone who is a naturally going to do badly.
Why else are all the smart women in the movement barely known but the biggest idiots are everywhere on the news. THINK.
The other one looks like a tranny. Now go back to /leftypol/
lol, pathetic
you mean Alex jones?
desu commie mommy dasha can throw my reactionary ass in the gulag any day of the week
There is movement in my shorts
Commie queens are my weakness
The blonde is way hotter, that other brunette looks like a retard with her weird nose/forehead, and the fact that she's dressed like some jap schoolgirl is just ridiculous.
i wonder how this dumb bitch feels about plastic straw bans
Dasha reminds me of Alizée (not as hot, though).
I honestly think she's a 4.8/10 with foetal alcohol syndrome, but at least she's more interesting-looking than the blonde.
I'm starting to imagine things, or we can clearly see a part of her nipple?
The jewish girl looks better, more intelligent, more fun. She doesn’t want my money either.
good....... now user tell me where you've hidden the grain..... and the royals......
no sorry i can't save you from the cheka user, orders are orders
>more intelligent
to be fair, that's not too hard when the person next to you is brandishing an infowars microphone
Left, I love Dasha so much, shame she is a commie, but I think she might secretly be /ourgirl/ like Yusef.
meh looks like every sweaty BO permeating tumblr retard. I've met more than a 100 girls like this. When I meet these retards they ask how I have such a good read on them as if I was some sort of esoteric nigger. Nah I've just seen enough of these ego fueled thots to know they have no sense of self preservation, let alone the ability to preserve the beauty our world provides for us.
>turning down a blonde, blue eyed tradthot for a communist mudblood
what the fuck is going on
Fuck, in that photo she looks like this one crush I had in middle school...STOP
Why imagine, when she actually did a nude photoshoot.
Just to cuck Adam
I dont know who these stupid whores are but the brunette is covering a massive bald spot/receding hairline with those bangs.
Imagine a threesome with both of them.
Imagine them both constantly trying to out do each other.
she's got a really nice bod when she teases
If that's Lauren southern without makeup she looks better without. Wasn't even that attracted to her.
This is the white lady version of Trayvon\Zimmerman. Just two dumbasses trying to out dumbass each other.
Ugly as fuck. Covered in moles. Has a mans voice.
actually unironically disgusting jesus christ she is putting so much effort into giving her ass the illusion of having any volume, or mass
R U gay?
..no that's not Lauren Southern
That's probably the straightest thing that man could have said. Only someone equally disgusting would find commieshit attractive.
t.has fucked a commie before
>t. Ashton
>he thinks girls go on the internet
I have a penis, and a very hairy butthole. I'm not a girl unfortunately or the world would be fucking easy mode. Commies cannot fuck for their lives they want gibs, and don't want to gib. They are like niggers.
I want to waif the commie so hard that she’ll turn capitalist.
oh stfu, she's waifu tier
I might use her as a human toilet since she's used to being open to the public but that's it I would not want to catch any diseases and she is filled with them
This entire thread is full of betas.
Except for the people rejecting this socialist sailor looking bitch.
you mean ashton right? she was used like a fuck doll by jones and pjw,I always imagine her with cum running down her leg from trying to become famous
Not defending Ashton but PJW is a literal HOMO, and the other guy is literally who, but Dasha is a public toilet, and fleshlight used up by every podcaster,soundcloud musician, college film student, and jew model manager. You may be as smart as the average commie if you don't think every crevasse of her body hasn't been covered in semen, let alone the seed of a kike/nigger. Ashton is also a whore.
How do I convince her to live with me as a stay at home housewife?
They should just kiss.
The Sailor Warrior is hot as hell and a socialist patriot. The blonde is just dumb. Who cares about rats, is she an animal rights advocate?
right wing girls are so much more attractive there is no contest
Fuck it she’s just so cute, I would want to save her from her own degeneracy anyways.
Stop posting birds, faggot
You poor blue pilled deluded child. Thinking you can save a whore.
>fuck it this bottomless axe wound is just so cute I just wish I could throw money at it as it fucks niggers, and jews
I know you would
I wanna lick her feet.
>one of them is a stupid empty bug-eyed whore
>the other is a stupid emptier sub-par whore
Why does Jow Forums have a disturbingly shit taste in women?
That girl is so hot and her nipples poking out
>Nude photoshoot
>Abuse victim
Checks out 100%
I mean, for fucks sake, Dasha is a literal mouth breather, lol
Found her movie
What is this highly condensed cancer? Anyone involved in that shit should be beheaded.
Imagine actually having this .gif in your folder
>French flag
>obsession with beheading
checks out senpai
Dasha is a disgusting retard, Ashton is pure
You're a loser male
I have nutted to the chick on the left very many times
are you a latent homo? because this looks like a teenage boy with long hair. made worse that "she's" a literal unmotivated unemployed layabout ho
the bags under her eyes are a great touch. a 20-something unemployed loser who eats like shit and doesn't get enough sleep and prob abuses narcotics. man, what a fucking prize
get out of the house you fucking incels. this chick is gross and a loser to boot
That's hot though.
I see it too bro. She's got some real perky nips, considering it's up by her shoulder.
I have a weakness for cynical hipster girls. Socialism still sucks.
get help you fuckin spaz