Shy do you fags keep posting groceries from the Arctic circle as if they are the same as the price you'd get in toronto? It's obvious to anyone with an IQ higher than 65..
Isaiah Peterson
Her name is Justine Castro and she's a strong Cuban woman who don't need no eyebrows.
Tyler Rogers
Who is that?
How come dozens of us Burgers dont make hundreds of threads about this Justin guy and what he says on twitter??
How come Leaf FAGZ dont make a bunch of threads about their GREAT LEADER ...this Justin guy?
Canada is ran by communist jew diaspora and funded by Cuban blood money. No one knows who their true leader is because contact has been lost with the country since 2015. They have adopted the Chinese tactic of hiring web subversives to monitor international activities and spread communist propaganda. When you see a Canadian flag there is a 92.4 percent chance it is a chinaman working for the government.
The pictures "leaked" online are doctored to make prices seem more affordable. A bag o chicken as of 4:30 am was priced at 700 dollars according to intelligence. Canadians that haven't starved to death have been supplimenting their ricedrink allotment by eating the penises of the dead.
When you see a Canadian celebrity its old b-roll footage of them prior to 2015. That's why they always say stupid things.
Dominic Reed
I see you're asking the real questions.
Levi Rogers
Yes but nobody seems to know the answers?
How come nobody in the usa really give a fuck about Canada... Nobody cares who runs the entire campsite known as Canada
How come we dont give a fuck what the leader of Canada says on Twitter lol?
Holy shit back at again with the same post every day. Everyone knows these are from the Arctic areas. You are fooling absolutely nobody, stop trying
Charles Jones
Adam Allen
>why can't I have affordable + healthy food I'll take a stab in the dark 1) Live in bumfuck nowhere = high transportation costs because there's fuck-all farming 2) Low population of bumfuck nowhere = prices have to be high to turn a profit on the tranportation. Can't be spread out 3) Local Laws on the sacredness of fried chicken means even more cost as orders deviate from the standard
3 might be wrong. I know fuck all about inuit's relationship to food. If they have a system like Kosher or Halal or any of that
Aiden Watson
OH so only the people in South Leafland get good food prices...
>Does Canada has a leader or president or some kind of Boss? >Who runs the place and how come we never hear anything about the leader or there twitter.... >Does the leader have responsibility for terror attacks like the one last week? >Why does food cost so much in Canada?
paint face brown pretend to only speak hurka durka mumble something unitelligible, sprinkle the wors "war" and "refugee" in it present that in any EU country voila, affordable living.
I just bought a few bottles of Fanta Mango and they cost 0.79 per litre on special offer this week.I looked it up, that's $1.20 in Canadian, and tax is already included. (You only have to add 0.25 deposit per bottle that you get back when you return the bottles.)
>How come dozens of us Burgers dont make hundreds of threads about this Justin guy
You mutts really have been trained to be jews
Charles Rivera
Are you that fucking stupid? Do you not understand how things like transportation work? Do you know anything about populations? Please tell me that was a joke
Jackson Clark
Yes, fuckem if they live that far up north and they are not depending on the local foods and need to shop at some goy’d out supermarket that imports from thousands of kilometres away.
Aiden Allen
Thats about the price of a 2L here too
Adam White
Looking at those chicken parts for $65 I was under the impression that food is incredibly expensive. I guess I must lurk moar.
Tyler Barnes
China annexation when?
Charles Price
Canada este tara Romanesc. Nu-iti uita stramosii tai.
Charles Brown
We don't have any leader. We have Justin Trudeau that can be considered a placebo, but he's just a clown doing jack shit for the country. He would rather help some sand niggers instead of improving our economie
Dominic Adams
In your dreams. Puny eagle vs Mighty dragon like Loki vs Hulk. No competition at all. China best.
Cameron Green
Yea. You also make 100grand for an entry level job there.
Adam Moore
Cina este tara Romanesc.
Oliver Edwards
Do you know where Nunavut is? Or how hard it is to get there? That is truly a special case.
Adrian Peterson
There's a lot of shitposting about Justin here newfriend.
Ryder Jenkins
Doesn't matter much when a bag of tendies is $65 maplebux
Carson Brooks
The only people there are snow niggers who can make 100grand a year pumping gas but they'd rather live on the reserves and get gibs and hunt seals.
Charles Walker
Same price here, friend. $2 for 2 liters. $2.26 with tax.
Colton Jackson
Yea as it's been stated many times, that's Nunavut. A frozen wasteland and the only people there are eskimos. You can get literally a no skill job there and make 100gtand a year because no one wants to go there.
Chase Young
Ya but if you have a skill job you can make way more.
Tyler Ward
I realize that now, I did not when I foolishly made that post. Typical golddigger prices, it seems.
Isn't she a niece of the Kaiser? Where are our colonies with gold and oil in them??
Leo Gutierrez
You could have had some, but Rommel didn't fight hard enough.
Tyler Anderson
He did, Hitler calles him home. Anyway, what the fuck were we doing in Africa? There's no oil there, only sand and troublesome sandniggers.
Ryder Garcia
Seeing how I was the person to tell the other faggot what they were pictures of... Yeah, idiot.
Matthew Diaz
>Anyway, what the fuck were we doing in Africa? Making sure the Italian lines held. Yes, Rom managed to almost take Egypt with forces meant to hold the line