what kind of bullshit is this?
Why the fuck aren't churches taxed?
because the army doesn't defend them in times of war and hospitals don't treat them when they are sick, their water doesn't come from the mains and their electricity comes from god's hand itself.
GTFO out of here libtard faggot
Whatever triggers libtards I am for it.
Because taxation is theft
And we don't allow theft at this synagogue
>why the fuck aren't churches taxed?
Because that money was already taxed when the people who donated it earned it in the first place.
It's not just churchs, its any religious institution. But only wypipo are retarded enough to give so much money their religious leaders that they can afford shit like private fucking jet aircraft
>average poltard mentality
>Hurr durr being contrarian in itself is the best argument
0/10 low energy sheeps effort
Too bad this logic doesn't apply to inheritance but Trump aims to fix that.
How come the government is OK with taxing gifts and double dipping when it taxes corporate profits and then taxes the same money in wages?
Best answer. This had not occurred to us, dude. New things have come to light.
>being a protcuck
>in 2018
He needs the jet to fly to Thailand for the 12 year old lady boys.
Separation of church and state.
The potential for government abuse or preferential treatment for certain religions. Not saying I agree.
because the united states would then become tainted by theocracy. if the churches were one of the sources for govt income, then the church could influence the state, and would be actively doing so with every dollar.
because manipulating the minds of the people with literally no effort from the government doesn't need taxation.
also churches are like charity.. just go once and see how it is. Its actually nice to be around.
Just dont believe the garbage.
And to preach Christianity to mgbubmo in fucking Chad or wherever (that's the one that gets the optics for the donations)
It wouldn't tax the church as churches have no large income. They would have to put the tax burden upon the believers which would make it a thought/belief tax. A gross violation of the most base human rights.
pretty sure that donations give them tax relief you tard.
Kenneth Copeland is a heretical, disgusting, Israel worshipping fraud and there will be a special place in hell for him.
Only if they don't take the standard deduction, which is most people.
No taxation without representation.
The moment you tax churches is the moment they can seriously try to establish a theocracy.
Because jesus gave them.that money snd you are takkng away jesuses gift you.satanist
And they all get shot and no one defends retardee christian lunatics.
Fucking shill kys
If they have the money to buy a private jet I'd say they have the backing for a strong run for Congress and presidency.
No they dont, the govrrnment recieves trilliobs and has trilliobs of equipment ingastructure and manpower
Televangelist isn't the same as a church.
No taxation without representation. To tax the churches would give them a say in politics. Currently any religious institute that straight backs a politician (vote X or go to hell) gets raped by the IRS and fed. Gonna be a hell of a wakeup call when the athiests succeed in getting churches taxed and we end up with even more religious backed laws because the Pope determines which candidate the 30+ million catholic beaners vote for
American Protestants are the worst. Then again so are their Catholics, glad I am Orthodox.
I am a libtard and I'd really be triggered by you shooting up a police station.
>Buying into megachurches
You deserve to get fleeced you fucks.
tax all these fuckers
As a christian i wouldn't donate shit to some rich moron who doesn't even preach doctrine but wants to get rich.
His followers are clearly not familiar with scripture. Otherwise this would never happen.