Jow Forums racists BTFO

Blacks admit Trump is the most pro-black president in their lifetime

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>wow just wow

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OHHHHH SHIT I didn't hide my flag can I edit the flag of my post someone please help

Well I'd consider effort to be a sort of pie graph where a maximum of 100% of your efforts must be directed at any given time.

In their lifetimes (in fact in history) the efforts of politicians with the rare exception like Huey Long has been about 90% Jew, 5% White, and 5% shitskin.

Trump, by opening negotiations with Syria and Iran, has basically shit down Israel's throat, and that surplus has to go somewhere. Since Trump has doomed your nation to nuclear hellfire, I guess the blacks must've gained 2-3% somewhere along the line.

what's going on jewfriend?

>Trump is going to take some of the black vote from the left

Ok, this is EPIC.

Oh, the irony..

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That name. Every time.

fucking racist bigotש

I meant bigots

who cares who they are another vote is always good

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I love kikebros.

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nigga looks like a penis

This actually BTFO of all the whiney niggers, MSM, and faggots in the streets complaining about him being racist 1000x more than it BTFO of Jow Forums. I really don't know what your point in posting this was.

I mean you want him to be racist like you don't you

send a pic of your kike office pls. i want to see how the jews work

Who ever said that I was racist? Who ever said I wanted him to be racist? Your stupid ass jew semantics don't work here faggot.

I get it you hate niggers but you want their votes

Oy sorry I shouln't be sayin niggers, im not racist like you guys

So you're admitting your entire schtick in posting this was nothing but divide and conquer? To separate people you deem as "racists" away from supporting their president, when the reality is more people are supporting him than ever before? You kikes couldn't be more transparent if you tried and your entire narrative is falling apart. It's fucking sad. You must really be feeling that noose tighten around your neck at this point.

>I shouln't be sayin niggers
oops yet again
I mean the n word

Is that Jews think of the goyim? Why are you projecting so hard your twisted mindset?

it's just a dude pretending to be retarded

I hate nobody on the basis of their race! It's only white people who do!

Not pretending

No schlomo. Stop frantically flailing trying to put words in someone's mouth. "Nigger" and "racist" have lost any meaning they ever had thanks to faggots like you. There's no such thing as a racist and calling someone that in 2018 after all this shit only outs yourself for who you are. It's honestly funny how badly this has backfired on you idiots.

B-But Maxine Waters said, ... !!!

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Good cuz I'm not racist

So because all the white people are now racist the word racist lost all meaning and somehow it my fault???
name: "Mind"
State: "Blown"

What's your opinion about black people?
Do you agree with Trump policies?
If you are than you are a racist. NEWSFLASH

>So because all the white people are now racist
Stopped reading.

Reading the comments under that post is hilarious. Black people just refuse to get out of their own way. I'm not surprised Africa is STILL a shithole


muh sides

OK most of them are, nice dodging