Richer than Trump

>richer than Trump
>the greatest player in NBA history
>practices philanthropy and gives back to his community
>squeaky clean image
>has never cheated on his wife
>better spoken than Trump

Wouldn't LeBron James be a good candidate for Senator or President after he retires from basketball?

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only one of those things is true


MegaSlave has a nice ring to it

>3-6 finals record

>inarticulate nigger
he'd fit right in

Attached: 235235235235.png (600x323, 69K)

this guy is an egomaniac who destroys every team he is on but wins because of his basketball talent

also is this the best of black people the guys iq is at most average

>overpaid nigger

>has never cheated on his wife

Doubt it.

>Wouldn't LeBron James be a good candidate for Senator or President after he retires from basketball?

What does he know about the job? Being really good at a sport doesn't really help.
