How do we fix Venezuela, Jow Forums?

How do we fix Venezuela, Jow Forums?
Their people are so poor that some of the local women have started shooting porn flicks with their own sisters, absolutely sick!

Attached: sisters.webm (640x480, 2.94M)

i need the sauce to see how truly sick it is.

I was disgusted when visiting the brothels in quito, finding not ecuadorians but colombians and venezuelans. These poor, defenseless women need to travel out of country and where themselves out just for the chance to eat. My heart nearly broke when I kicked a venezuelan girl out of the marriot without paying her. Truly the white man needs to intervene and protect these women.

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>How do we fix Venezuela, Jow Forums?
kill commies.


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It's a shame that Venezolan hotties are going to shitholes like Quito tho.
We could give them some nice shelter here instead of Africans and islamist scum.

Nice piano.

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¿quiénes son estos demonios semon?

>How do we fix Venezuela, Jow Forums?

Why help a bunch of monkeys?

Those girls aren't missing meals.

I wholeheartedly concur. A thorough analysis to determine the level of degeneracy needs to be carried out.

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Fuck Venezuela.


A lot are flooding into colombia as well


Authoritarian shithole with oil but all the money gets stolen. They still support the regime thanks to propaganda brainwashing.
Same as Russia.

There is no fixing. Cuba has been going for half a century. The only way to out is to emigrate.

How do you know? Maybe all they can regularly eat is sugar cane soup. Tons of calories but almost no nutrients.

I went to Cuba once and it fucking sucked. The resort sucked, the food was bad, all they had was rum, the rum was cheaper than water or soda, the city was filled with shady people looking to steal from you. I have never been as happy as I was when I landed back in this gay country.

That's the weirdest intro I've seen for a Double Dragon game so far.

>How do you know?
The sex god told me.

They used the marxist 101 to implement communism via socialism. Why is the economy collapsing and everyone starving??

>I went to Cuba once
No you didn't. The resorts are not how Cubans live, it's their attempt to impress foreigners. Real Cuba in which Cuban live is a million times worse in ways you're unable to understand.

I said in that post that I went to the fucking cities too you braindead moron. I didn't stay on the resort the whole time. In the cities there were people picking weeds off the ground and trying to sell them to foreigners and would get aggressive and violent if you didn't buy them. I remember a guy on the street threatened me because I wouldn't buy his dog shit cigars. A friend of mine had his phone stolen from him right on the street.

>I went to the fucking cities
So what? Do you know that they ration food you retard and get government jobs and get paid in worthless fake monopoly money and the sores are fucking empty most of the time anyway? You're like an idiot from another planet.

Give sauce plssssss

Why are you acting like a fucking sperg? Are you some cuban fag? I never once said I understood the Cuban plight, I said the country was a shithole and I hated being there. Objectively true statements.


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Sheila and Kesha Ortega. Sauce is a DDF Busty video, if you use Rarbg you'll find it. They have other stuff too if you look around the tubes.

truly sickening
do NOT post any more of this material

>using that as a piano bench
Fucking disgusting

> Objectively true statements.
My point is that you don't even know how true. You saw like 10% of the shit, understood like 3% and you're like a multi millionaire there.
So what they really have to deal with you have no idea.

>So what they really have to deal with you have no idea.
And I don't care. I'm not talking to them, I'm talking to mostly first worlders. I can convey to them that it's a shithole and why I think so from a first world perspective. Quit fucking moralfagging because no one cares.

I'm bookmarking this thread and am going to remember to complain about it later. That'll show you.