When they declared independence from Spain they had an advantage that everyone in Europe and the Untied States wanted: A route to Asia AND Europe. They could have been one of the fastest growing commercial nations and they failed. Why?
Why is this country such a fucking failure?
Other urls found in this thread:
CIA would never let Mexico succeed.
>Why did [X country] populated almost entirely by blacks/Latinos fail?
Hmm... I wonder.
Because mexicans are fucking garbage subhuman trash.
wetbacks are low IQ regards and even the small about of white Hispanics cannot govern a country of stupid people.
They are full of non whites
This. Every president since Juarez has been appointed by the glowies.
Frankly, the single greatest factor in declining average American IQ is the introduction of large numbers of low IQ immigrants from straggler and basket case parts of the world, especially Latin America
Stragglers – these countries range between ~80-87. The levels of social organisation, infrastructure, and administrative competency are low, while corruption and socially disfunctional behaviours are high. These societies aren’t necessarily falling apart, but they aren’t exactly successful by any reasonable metric, either.
Thank you!
Your spic is showing.
Only latrineos actually blame everyone else for their problems.
What the fuck reason would the CIA have to keep them from succeeding?
Amerindians are dumb and hispaniards are either lazy or corrupt to the core. Mix the two and you have a receipt for chaos.
it's almost like the CIA fucked up the entire latin america a few decades ago
user I second this.
You can't blame the CIA for everything. Nor can you continue to say that something they did decades ago has retarded subsequent generations. Blacks after slavery recovered remarkably quickly...until Welfare came along and snatched their self-determination away.
nice numbers brayan, never the less you are correct, glow in the dark niggers / cartels rule this place
>Only latrineos actually blame everyone else for their problems.
Says the gringo that blames it all on niggers, spics and jews
>What the fuck reason would the CIA have to keep them from succeeding?
Lurk some maor! or rather maybe just KYS right now, you are a moron. "muh redpills durrr"
>CIA apologist
Now I've seen it all.
>Nor can you continue to say that something they did decades ago has retarded subsequent generations.
They are literally meddling in our country as we speak, glowie
You are defending mexican trash?
Just go die in a fucking fire.
Your people are shit, that is the problem not some CIA conspiracy.
Nice deflection. You will never swallow down the latino pill because it will go against your stormer-funded narrative, it will break apart and tear a hole into your meme-fueled reality. step 1: learn about the pyramidal structure of capitalism; not all countries can be developed first world countries, otherwise everyone would be equally poor. step 2: learn about political chacalism and deep state CIA operations in Latin America involving cocaine, funding guerrillas and planting dictators. Step 3: decide whether if you can assimilate the new truth or if you would rather blow your head off now that you see latinos as brothers on your wars against globalist jews.
You literally think of yourselves as the global police. What is the Monroe doctrine, glowie?
Latrineos are fucking dumb as this thread highlights.
You pukes are invading my fucking country.
Bothers my ass!
You think *muh route to Europe and Asia* will do shit if the people are retarded?
>Not cienfuegos being threatened by the jews that funded the bank of mexico
To be fair the same can be said about Canada
A shame really. I wish we could've seen Mexico do well, but she was our Argentina. Britain would never let Argentina be successful either.
Don't even try to explain this to this stormpendejo, la vida de estos pelones ignorantes se basa en su teoría de "mi koefizienteh intelektual zuperior :V". Literalmente muchos stormfags preferirian suicidarse antes de admitir que america latina ha sido saboteada adrede para que America tenga la hegemonía económica que tienen hoy en día. Pero claro los inferiores perezosos de CI inferior somos nosotros verdad.
Us? people from Costa Rica? really? We are doing fine here, I could say we have more and more retired American boomers buying cheap real estate over here every year.
>Why is this country such a fucking failure?
Brown people, friend.
Because Mexico has been controlled since late XIX century by a political class indoctrinated in USA.
USA realized that if they allowed Mexicans to study Politics in USA and then they send them back to Mexico, it would be a lot more easier to control Mexico's internal and foreign affairs.
someone put beaners in charge of something
Enlighten yourselves all american anons willing to go down the rabbit hole:
Manifest destiny, monroe doctrine
The CIA planting drugs and guerrillas in latin america:
>fetishizing commerce
Half-dicked amerifat irritant detected
Na everything is the fault of gingos holmes.
Dey just don't be letting us succeed and sheet.
You cant be oppressed by inferior people
Please tell me how everything in the US is the fault of minorities and jews, please start on it, I will be more than glad to check back to read what you have to say about it.
AMLO will allow autodefensas to operate everywhere, and as a result, Mexico will become a better place in the span of two weeks. Screenshot this.
i can't stand see mexican kids it breaks my heart that you gross fucks keep having sex with each other fucking stop it you horny fucks.