WTF did he do guys? He's acting shaken. Is he and his wife on pills or maybe heroin? Talk about the irony here tho, this man has ruined tons of lives wreck lessly too
Shaun King
Not only has he ruined lives, but his job is to perpetuate racial tensions and division in our society. He's started riots by misleading tweets.
Who is this and why are we mad at him?
This is perfect. We should be doing this to all these fuckers if they have kids.
Turnabout is fair play.
Lmao good, place this faggot and his family in camps separately and give them each a bullet in the back of the head. Giving succor is what got us into this situation. Destroy them root and branch.
It's shaun king how new are you? He causes/perpetuates many of the racial division/hatred on the Left. He also has abused foundation funds or misdirected them before from BLM or someone which he denies.
I hope they take his kids and he kills himself
newfag. He's talcum X.