Send Black Hebrew Israelites to missions in Africa. They need our help to reclaim their rightful land.
The World Needs to KNOW the TRUTH !!
The REAL jews were black !!!
also a bonus about Khazars :
The OLD Testament is clear that the Jews had darker skin than the egyptians
and it would take one look to know who is jew and who is egyptian
The Sea of Blood
The Swarm of Locusts
These are Methaphors for the Black Hebrews !!
The Draining of the Sea
The magically appearing Suplies of Food
are ALL Actions of the Desparate Egyptians to keep the Black Hebrews from Coming Back !!
It will be a Great Movie to see
starring a Black Moses and historically accurate Old Testament
God Damn it OP why you 1 post and go afk ?!
don't be a faggot
Are black jewish blewish?
No but the Hooked Nose is a natural occurrence among the Ethiopians
It is their distinct feature that makes them different from other blacks
Larpers jews have always been desparate to cultivate that same feature to appropriate the history of the real jews
That is the reason for the rampant inbreeding, chosen by parents and rabbies marriages and in any way you look at it, a selective breeding
Hey, I am just here to spread the word that we need to support the Black Hebrew Israelites, especially with their mission trips to Africa.
And also to support the coming back of the Black Hebrews of Ethiopia to their real second homeland Israel
the real life Wakanda in a way
It is destiny.