Jews just wanna genocide whites dude haha

>Jews just wanna genocide whites dude haha

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For every excellent Aussie post there are at least 10 full retard posts. Kikes don't necessarily want to kill anyone, they want to enslave all goyim. You can't enslave whites if they're dead, and jews need whites to operate advanced technology.

I wanna genocide their pussies and choke them while thinking about usurping the jewish throne of cultural marxism and making america white again.

>not comprehending genocide can be done in many ways not just through killing
Americans everyone.

Me too.

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>Me too.
This but unironically

>tfw pols cognitive dissonance hits them hard

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Post some American Jews

I think she's a roach or Armenian from what I remember

i don't have any recent pics of your mom

A lot of those "white South African farmers" are in fact Jews.