Friendly reminder that Alcoholics belong in Gulags

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quality thread. though I agree.

friendly reminder that leafs belong in trash bags on the side of the street

How are they supposed to get drinks there? You monster!

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I'm there every night.

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22 days sober! Tough shit to kick.

That's why I don't drink, just like POTUS.

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You da man.

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Fall of 2017 I went 90 days with no booze. Before that, I drank at least a six pack every night for about 4 or 5 years. It honestly wasn't that bad. For the first two weeks I got night sweats, and At the end of the 2nd week I got a fever that lasted 3 days, then after that I was totally healed.

I don't drink much anymore now, maybe once every two or three weeks I will buy a six pack and drink it all.

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