Attached: alcoholic-slumped-next-to-glass-of-alcohol.jpg (1100x734, 108K)
Friendly reminder that Alcoholics belong in Gulags
Kevin Murphy
Benjamin Hughes
quality thread. though I agree.
Adam Foster
friendly reminder that leafs belong in trash bags on the side of the street
Christopher Lopez
How are they supposed to get drinks there? You monster!
Isaiah Lopez
Luke Clark
I'm there every night.
Nicholas Smith
22 days sober! Tough shit to kick.
Jason Wood
That's why I don't drink, just like POTUS.
David Cook
You da man.
Carson Reed
Fall of 2017 I went 90 days with no booze. Before that, I drank at least a six pack every night for about 4 or 5 years. It honestly wasn't that bad. For the first two weeks I got night sweats, and At the end of the 2nd week I got a fever that lasted 3 days, then after that I was totally healed.
I don't drink much anymore now, maybe once every two or three weeks I will buy a six pack and drink it all.
Samuel Martin
More like the "glugglug" am I right? Yes, and you're Canadian so you are clearly very wrong.
Grayson Phillips
Dude don't judge. Some people, incredibly smart and caring people already SEE shitloads of red pills everywhere they look, alcohol dumbs the mind down, numbs the pain gives some small brief rest to IGNORE them if only for a night.
Brody Hill
>I will buy a six pack and drink it all.
We got a badass here.
Parker Rivera
my older brother is an alcoholic, hes such a huge burden to my parents , hes 30 years old and lives with them and its just such a frustrating and dissapointing thing to see
Isaiah Rogers
comrade Stalin I don't feel so good
Elijah Walker
Keep it up. Drink protein shakes instead, hit the gym hard to give yourself a healthy high that will keep your mind off the booze. After an hour and a half or so at the gym, a nice cold shower, and a big glass of ice-cold tea sweetened with a touch of honey, I don't even think about liquor.
Brandon Gomez
Ive drank like 6 or 7 pints everyday for past 7 years. There was 6 months where i stopped and worked out, i didnt have any symptoms of anything, i just stopped. I read an article that most people who drink a lot are not actually alcoholics, and will feel no symptoms of withdrawals when they decide to stop.
Im boozing again, but only because life is pretty shit and atm i need to escape.
Brayden Evans
you just know they eventually got snagged on something
Angel Evans
lol I am happy that a six pack is all I need on the days I decide to drink. Much better than when I was drinking every day. I felt like my kidneys and liver were going to fall out.
Michael Green
I'm just shitposting, bro. I know that feel when your fucking liver and kidneys hurt too well... Stay (relatively) clean.
Jordan Cruz
I like some ipa on a Friday night but like 3 at the most.
An I an alcoholic?
Cooper Scott
Yep. Its too late. Craft beer is a gateway drug
Austin Mitchell
idk sounds pretty based to me
Brandon Peterson
I dont understand the anti-booze stigma from the largely traditionalist Jow Forums, seeing as most cultures throughout history were tanked most of the time, but i sympathize for anyone who wants to kick the habbit. Good on ya if you can manage it
Adrian Torres
what if i managed to sort my shit out and i havent had a drink in 2 years now?
Brandon Walker
The Bible is against drunkenness and that's just a Jew-book.
Levi Bennett
Alcohol is a fairly shitty drug in my opinion. I don't see how I could ever get addicted to it. It makes me feel uncomfortable because of the feeling of alcohol in my stomach, my coordination goes down, it doesn't make me horny, and the hangovers suck. The older I get, the less I drink.
Tyler Cox
Yes. Shoot them all
Jack Foster
IPAs have way too much hops in them, which is basically like drinking estrogen. Back when child labour was more common, the little girls who picked hops were known to start menstruating several years earlier than was normal. This was just from touching the hops, not even ingesting. Not too redpilled imo. If you’re going to drink, redbull and vodka is the patrician choice.
Austin Jenkins
Hipsters regularly start lactating all over each other at the microbreweries after drinking too much double IPA
Justin Brown
Death Penalty.
They should put fentanyl in the alcohol.
Ian Kelly
Truth. Unless you’re an indie folk fan who wants to grow man tits and start milkin’, stay away from IPAs, or beer in general really.