Boomer dad talked to me today about his new programming job

>boomer dad talked to me today about his new programming job
>hasn't worked in the industry since the early 90s
>far behind on all the development
>told me that he is being paid 80k a year
>also told me that he's learning a new program called "python"
>realized that i learned that in high school and he only got the job because of "experience"
how the fuck do we stop this? he barely knows anything about program but somehow lucked his way into a great spot yet still has to learn beginning programs. i didn't believe the "boomers only get great jobs because of their experience" meme til just now.

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Get used to it user. Boomer scum are fucking us all, wait till you're in uni.

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i'm in uni currently but i didn't fall for the STEM meme (espically computer science aka STEM for people who don't know what they want to do in STEM), i'm going for a criminal justice science major which is probably boomer'd up even worst.

respect your elders, one day you'll be the boomers and you'll be glad the zoomers treat you with dignity

Go to law school user, least boomer saturated field that's still relevant.

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>how the fuck do we stop this?
You don't. Let him eat the bullets.

dont be a fucking idiot, ask your dad if he can help get you a job there maybe even an internship, this is your chance.

Why don’t you get a python job you lazy faggot?

if stem is a meme university itself is a bigger meme, which is the case actually, you memed yourself, I hope you arent going into debt over a forced meme

there is nothing respectable about boomers, respect should be given to what is deserving of respect, and that is not the generation which were the harbingers of the end of western civilization

Experienced developer can learn new language within weeks. There are more valuable skills in software development than knowing syntax of programming language. /thread

A gray haired man will actually show up, do work and not bitch.

>A gray haired man will actually show up, do work and not bitch.
boomers are the most bitchy generation. what are you talking about?

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says the millennial bitching about boomers on an anime image board

t. zoomer

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>born 2018

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someone who hasn't worked in the field in 20 years doesn't have the grasp of architecture needed to even learn a new language as if it's just a new syntax.Guy probably doesn't know what libraries are, in his day there was only 1.

imagine growing up with vr, kids are literally going to have all sorts of personality disorders and disphorias, how can a psychologist say that videogames undermine child's notions of reality and then defend this.

yeah but imagine being able to literally go inside a girls butt

This. Stop being a pussy. Let your dad know you are qualified for a position and let him help you. He wants to help you. You could likely get a half time position and earn bank while still in college that could possibly lead to more when you get out. Wake up.


>will show up to work every day on time
>won't ask for days off to attend ComicCon
>won't stink up with office with faggot meals in the microwave like thai or chinese
>looks presentable instead of like a faggot cartoon
>knows how to be respectful to others
>doesn't go all $0y when a new Wakanda film comes out
>doesn't make snarky comments all day because he believes he's John Krasinski from The Office
No one wants your faggot asses around that's why Millenials and Zoomers get locked into a giant 'collaborative space' like free-range zoo animals.

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